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Bodhisattva of the Earth
Kick ass bro!......... You are the champion!..........Sometimes negative is wonderful!

Love, Desi!

SoCal Hippy

Active member
When praised highly by others, one feels that there is no hardship one
cannot bear. Such is the courage that springs from words of praise.

(WND, 385)
The True Aspect of All Phenomena
Written to Sairen-bo Nichijo on May 17, 1273

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Gandhi stressed the importance of being resolute in one's
determinations: "A man who says that he will do something 'as far as
possible' betrays either his pride or his weakness, though he himself
may attribute it to his humility. There is, in fact, not a trace of
humility in such an attitude of mind." In short, he asserts that
someone who makes halfhearted pronouncements is either arrogant or

Daisaku Ikeda

SoCal Hippy

Active member
A great Bodhisatva has passed

A great Bodhisatva has passed

Please join me in sending Daimoku to Byrd, a strong and passionate Bodhisatva that has passed recently in LA. Altho not knowing her personally, only from her online presence she truly encouraged me and many, many others. She was a warrior for Kosenrufu.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


We introduced a new youth last night at my place! WOOOOHOOOO!

We introduced a new youth last night at my place! WOOOOHOOOO!

From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Buddha promised in the Lotus Sutra that, for women, the sutra will serve as a lantern in the darkness, as a ship when they cross the sea, and as a protector when they travel through dangerous places.

The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 614
The Supremacy of the Law

Written to Oto and her mother, Nichimyo, on August 4, 1275

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! is music to my ears!


Desi it took me three months of repeatly asking 2 get my Gohonzon before I started my

Desi it took me three months of repeatly asking 2 get my Gohonzon before I started my

HUMAN REVOLUTION!!! Two and Half years later brother I'm going strong!

I hope everyone is doing well this weekend and enjoying a drop if summer, if not let me know so I could send more daimoku your way! Peace to all!

Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
Saturday, August 9, 2008

The course of our lives is determined by how we react-what we decide and what we do-at the darkest of times. The nature of that response determines a person's true worth and greatness.
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
Thankyou you brother!.....I get to go see some of my blood family right now!........I'll be here for study & practice tomorrow or late tonight.............have a great evening everyone!......Myoho Disco to the punch!

Deep Respect to you all!.........Desi & Courage!


From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Sunday, August 10, 2008

Concerning prayer, there are conspicuous prayer and conspicuous response, conspicuous prayer and inconspicuous response, inconspicuous prayer and inconspicuous response, and inconspicuous prayer and conspicuous response. But the only essential point is that, if you believe in this sutra, all your desires will be fulfilled in both the present and the future.

The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 750
Letter to the Lay Priest Domyo

Written to the lay priest Domyo on August 10, 1276


Russia is attacking a bordering country, Many of the world's powers are torturing and killing so many people as I write this, Millions of people are starving and being persecuted, WE MUST CHANT FOR KOSEN-RUFU and continue to support those who are united with us in this endeavor. The times call for a hero to stand up in each of our lives, to take the heat and keep whipping it up in the kitchen! As a living extension of Nichiren Daishonin in modern day USA I stand up for protecting and for propagation of Nichiren Daishonin's BUddhism!'


SoCal Hippy

Active member
Mr Toda said; “A strong prayer to the Gohonzon is certain to be realized. There are three conditions, however: daimoku, daimoku and more daimoku!”

He also said: “Chanting daimoku cultivates the state of Buddhahood,” and “the power of daimoku is colossal. It can transform a life imbued with painful karma into one that is like strolling in a beautiful garden, or like a pleasant dream.”

Wherever it may be, the place where you are right now is the stage of our mission. Please create wonderful memories of your efforts for kosen rufu there.

In the unity of ‘many in body, one in mind,’ there are no distinctions of junior or senior, subordinate or superior. It is unity in diversity, where the uniqueness and individuality of each person is respected and everyone works together in the same spirit as equals.

Mr Toda explained the unty of ‘many in body, one in mind’ in a very accessible way, saying that it simply means to join with others who are also experiencing hardships and sufferings and to chant together with them in front of the Gohonzon.

(extracted sharing from SGI President Daisaku Ikeda 'speech for Tokyo No 2 Area on Apr 5th 2008, on unity)

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"How aware are we of our own inner life, our spirituality—something so intangible yet so priceless? How much effort do we make to perceive that which is not obvious, which can neither be seen nor heard? I believe the exploration and enrichment of the human spirit is what determines our very humanity. Such enrichment provides an inner compass that can lead civilizations to greatness. "

~Daisaku Ikeda~

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"To strong people, even the bitter winds of adversity can feel like a joyous spring breeze. To weak people, every problem or obstacle is a source of hellish suffering."

- Daisaku Ikeda -


Active member
hello boddhisatvas!

since this is my first year, after primary school, that i have been free of all school obligations over the summer....this is the Land of Tranquility Light, right before my mind
although i've been dealing with numerous troubles and sheet, things are moving on.
lately i've been working on being able to move up and down and all around my 10 life conditions...and it has been uncomprehendable to reach the last two
(boddhisatva and buddha state) when i choosed to. only on, lately, rare occasions

then i read something that is written in one of our SGI magazines:" The Lotus sutra and Nichiren Daishonin clearly state that those who are trapped in the worlds of Learning and Realization can still reach the Buddhahood, not with their minds, but with Faith."

Faith is a powerfull word, i always rejected it, but what if I'm starting to have Faith in ME, in my Gohonzon? it shivers me..in a good, never before felt way

Desi : i think that things are much much sweeter when u get them the hard way, i was holding back my horses big time while waiting for my Gohonzon, chanting although it seemed to be pointless sometimes, focusing to what i want to do, not what i want to get. and when i got the gohonzon i haven't even realized then, what has been layed in my hands. the truth reveales itself, day by day, and the Gohonzon shines more at the end of every day!
my basic limitation in my head was that i was taught to think materialistic, so when the Gohonzon was, to my prior dissapointment, just a piece of paper i thought off it no different than other material things. but, i have seen no other thing dealt with such respect for FREE, no other, to me obvious, reason? how can that be? why?
the answear was, try it for yourself, work on yourself, forget the paper, think off the meaning, think off what this kind of WORK does to you
the more i get this corelation, the more the Gohonzon shines in me and in my Butsudan, kind of a Mirror, huh? heheheheheheheh

when we Boddhisatvas unite, the Earth will rejoice again!

Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo! Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo! Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo!
Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo! Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo! Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo!
Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo! Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo! Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo!
Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo! Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo! Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo!


Active member
hello boddhisatvas!

since this is my first year, after primary school, that i have been free of all school obligations over the summer....this is the Land of Tranquility Light, right before my mind
although i've been dealing with numerous troubles and sheet, things are moving on.
lately i've been working on being able to move up and down and all around my 10 life conditions...and it has been uncomprehendable to reach the last two
(boddhisatva and buddha state) when i choosed to. only on, lately, rare occasions

then i read something that is written in one of our SGI magazines:" The Lotus sutra and Nichiren Daishonin clearly state that those who are trapped in the worlds of Learning and Realization can still reach the Buddhahood, not with their minds, but with Faith."

Faith is a powerfull word, i always rejected it, but what if I'm starting to have Faith in ME, in my Gohonzon? it shivers me..in a good, never before felt way

Desi : i think that things are much much sweeter when u get them the hard way, i was holding back my horses big time while waiting for my Gohonzon, chanting although it seemed to be pointless sometimes, focusing to what i want to do, not what i want to get. and when i got the gohonzon i haven't even realized then, what has been layed in my hands. the truth reveales itself, day by day, and the Gohonzon shines more at the end of every day!
my basic limitation in my head was that i was taught to think materialistic, so when the Gohonzon was, to my prior dissapointment, just a piece of paper i thought off it no different than other material things. but, i have seen no other thing dealt with such respect for FREE, no other, to me obvious, reason? how can that be? why?
the answear was, try it for yourself, work on yourself, forget the paper, think off the meaning, think off what this kind of WORK does to you
the more i get this corelation, the more the Gohonzon shines in me and in my Butsudan, kind of a Mirror, huh? heheheheheheheh

when we Boddhisatvas unite, the Earth will rejoice again!

Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo! Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo! Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo!
Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo! Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo! Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo!
Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo! Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo! Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo!
Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo! Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo! Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo!


Try and recieve your Gohonzon this week Desi! I support you 1000%!

Try and recieve your Gohonzon this week Desi! I support you 1000%!

From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Monday, August 11, 2008

Even an individual at cross purposes with himself is certain to end in failure. Yet a hundred or even a thousand people can definitely attain their goal, if they are of one mind.

The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 618
Many in Body, One in Mind

Written to the lay priest Takahashi on August 6, year unknown

"One in Mind" means to join me in chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!


Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.
May our light shine bright and our spirits fly high.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Hey Grape great to see you stop in :) come back and visit more often!! Your seeking spirit brought you here brother. rock on !!
Nam myoho renge kyo


A year before I started chanting I would laugh at seeing BOG's signature stating "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!". I thought to myself at the time "this shameless salesman is using a mantra as his shield, whoever believes in that mantra will surely kick his ass somehow". Funny how things work out and those initially painful feelings turned into a friendship between us and then went further and further until circumstance tore us apart and here we are years later still chanting. After I got into the practice I used to wonder how BOG was actually practicing since I assumed he downloaded a Gohonzon and then I went further to chant about the karmic retribution in store for such acts and I swear according to my understanding of this practice a Shoshu Gohonzon is akin to a printed or copy of a picture of a Gohonzon,I understand those Gohonzon's to lack the backing of the SGI membership and youth and Scegy and I. The huge leap of faith I toke to goto to an SGI meeting and to then go further and stomach all the different people and attitudes as I began a human revolution to accept everyone and not be prejudiced and hate no1. I haven't yet perfected myself but with that determination I have overcome angst and tough feelings towards people like my former friend BOG who I would like to chant with someday in front of my Gohonzon so he could feel the power his influence upon this site helped participate in shakubukuing Babba who helped with PTD the Shakubuku me. Don't get me wrong PTD is the Kosen-rufu Emcee around here and directly influenced many of us with his life via words posted and heard as a result of this thread, yet other protective forces have arisen from different sources continuously in our on going day to day lives, notably GrapePunch's dad had thousands of posts not long ago with the Label Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! and good or bad I swear seeing it in his posts really helped me become familiar with the phrase when the time came for me to study the meaning and then Nichiren Daishonin.

This site has really led to some amazing things, I'm very grateful indeed. Going forward I'll try my best to be as involved as possible in my life to keep doing more for kosen-rufu. Fighting slander in my life is a huge thing and having absolute faith without doubts is the definition of Mugi Wasshin.

With Mugi Wasshin on my mind I'm chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What caused you to inwardly believe in the Lotus Sutra and to make offerings to me during my more than thirty-day stay there? I was hated and resented by the steward and the people of the district even more than I was in Kamakura. Those who saw me scowled, while those who merely heard my name were filled with spite. And yet, though I was there in the fifth month when rice was scarce, you secretly fed me. Have my parents been reborn in a place called Kawana, in Ito of Izu Province?",.

The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 35
The Izu Exile

Written to Funamori Yasaburo on June 27, 1261

No matter how earnestly Nichiren prays for you, if you lack faith, it will be like trying to set fire to wet tinder. Spur yourself to muster the power of faith. Regard your survival as wondrous. Employ the strategy of the Lotus Sutra before any other.

The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 1000
The Strategy of the Lotus Sutra

Written to Shijo Kingo on October 23, 1279
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