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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Therefore, those who become Nichiren's disciples and lay believers should realise the profound karmic relationship they share with him and spread the Lotus Sutra as he does. Being known as a votary of the Lotus Sutra is a bitter, yet unavoidable destiny."

(Letter to Jakunichi-bo - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 994) Selection source: Learning from the Gosho, Seikyo Shimbun, November 8th, 2008


"Worthy persons deserve to be called so because they are not be carried away by the eight winds: prosperity, decline, disgrace, honor, praise, censure, suffering and pleasure. They are neither elated by prosperity nor grieved by decline. The heavenly gods will surely protect one who is unbending before the eight winds. But if you nurse an unreasonable grudge against your lord, they will not protect you, not for all your prayers."

The Eight Winds
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 794

The Law of Cause and Effect is Strict. Over the course of the last three years of participation in this thread, I have seen many come in here and post their irrelevant propaganda. Even Nichiren Buddhists have from time to time posted material which is inappropriate in this thread. Those posts that I bring to light have be unequivocal incidents in which someone has been trying to introduce a counter-productive agenda to the aim of this thread.

We are hear because of a call a few years ago for Bodhisattvas of the Earth to respond. Some of us have varying beliefs from past experiences but unite on this thread in the present to welcome Buddhahood into our lives. Slander as discussed in Nichiren Daishonin's Goshos "The Fourteen Slanders" is strict and clear in the sense that even "Shallow Understanding" in it of itself is slander. Tom has indicated on various occasions that as humans we slander incessantly yet we also have the ability to eradicate fundamental darkness and conquer our qualities which made lead to slander of The Law.

Nichiren Daishonin was much stricter than any of us on this thread, so clearly we need to keep raising the bar with respect to our vigilance and respect for this thread and its hundreds of pages of text. If someone wants to reccomend reading they can always start a thread elsewhere and welcome others appropriately. If some choose to disrespect hundreds of pages of icmag copyrighted precedent, then laziness/sloth and slander shall prevail, and neither Thomas nor I will stand for this.

Socal and I have ignored some silly posts in the past but going forward (since we answered the call of MUGI WASSHIN) we are going to remain vigilant and respectful of the thread and its mission. The mission is to let others know about Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! It is that simple!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
Well I'm sorry you all disagree with me.....Easy, You've posted some silly posts too, so don't be all high and mighty.....I mean come on, your wallet, please.... Your temper tantrums, give me a break, I've put up with alot of ignorance too...........the way you guys treat others!........I'm bowing out for awhile.


Its just us here, I'm always respecting everyone's Buddhanature here have no doubt!

Its just us here, I'm always respecting everyone's Buddhanature here have no doubt!

Thanks for the heads up. I understand how my posts are out there but I don't hold back one bit, I've been encouraged to be reserved but why should I. In fact, that is the basis for my continued participation. I'm a very active member in my immediate group and this is my life.

We don't take much after this life or bring much with us in this one except for Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Don't listen to me listen to Nichiren. Anyone basing their conclusions on this philosophy is part of this thread in a way. What the challenge for us, isn't it to overcome that which holds us back from progress. No need to crawl when we can run, no need to commiserate with inferior teachings when we're dealing with the best! I'm still convinced that anyone who gets a Gohonzon from this thread will have a strong and vigorous practice.

My conviction will remain firm on this one brother Desi, I just can't welcome spam into the thread and if it is not topic related, then where else in PTD's recent posts is there guidance aimed towards cowardice. To not denounce a slander will make you complicit in that same slander according to what I've learned and I'm not posting on Youtube for a reason. I've learned alot from this thread, I'm still absorbing as much as possible and doing the best I can!Sometimes I don't read a new members post until after I go back and read other posts over again which I do regularly. I glanced at that post a couple times and didn't even know what the hell he was saying, thought he was fucked up and just had something interesting to say. Dutchgrown defends this thread from flaming too, it is important. This site's success is tied directly to this thread.

Thanks for inching your way closer to receiving your Gohonzon, keep at it Desi! (You'll think of me the morning after, heehehehe). Good times in store for us all brother, be well!

P.S. When you get back please help me keep our aim on kosen-rufu brother!
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Desi only the last post was directed to you man, come on cut me some slack jack!

Desi only the last post was directed to you man, come on cut me some slack jack!

"Because I chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with my own mouth, I have been reviled, struck, exalted, and had my life threatened. However, in spite of all this, I have continued to exhort others to do likewise. Am I not a votary of the Lotus Sutra?"

No Safety in the Threefold World(WND, 892)


Bodhisattva of the Earth
You make me smile bro.

You make me smile bro.

In regards to my concerns over others posting their inputs, which I believe they are only trying to help out,..........all this is a tiny grain of sand on the highway of Kosen-rufu.

The first thing I did was to start chanting last night & this morning. It did make me want to be with my District, they are some very understanding folks as all of you are too........I know, it's just the internet at times that's a barrier to one on one at times.

My job has been crazy for awhile and it weighs on me too. Some of the people are too much with all their predjudices (sp).

Time to go to work. Love you all, Desi!


PassTheDoobie said:
"I, Nichiren, am sovereign, teacher, and father and mother to all the people of Japan. But the men of the Tendai school [who do not refute misleading teachings] are all great enemies of the people. [As Chang-an has noted,] “One who rids the offender of evil is acting as his parent.”

-Nichiren Daishonin
(WND page 286)

I'm really digging PTD's big post on this page, it serves a strong purpose for me to seek a closer relationship with Gohonzon. I have not been chanting enough daimoku and just doing a fast gongyo is not going to help my cause. It is my belief that the fact that although I have been chanting it hasn't been much is causing conflict abroad.

We are clearly intertwined like heroes from the same "fabric". I'm appreciating each of you as my personal parents that I chose to help me weather the incredible difficulties ahead and before us. Let's keep protecting and encouraging each other as long as this medium lasts, the last thing believers and practitioners of this philosophy should ever do is cause each other disharmony.

Thanks for the kind words Desi, my bad for pissing you off dude! I'm looking forward to today's and every day's daily celebration of life and living Mugi Wasshin. Upward and Onward for us all!


"The heart of the Lotus Sutra is its title, or the daimoku, of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. Truly, if you chant this in the morning and evening, you are correctly reading the entire Lotus Sutra. Chanting daimoku twice is the same as reading the entire sutra twice, one hundred daimoku equal one hundred readings of the sutra, and a thousand daimoku, a thousand readings of the sutra. Thus, if you ceaselessly chant daimoku, you will be continually reading the Lotus Sutra."

The One Essential Phrase
(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 923)


Active member
hello fellow "kung-fu" fighters!

man, it's been a long time since i posted here, mainly because i don't want to lay my whining stoney shit on you, am not worthy to do that here!

anyone who thinks on chanting, getting enlightened, should chant, at least try, it's such a big pain in the ass, that you can't find the reason no to do it anymore.

as i've been working hard on desocializing myself lately, for the past 4 years, i tell ya, i still get the most of socializing with the Buddhists, that's why i'm going to a meeting today again, would rather not, since i'm so fucked up in my head that i'm afraid to open my mouth so i wouldn't mess with someone's head, but....i'm still going, i'll accept the fact that i'll be quiet if i have to be

in my far far hopes somewhere, i always hope that a whiny bitch like me will come along and read what i'm saying and get some sense out of it

should smoke less, should practice and chant more!

thank you all for being here and helping me and others:wave:


Active member
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO!!!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I hear ya easy on quick Diamoku and not enough chanting, worst part is , well its kinda a good thing is i immediatly know i need to do more. In other words i feel it instantly, like a voice, more than a voice a powerfull "knowing" if you will tugging and pulling me back to my Gohonzon. OBVIOUSLY, I NEED TO DO MORE. Its the awareness that is trippy.

Its so easy for me right now to tell myself im way too busy too put in that much needed Daimoku, "Im too busy, have to make more money" and so on and so forth. Goofy thing is that i know the answer to those problems and all others is MORE DAIMOKU. MORE STUDY AND MORE INTERACTION.

Forgive me for sounding like a broken record.

Back to Daimoku.

peace and love my friends


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Yo Sceggers I was posting similarly (as your last post) from 6 months of practice to two and years of Buddhist Practice. Funny how similar we all are, hahaha, keep at it brother. I'm sure your getting your arse into gear and going to make the best possible outcomes. Faith doesn't work when we're timid and hide, so keep on going out and making those radical moves! Reach out to treehuggers too and make sure he's okay!

Bonz, that my brother is a breath of fresh air. I couldn't have said it better myself... your words mirror my thoughts! Much love to you and your moms, keep on coming back, you brighten up our days very often with your presence!

Big ups and loads of love for the Babba and Doobie clans, thanks for the prayers in this direction! I'm very grateful!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I'm so happy to hear from Scegy! You too Bonz! Thanks for staying put Desi. We could use another post from you, Dear Bud. I hope SoCal gets back safely soon!

How rare it is, in our entire existence--to be able to be aware of, and also to be in rhythm to encounter--something as perfectly beautiful as a Lotus Blossom opening! That's you MyohoDisco!

You guys take it from the old fart. The real deal is contained in voluminous Daimoku. When you get older and realize that you have fewer days ahead than those that are behind, you will find it easier to let go of activities that have no real value, so you can really get in at least an hour or two a day, everyday.

The everyday is the key. Skip or be sporadic in your efforts and cause and effect will inflict what we know is a just result. Don't feel guilt but listen to your Buddha Nature. It is that little voice or the instinct that Bonz was talking about. It is the Buddha in you telling you the truth: "I need to chant more to achieve what it is I want to achieve."

All that is required is action!

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! More Daimoku!!!


(Scegy if you can't whine here, where else can you??? We miss you. Stick around please.)
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"If there is a storehouse full of treasures but no key, then it cannot be opened, and if it cannot be opened, then the treasures inside cannot be seen."

(The Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 145) Selection source: Living Buddhism, Seikyo Shimbun, November 9th, 2008

I really like this thread although I have to admit that most of it is way over my head. I am young spiritually. where to start for the beginning yogic/Budhi/chanter?



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Welcome en-lighten-ment! You have stopped at the right place. The key is to start chanting right now! It sounds like this:


You can find out more here:


Read the thread from the beginning! If you did that, you would probably be able to relate to more, faster, and can ask any questions you have here as quickly as they occur. Go for it!

We appreciate your sincere seeking spirit!

Deep respect,



Active member


PassTheDoobie said:
I'm so happy to hear from Scegy! You too Bonz! Thanks for staying put Desi. We could use another post from you, Dear Bud. I hope SoCal gets back safely soon!

How rare it is, in our entire existence--to be able to be aware of, and also to be in rhythm to encounter--something as perfectly beautiful as a Lotus Blossom opening! That's you MyohoDisco!

You guys take it from the old fart. The real deal is contained in voluminous Daimoku. When you get older and realize that you have fewer days ahead than those that are behind, you will find it easier to let go of activities that have no real value, so you can really get in at least an hour or two a day, everyday.

The everyday is the key. Skip or be sporadic in your efforts and cause and effect will inflict what we know is a just result. Don't feel guilt but listen to your Buddha Nature. It is that little voice or the instinct that Bonz was talking about. It is the Buddha in you telling you the truth: "I need to chant more to achieve what it is I want to achieve."

All that is required is action!

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! More Daimoku!!!


(Scegy if you can't whine here, where else can you??? We miss you. Stick around please.)

Awesome BIG HOMIE! Nail on the head!

:bashhead: lol!!

You feel it EASY? That pull? We know we need it, better yet we know we WANT it! Want is key to me, i dont HAVE to chant, i WANT to!! I want the best and highest life condition i can achieve, and not only for me but for everyone around me and for the most awesome goal of KOSEN RUFU!!!!! Woooooooooooo Hooooooooooooo!!!

As i mentioned before i moved my Gohonzon (HHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Best move i coulda made T!!) So at the moment its in a bedroom that isnt being used at the moment, i walk by the door to that room 100 times a day, and no matter how many times i chant on any given day, EVERYTIME i walk by that door the pull is there, it tugs at my heart, its really hard to explain, but it is defenitely something very special. It absolutely solidifies the fact that i am here with all of you guys, my fellow Bodhisatvas here and everyone at the Center for a much deeper reason/meaning than i can describe: no coincidence here! oh no , no , no!!

Scegy!!!! How did i miss you dude? Must of posted up simultainiously! WOW, it is so cool to see you my brotha! Dude you think you whine HHAAAA! I han'nt been posting too much cause i feel like such a whiner! Rent , Bills, My health, and on and on! and i put myself through it every month! And every month everything allways works out?! And right now i feel it the most cause i know "if" lol, i make it through the next couple months my life is going to improve by leaps and bounds, lots of really cool things goin on! :jump:

Morning and evening GONGYO and Chanting when you feel the "pull"

Oh Desi? Your Butsudan awaits my Brother, do you feel the "pull"?

Hello Babba and family!!

Looking forward to your return SoCal

BIG HOMIE and Family! i miss you all so much, looking so forward to a visit, tell everyone hello from me, and a huge hug as well!!

One last thing, i actually used to be a little freaked out by the "pull", scared in a sort. Now however it hits me right in the heart.........and it feels good, i want everyone to feel that feeling.

peace and deepest respect from the bottom of my heart.


OHH!! WELCOME en-lighten-ment!!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Active member
hey ptd, always nice to see u too!
well if there was any sign of constructive whining i'd be glad to share, but since there is only the magic circle of a stoney whiner, i don't feel like talking much about that anymore, self pittying doesn't do good to me, evil self sustaining mechanism that i need to be kicking in tha nuts!

thank you Buddahs

p.s. BONZO nice to feel your presence again! how r things going for you?

en-lighten-ment: the best way for me to see how things are is to try them, and u've picked the perfect place and Tool to start working on yourself, roll your sleves up brother, it's hard work i tell ya so get it on, don't be afraid and you won't be defeated!
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Active member
Well then Scegy , Chant your ass off and keep whining like me and before you know it you'll be saying what the fuck am i whining about?You have inspired me sooo many times here dude, you are more than you think, and you can take that to the bank, well might be better under your mattress in these economic times!


im serious scegy

big fat respect


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Thank you all for the warm welcome.
Wow, That's slow chanting! I have been wondering what it was supposed to sound like. Thank you for the links.
I will def read the thread from the being, and ask questions along the way.

Thank you & Peace,


en-lighten-ment said:
Thank you all for the warm welcome.
Wow, That's slow chanting! I have been wondering what it was supposed to sound like. Thank you for the links.
I will def read the thread from the being, and ask questions along the way.

Thank you & Peace,

Chant Fast, Chant Slow, Chant in the Shower, Chant in the Trees, Chant in your car, or even on your knees! Welcome! We chant to bring out what is already within you, then the "trick" is to take action after your chant or develop your "plans" while you chant for the desired results in your life. Once you start to realize how much more control of your emotions and other factors in your life you possess on a more consistent basis, your chanting will supplement your life better than any vitamins can.

This Buddhism that you've encountered in different En, different because it doesn't follow priests or dictators or anything other than your personal mission for your happiness and the happiness of mankind. It is so simple that this Buddhism is open to everyone because you only need to say the one essential phrase, and you already know it! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

It works for me well, I found out about it on this thread (actually on Overgrow I think BOG had it in his signature), and I just loved the positive vibes you read on this thread... One chant leads to another, then my life began to work better for me.... um its more like, good things happen and good people come into your life.

I was scared that with any Faith or Religion there is money begging or taking involved and this practice is way beyond that. In fact, the Diamond precept or One rule of this Buddhism is "chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!" That is why we found this on the internet! On a MJ/Cannabis Seed Website. Then like in the show heroes you'll find on this thread proof that our lives are interconnected and some of us here really know each other. The mystic nature of this truth is totally profound.

Bonz, brother I can't goto work without chanting in the morning. I even got on a train without any money or id or anything; and went very far before I had to go back and was allowed to get back home safely because chanting protects you too. The protection is huge, some family on this same thread has overcome incredible odds that prove the value in chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! over and over again. Chanting at home with your own Gohonzon is amazing and very special to me, it is great to start of your day with such fruitful actions.

Thanks for the kind words PTD, sounds like Gohonzon talking to us when you read them! Scegy said it best, "en-lighten-ment: the best way for me to see how things are is to try them, and u've picked the perfect place and Tool to start working on yourself, roll your sleves up brother, it's hard work i tell ya so get it on, don't be afraid and you won't be defeated!"

AND THE WONDERS NEVER CEASE! ahahahaha! :laughing:
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