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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"(Human beings are equally vulnerable.) They give their lives for shallow, worldly matters but rarely for the Buddha's precious teachings. Small wonder they do not attain Buddhahood."

(Letter from Sado - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 301) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, Dec. 3rd, 2009


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"PTD, I will not post any further imnformation in your thread as you asked me. sorry you feel I have created a problem for your thread. My apologies are offered for you to accept."


Brother Avid. You and I both know that I have never asked anything of the kind. You are putting words in my mouth, and since you have decided to take a PM public, let me clarify the objection I voiced to you via PM. You and everyone else are entitled to post what you want, because once you have, I have no recourse anyway. My concern comes from a unilateral suggestion that what we should now all do is parallel the study material from the SGI.

Much of what has already been posted has been SGI study curriculum. I never paste that part of the title. Certainly all-45 installments of SGI President Ikeda’s lectures were. The objection I have is nothing more than not wanting ANY affiliation of this thread with the SGI. We are not authorized to do that. I borrow all that I share without permission to duplicate it. We have to be cautious that we do nothing that can somehow hurt or embarrass the organization (SGI). We are all sharing this in a reefer forum, and if we start to follow as though we are having de-facto SGI study meetings, some butt-wipe down the road may try and use that as a way to embarrass the organization, which is not in any fashion aware of the conversations and materials being presented in this forum.

Your devotion to the SGI is correct and admirable. However, THIS THREAD CAN NEVER BE THE BASIS OF A PERSON’S PRACTICE! It lacks the vital irreplaceable dimension of life-to-life inter-action. Everyone who becomes aware of Nam-myoho-reng-kyo here, MUST AT SOME POINT RECEIVE A GOHONZON, if they ever expect to keep advancing their faith and understanding. People used to believe that if a shark stopped swimming, he would suffocate. Being a Nichiren Buddhist is like being such a shark: if you stop growing in faith, your ability for correct understanding begins to suffocate.

One needs to KNOW other Buddhists, and support and participate in the process of spreading these teachings. The Buddha’s will is Kosen Rufu. This is the only way to repay our debt of gratitude for the tremendous good fortune that we receive from chanting. One needs to work out what manner of attack you are going to achieve that with as well. While you, others, and I have chosen the SGI to achieve this, the choice to be made is a personal one. I join you in again inviting anyone reading the thread that has never been to an SGI meeting to attend one.

I know I certainly enjoyed what you presented yesterday. I’m sure anyone else reading it did as well. Please do not let my protest affect your participation Avid, and while your public apology is unnecessary, understand my objection for what it is. I ask for your help in preserving the unity of the thread by continuing in your presentation of the Daishionin’s biography.

All of the help we can give each other should always be graciously received and appreciated. I apologize if you somehow felt—and I am sure I could have expressed myself in a better manner—I was in any way suggesting that you no longer post “information” in the thread. I am not only saying you are free to do so; or that I want you to do so. I am counting on you to do so.

As I have said many times, thank you for all of your help Avid. Please continue.


It was true on page 92 and it still is today.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
The Teaching for the Latter Day / WND pg. 902

The Teaching for the Latter Day / WND pg. 902

I have received the one to of polished rice, the horse load of yams, and the five blocks of konnyaku (1) that you took the trouble to send me.

First of all, the young lady, the daughter of the lay priest Ishikawa no Hyoe, often sent me letters, and in one that reached me on the night of the fourteenth or fifteenth day of the third month, she wrote, “When I observe the world around me, it seems that even healthy people will be unable to survive this year. I have been ill for a long time, but my illness has suddenly worsened, and I imagine that this will be my last letter to you.” Has she then passed away after all?

Most people believe that those who chant Namu Amida Butsu at the moment of death are sure to be reborn in the Pure Land, for those are the golden words of the Buddha. For some reason, however, the Buddha regretted and reversed his statement, saying, “[In these more than forty years], I have not yet revealed the truth,” (2) and “Honestly discarding expedient means, [I will preach only the unsurpassed way].” (3) I have been teaching as the Buddha advocated, but all Japan has become enraged and denounced my words as groundless fabrications.

There have been other occasions when the Buddha unexpectedly reversed an earlier teaching. In the Hinayana sutras he taught that there is no Buddha other than himself in any of the ten directions, and that living beings do not possess the Buddha nature. But in the Mahayana sutras he taught that there are Buddhas throughout the ten directions, and that the Buddha nature exists in every living being. How can there be anyone who still uses the Hinayana sutras? Everyone has since come to believe in the Mahayana sutras.

Moreover, we find that there are even more unfathomable distinctions that Shakyamuni Buddha drew between the sutras. In the Lotus Sutra, he suddenly refuted all the other sutras that he had preached, now preached, and would preach in the future, and declared that only the Lotus was true. But his disciples would not believe him. At that time, Many Treasures Buddha came to bear witness to what Shakyamuni Buddha had said, and the Buddhas of the ten directions added their testimony to his, extending their tongues until they reached the Brahma heaven.

After Many Treasures Buddha had closed the door of the treasure tower and the other Buddhas had returned to their original lands, not even Shakyamuni Buddha himself could have denied the Lotus Sutra, whatever other sutras he might have expounded in an effort to do so, because the other Buddhas had all joined in affirming its truth. That is why in the Universal Worthy and Nirvana sutras, which follow the Lotus Sutra, the Lotus Sutra is praised but never disparaged.

Nonetheless, priests like Shan-wu-wei of the True Word school and the founders of the Zen school have repudiated the Lotus Sutra, and the entire Japanese nation has now taken faith in their teachings, just like those who were deceived by the rebels Masakado and Sadato. Japan is now on the brink of ruin because it has for many years been the archenemy of Shakyamuni, Many Treasures, and the Buddhas of the ten directions, and in addition, the person who denounces these errors is persecuted. Because such offenses thus accumulate one atop another, our nation will soon incur the wrath of heaven.

Perhaps because of karma from past lives, or some other reason, this woman chanted Nam-myoho-renge-kyo at the moment of her death. This is as rare as the one-eyed turtle finding a suitable hollow in a floating sandalwood log, or a thread lowered from the heavens passing through the eye of a needle on earth. How wondrous!

The sutra passages clearly show that those who believe in the Nembutsu are destined to fall into the hell of incessant suffering, but since people are not aware of this, they all think that it is my own fabrication. That is what is meant by the saying that the heavens and one’s eyelashes are alike. People can see neither their own eyelashes, which are so close, nor the heavens in the distance. (4) If my teaching were false, surely this lay nun would not have had a correct and steadfast mind at the moment of death.

Among my disciples, those who think themselves well versed in Buddhism are the ones who make errors. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the heart of the Lotus Sutra. It is like the soul of a person. To revere another teaching as its equal is to be like a consort who is married to two emperors, or who secretly commits adultery with a minister or a humble subject. It can only be a cause for disaster.

This teaching was not propagated in the Former or Middle Day of the Law because the other sutras had not yet lost their power of benefit. Now, in the Latter Day of the Law, neither the Lotus Sutra nor the other sutras lead to enlightenment. Only Nam-myoho-renge-kyo can do so. This is not my own judgment. Shakyamuni, Many Treasures, the Buddhas of the ten directions, and the bodhisattvas who emerged from the earth as numerous as the dust particles of a thousand worlds have so determined it. To mix other practices with this Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is a grave error. A lantern is useless when the sun rises. How can dewdrops be beneficial when the rain falls? Should one feed a newborn baby anything other than its mother’s milk? No addition of other medicines is needed with a good medicine. Somehow this woman remained true to this principle, and continued to uphold her faith until the last moment of her life. How admirable, how worthy!

With my deep respect,


The first day of the fourth month in the first year of Koan (1278)

Reply to Ueno


This letter was written at Minobu to Nanjo Tokimitsu, the steward of Ueno in Suruga Province and a loyal follower of the Daishonin. Nichiren Daishonin thanks Tokimitsu for the food items he has received and expresses his distress at the news of the death of the lay priest Ishikawa no Hyoe’s daughter. Ishikawa was the steward of Omosu in Fuji District in Suruga Province. His wife was an elder sister of Nanjo Tokimitsu, and he probably took faith in the Daishonin’s teachings as a result of this relationship. Thus the daughter who had passed away was Tokimitsu’s niece.

In this letter, Nichiren Daishonin declares that the teaching that enables people to attain Buddhahood in the Latter Day of the Law is not the Lotus Sutra itself but rather Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, which is implicit in the sutra’s “Life Span” chapter.


1. A jellylike food made from the root of the konnyaku plant. It is believed to eliminate poisonous substances from the body.
2. Immeasurable Meanings Sutra.
3. Lotus Sutra, chap. 2.
4. This statement is based on a passage in Great Concentration and Insight that describes the ignorance of ordinary people.


This exchange between PTD and Bonz is remarkable!

This exchange between PTD and Bonz is remarkable!

PassTheDoobie said:
The Daishonin quotes a statement based on a passage in Great Concentration and Insight that describes the ignorance of ordinary people: "That is what is meant by the saying that the heavens and one's eyelashes are alike. People can see neither their own eyelashes, which are so close, nor the heavens in the distance." [The Teaching for the Latter Day, WND page 903]. The ignorance referred to is that of our inability to perceive our own Buddha nature. (Remember ignorance is 'uneducated', not 'stupid'.)

But if you think about what you just posted above, YOU CAN SEE THAT YOU ABSOLUTELY ARE GETTING IT! Your Buddha nature, evidently invisible to you is very evident to me! You are seeing things that once were mountains as the molehills that they are--you are perceiving your own delusion. This comes from you chanting a lot! And what is your reaction to seeing your own delusion? It is to chant Daimoku in front of the Gohonzon--which we both know means getting in your fucking car and driving to the friendship center to do! What Cause! What Wisdom! What a fucking kick-ass Bodhisattva you are!

Are you discouraged by seeing these things as they are, by observing your mind (something you are doing when you are chanting whether you are aware of it occurring or not)? In reality NO, YOU ARE NOT! How can I say that? Because your reaction is that of a Bodhisattva! "Im not giving up that easy."

Dude, you don't "just kinda got it." You got it! Cut yourself some slack. Continue as you are and you will squash those shitty little molehills like the tiny clumps of shit that they are--stinky and probably messy, but nothing that can't be washed away.

Bonz, YOU ARE THE BUDDHA AND YOU MAKE YOUR OWN BENEFIT! You are doing that now, and if you continue forward without letting your own fundamental darkness stop you by obscuring your clear vision of who you truly are, this is something that you will come to clearly see. Continue!


Deepest respect!


I enjoy reading posts from the past because then I'm able to gauge where I've been and can appreciate where I am and where I'm going even more.... the next post reiterates something T just reposted and it hits home for sure....


This recipe sure does taste really good to me....

This recipe sure does taste really good to me....

Your devotion to the SGI is correct and admirable. However, THIS THREAD CAN NEVER BE THE BASIS OF A PERSON’S PRACTICE! It lacks the vital irreplaceable dimension of life-to-life inter-action. Everyone who becomes aware of Nam-myoho-reng-kyo here, MUST AT SOME POINT RECEIVE A GOHONZON, if they ever expect to keep advancing their faith and understanding. People used to believe that if a shark stopped swimming, he would suffocate. Being a Nichiren Buddhist is like being such a shark: if you stop growing in faith, your ability for correct understanding begins to suffocate.

There it is folks. That is the recipe! Here is my 2cents on a variation of that concise and awesome recipe for victory...

EasyMyohoDisco's Bodhisattva Bon Bons

Step#1: Chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

Step#2: Learn about the practice through some study and this thread has alot of tools, good web-links and awesome guidance.

Step#3: Add three (3) more cups of chanting and two (2) tablespoons of gongyo everyday, one in the morning and one in the evening.

Step#4: You must get your Gohonzon! *I went to an SGI meeting at the local center which you can find here(in the US): http://www.sgi-usa.org/sgilocations/

Step#5: Keep going to meetings until you are ready to get your Gohonzon! Otherwise, repeat steps 1 through 4 until you can.

Step#6: Once you have your Gohonzon, make sure to keep doing Step#3 as often as possible for the best results!

Step#7: Talk about your experiences on this thread, at your meetings, with your friends/family/acquaintances and understand "...how the voice does the Buddha's work.." by continuing to chant.

Step#8: Study and even if it is hard to study keep trying because you made it this far....

Step#9: Chant for others and help others as best you can before and after chanting. *this will support your growth and help you accelerate the benefits you are chanting for*

Step#10: Welcome back, you're reasserting your Buddhahood from infinite lifetimes in the past once again in this life! Carry out your personal mission and never give up! The Chanting Growers and Nichiren Buddhists will support you going forward and together we will achieve the Buddha's Will, aka "Kosen-rufu"!

Always remember the Chanting Growers battle cry:
Don't be Afraid. Don't be Defeated. Faith! Victory of Gold!



The Daishonin states,
"The treasures of the heart are
the most valuable of all."
We (some of us), (who are) members of Soka, are the
world's foremost "millionaires" of the heart.
Let's exuberantly manifest
the four noble qualities of the Buddha--
eternity, happiness, true self and purity--
and become victors in life.

"More valuable than treasures in a storehouse are the treasures of the
body, and the treasures of the heart are the most valuable of all."
"The Three Kinds of Treasure," WND p.851


On the Corporate Governance of the SGI-USA

On the Corporate Governance of the SGI-USA

SGI-USA Peace Movement | About the SGI-USA Corporation

* Corporate Governance
* Board of Directors

Thank you for your interest in SGI-USA. We would like to take this opportunity to provide you with a report on SGI-USA’s corporate status and how your contributions are being used to further advance American kosen-rufu.


SGI-USA was established in California under that state’s Nonprofit Religious Corporation Law and is an exempt church organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. As such, all of SGI-USA's assets (cash, equipment, real estate, etc.) are irrevocably dedicated to its religious purposes and all contributions are fully tax-deductible to the donor.

There are several conditions attached to this granting of tax-exempt status. None of the assets of the organization may benefit any private individual, nor may they be used on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.

SGI-USA provides support to its members in their efforts to practice and propagate Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism. It has clearly defined sources of income and expenses. The overwhelming majority of its revenue comes from direct contributions by members.

All contributions are used for SGI-USA's exempt religious purposes: to support the faith and practice of SGI-USA members and promote the propagation of Nichiren Buddhism and the SGI philosophy throughout the United States.


SGI-USA is funded in the following ways:

* Contributions (including those given during the May Commemorative Contribution period, at World Peace Prayer meetings, or mailed in during the course of a year)—which are by far our most important source of funds;

* Subscriptions to our periodicals—World Tribune and Living Buddhism—and bookstore sales. In general, we try to price the World Tribune and Living Buddhism so that we just cover our costs. Our goal is to make these two vital publications as widely accessible as possible.

* Fees for participation in conferences (primarily those held at the Florida Nature and Culture Center) and larger events; and

* Other sources, including income from our long-term investment program.

Please see the pie chart below for the proportion of revenue from different sources in 2007.

SGI-USA's Sources of Operating Funds in 2007


Please see the chart below showing how SGI-USA made use of operating funds in 2007:

SGI-USA's Use of Operating Funds in 2007

Thanks to the support of SGI-USA contributors like you, we are able to carry out a wide variety of programs and facilities construction and maintenance efforts. Some examples are:

a. Community Relations Programs

* The "Gandhi, King, Ikeda: A Legacy of Building Peace" exhibition has been seen by over one million viewers at 100 locations since its launch in 2001.

* The "Building a Culture of Peace for the Children of the World" exhibition was launched in the United Nations public lobby in February of 2003. It is now available to all SGI countries and has been shown more than 100 times in countries around the world.

* The establishment of Culture of Peace Resource Centers in Santa Monica, Chicago and New York which have sponsored the Culture of Peace Distinguished Speaker Series. Thirteen speakers were featured in 2007, including former U.N. Under-Secretary-General Anwarul K. Chowdhury and Nobel Peace laureate Betty Williams.

* Community engagement in the form of relief efforts centering around SGI-USA youth during the Southern California wild fires in 2007 as well as efforts to assist Hurricane Katrina victims in 2005.

* Diversity Festivals including members of SGI-USA’s gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and trans-gender (GLBT) group as well as events in the Cambodian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean Lao, Thai and Vietnamese communities.

* Establishment of a Peace and Community Relations Department in the Central, East and West Territories.

* Interfaith initiatives like involvement in the Los Angeles Westside Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Coalition and SGI-USA’s co-sponsorship of the annual 9/11 Unity Walk under the aegis of the Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington, DC.

* The Victory Over Violence (VOV) initiative to help young people identify and counteract the root causes of violence in their lives and in their communities. VOV outreach programs began in 1999 as a response to growing concerns over the rise in youth-related violence. Since then, Over 10,000 small group discussions have been held throughout the United States, and more than 500,000 non-violence pledges have been signed.

b. Facilities and Maintenance

Thanks to members’ generous contributions in 2007, we were able to undertake or continue a number of important facilities projects, including:

* Construction of the Washington D.C. Culture Center;

* Continued restoration of the Florida Nature and Culture Center following Hurricane Rita;

* Completion of key renovations at the San Francisco Culture Center

* Opening of a new center in Burbank, CA; and

* Relocation of centers in Atlanta, GA and Tampa, FL.

c. Long-term Savings

Looking toward the long-term future of kosen-rufu in America, SGI-USA sets aside a portion of the income it receives each year in a long-term savings and investment program, managed professionally by independent financial advisers with long experience and a solid track record.

d. Administration

This includes expenses related to insurance, accounting, legal and other professional services; personnel expense; travel; and purchase of office supplies and equipment.

e. Fundraising

SGI-USA does not use third-party media, specialized fundraising organizations, or other such outside services to promote contributions from its membership. Instead, all fundraising is conducted through person-to-person dialogue, individual encouragement and study of Buddhist concepts related to the spirit of contribution. The only fundraising expenses incurred by SGI-USA are for printing receipts and envelopes, purchasing acknowledgment gifts for contributors (photographs, calendars, etc.), database administration, postage and related travel.

During 2007, SGI-USA’s fundraising expenses accounted for approximately 1 percent of total contributions received from member donations. This fundraising expense ratio is far less than the 35 percent benchmark contained in the Standards for Charity Accountability established by the Better Business Bureau’s Wise Giving Alliance.


An independent audit of SGI-USA’s business affairs is conducted annually. The audit is designed to sample and test compliance with restrictions and intent of members’ donations.

The firm of Moss-Adams LLP, one of the leading accounting and auditing firms on the West Coast, currently serves as the auditor of the SGI-USA. Moss-Adams was selected based on that firm’s reputation for integrity, independence and experience in auditing not-for-profit organizations.

Moss-Adams gave an unqualified opinion that the organization’s 2007 financial statements were in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the U.S. and accurately reflect its financial condition following their most recent audit of the SGI-USA which was conducted during 2008.


The primary functions of SGI-USA’s Board of Directors are to oversee the operations of the corporation, establish policies with respect to those operations, and review its
financial statements and internal controls.

The Board of Directors is composed of nine members (please visit the corporate governance section of our Web site for more information on the individual directors). All directors are long-term SGI-USA members who bring a variety of professional expertise to their fiduciary responsibilities. The SGI-USA General Director is a member of the Board of Directors.

Directors receive no compensation for their service on the Board.

Although this is not an SGI thread, I strongly feel as a strong Advocate for an Organization I hold a leadership position in, it would be prudent to outline the Corporate Governance of the SGI-USA. I would also like to do this with all due respect to all the Chanting Growers and to the SGI-USA. Please take note that the link for this citing is: http://www.sgi-usa.org/aboutsgi/corporate/corporate.php

There you will find pie charts that show our organization's financial allocations and distributions. I support the SGI and will continue to do so going forward. Please note, My intention with this post is to represent an important aspect of our organization which can be easily differentiated against the Chabad movement, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and other sects of Buddhism. Transparency is important and I have also signed a Code of Ethics to reflect my commitment towards the SGI-USA. Although I may not have time to do many Soka-han or Gajokai shifts lately, I will never turn away a Bodhisattva of the Earth and will continue to encourage others to support a spiritually and financially sound support structure for all the Bodhisattvas of the Earth to carry out Kosen-rufu from now into the eternal Future!

Gratefully yours,


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Speaking of recipes!

Speaking of recipes!

Mrs.B’s salsa chicken breast. YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY!

Take a chicken breast. Lightly coat it in corn starch (a secret I’ve learned that keeps the chicken unbelievably moist and tender) and rub in sea salt and course ground garlic pepper Heat up a non-stick frying pan with a lid that fits well to trap all of the moisture. Toss on the chicken breast to sear and seal the juices. Drizzle some cooking wine around (not on) the breast. Cover for about a minute or so. Open the lid and flip the breast. Drizzle some cooking oil around the breast to keep the pan from burning. Slather some of Mrs.B’s delicious homemade salsa generously on top of the breast. Don’t reduce heat. Cover for around two minutes. Reduce heat for two minutes. Turn off the heat completely. Leave covered for another five minutes! Serve on a plate with a nice big dollop of sour cream! WOW! Freaking unbelievable! If one ever has the good fortune of getting one’s hands on some of her salsa, you MUST TRY THIS IMPROVISED RECIPE! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!!!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
'Mr. Toda keenly observed: 'Rejoice when you encounter hardships. That's when you need to stand firm in faith and challenge yourself. It's an opportunity to grow. Through overcoming such trials, you can attain boundless, everlasting good fortune.' Sincere people of steadfast commitment shine brilliantly in the end. Arrogant opportunists, on the other hand, never endure for long--this is one of history's eternal lessons."

SGI Newsletter No. 7889, 34th SOKA GAKKAI HEADQUARTERS LEADERS MEETING—PART 2 [OF 2] True Victory Depends on Fostering Capable Successors, from the Nov. 25th, 2009
issue of the Seikyo Shimbun, translated Dec. 4th, 2009


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Flo! The threads about Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Try reading a bit before you decide to offend without meaning to.



Edit: Thanks for reaching out with the message and sorry to maybe sound harsh, but we have kept it sane for over five years by keeping the conversation focused on what the thread is. Are you a Bodhisattva of the Earth? I bet you are!

Try chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and you will forget about anything else you have encountered so far. For sure. That’s a promise! If you can dig it then Welcome Brother!

Deep respect!
Last edited:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Let us discuss the question at length."

(On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 7) Selection source: SGI President Ikeda's essay, Seikyo Shimbun, Dec. 11th, 2009
Last edited:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Thanks for the delete. Since he was talking three inches, at least we understand he clearly had a hard-on for what we're talking about here.

If anyone else does, don't read it then!

And thanks for not being assholes!



~Chanting Growers grow or Support Growers~

~Chanting Growers grow or Support Growers~

EasyDisco started some seeds a month ago and I've been chanting for some females... he got one female from bagseed he got in South of America from a really great soaring high sativa he smoked last year (one of my top five favorites, maybe #1!... for now)! WOOOHOOO! The Trainwrecks growing next to her and her three brothers are runts in comparison to this sativa... she's probably gonna take a long time to finish, but I'll sure be happy in the end.

Gonna get a medical recommendation finally from my doctor for treatment. Healing in Compliance is something I have been looking forward to for quite some time. I have been living for at least 4 months this year without decent quality meds and it was tough, but with Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! I make the impossible possible. Healing is believing and actual proof is all it takes to make me keep going and helping others make actual proof that chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo works for EVERYTHING!

I'm so fortunate for the Gohonzon and eternally grateful for all the Gohonzon has had the mercy to provide since I received my Gohonzon in 3/2006! My girl is my first shakubuku (with the help of the core chanting growers) and was very pleased to read the Bodhisattva Bon Bon's post on the last page, in fact, it inspired us to chant more today than we recently have!

Tomorrow I'm going to support a large Youth SGI activity where 1000 youth (16-35) will make an SGI music video. I think it is so great that we are musician's, singers, actors, artists, students, workers, supporters and awesome Buddha's in every regard! Chanting with such a huge crowd kids will be awesome tomorrow. I'm looking forward to that very very much. My years in the Youth division have created very fond and fruitful memories enriching my life soooo much! :) I'm smiling from ear to ear :)

Thanks so much for everything my chanting growers family. I love to appreciate our unity and I will never stop to show appreciation for that unity as I appreciate my Gohonzon, The Goshos (and other writings and guidance on or by Nichiren Daishonin The Buddha of Beginingless Time), current teachers, obstacles (or the opposite side of my benefits, hehe) and family. Yall are my family, you better recognize!

Best regards with tons of love,

:) :) :)


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Learning enables us to empower and educate ourselves. Through studying we can gain the wisdom and ability to help many people. This is in accord with the words of Jeme Tien Yow (Zhan Tianyou; 1861-1919), the father of China's railroads,... He said that a mirror is made bright by polishing, and steel is strengthened by tempering."

SGI Newsletter No. 7892, JOINT YOUTH DIVISION AND STUDENT DIVISION GENERAL MEETING, The Efforts of Youth Will Become a Golden Bridge of Victory, from the Nov. 2nd, 2009, issue of the Seikyo Shimbun, translated Dec. 11th, 2009


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Myo means to revive, that is, to return to life."

(The Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 149) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, December 12th, 2009


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Courage. We need courage to meet and interact with all kinds of people and nurture ties of friendship with them. We need courage to be good sons and daughters to our parents, too. Courage is crucial in all endeavours."

SGI Newsletter No. 7892, JOINT YOUTH DIVISION AND STUDENT DIVISION GENERAL MEETING, The Efforts of Youth Will Become a Golden Bridge of Victory, from the Nov. 2nd, 2009, issue of the Seikyo Shimbun, translated Dec. 11th, 2009.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Buddhism teaches that, when the Buddha nature manifests itself from within, it will receive protection from without."

(The Three Kinds of Treasure - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 848)Selection source: SGI Study Department Chief Katsuji Saito's lecture at the SGI study conference held on Nov. 13th, 2009, in Tokyo, Seikyo Shimbun, Dec. 13th, 2009
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