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The Tri Guy
Had I not copntinued to be discussed I asure you all that I would not have returned to this thread. I have repeatedly promised not to in PMs and feel as if I am now going back on that promise, however I cannot stand by while others continually discuss me in this way. So I wish to explain myself again. If I am no longer discussed here I will not return. However if I feel I am, or my views are, continually being slandered, I will again be unable to remain out of sight.

The comments that made me decide not to take any further part in this this thread were these:
"THE POWER OF NAM-MYOHO-RENGE-KYO IS INDEED PROFOUND. The wisdom of your insight and restraint is percieved and appreciated. In fact anyone looking for a religious debate or a platform for expressing differing views may look elsewhere, as this thread has surely evolved into something specific for a few people that have embraced a practice of Nichiren Buddhism as a result of their exposure to it.....The important thing is to acknowledge your invitation, while pure in intention, was not completely well thought out in relation to potential outcome."
"He was here to have us examine his views? No offense, but I'm too busy to be interested."..."From my perspective, what would I gain from it?"
"And frankly dear friend, the person that would have had to constantly explain the slander issues as they occurred, and look like an asshole for having to do that, would have been me. No thank you."
"So why continue the conversation? Thank you for helping to avoid a waste of energy on both our parts."

The comments bringing me back are these:
"GMT this is the very place you should discuss your views "
"For the record, GMT is welcome here, as is anyone else anytime, to discuss Nichiren Buddhism or have questions about it answered to the best of our collective ability. "
"GMT is always welcome and so is everyone else, from my understanding he did not want to continue on the subject because it might not go in the "proper direction". "

Comments I wish to respond to:
"GMT had no idea what we've been talking about here. He rejects faith as a concept he wishes to incorporate into his belief system. Without faith, Buddhism becomes another game of mental masturbation. As is reflected in GMT's affection for Zen, which happens to be considered one of the most slanderous sects of Buddhism, according to the Daishonin's teachings." I thought saving face was not an issue. And if logical compassion and understanding towards others is slanderous in your view, I find it hard to accept that view as being truly a Buddhist one.
"This is due to the fact that Zen is not based on any Shakyamuni sutra. It is a made up concept" As are all religions which is why I value the wisdom contained within them over the blind faith aspect.
Zen is "esoteric in nature and prejudicial towards the equality of all beings", yes I make no appology for not joining the I'm better than you possey.
Posted by Babba "My take on some of what Thomas just posted. Some of us have studied longer then others ^^. So therefore will recognize a slander more easily then others. If the slander is not pointed out and refuted then the person who is aware of the slander suffers the karma for it ... therefore if T dosent point out the slander it becomes karma that HE must endure." As must I if allowing a slander to continue unchallenged.

Some of the comments within the posts that you have directed me to that I wish to respond to:
"The exchange is with scegy, who actually chanted in conjuction with his questions and experienced the answer, rather than just trusting the instincts of his secular mind." You do seem rather quick to condem any who do not accept what you wish them to without question.
"Did anyone ever imply we were discussing magic here? "no effort made beyond the chanting of the words..." Ha! Dude! At first I thought you were just kidding! Were you? Wamen's post really confused me. Am I missing something?" No I wasn't joking, I was trying to grasp the mechanics of your beliefs, but your quotes around your summation of a part of a question, makes it appear to be a statement made by me, which is not the case at all. I merely asked for an explanation to something that I read which was written by you.
"Who said anything about just chanting and sitting on your ass? Get with it scegy! No one has ever remotely implied that. The point is that the power to make your environment change is within your life alone. That is a process of more than just doing something. You have already done many things that didn't work out. Stop the cynicism and find some faith."
If more than one person is given the same impression, is not fair to say that the message is one that can easily be misundertood? And I am still not sure what the faith that you wish others to get, is in when there is no god figure or magic involved.
"You would like to separate the two time-lines of prayer and activity, but Buddhism is a LIFE philosophy. It is "on" 24/7, 365. In practice, in faith, one cannot view them as separate or unassociated, with the assumption that with or without the prayer, the activity would have come to fruition on it's own." This is rather misleading. Not all Buddhists chant. It is not Buddhism as a whole that I find confusing but rather the need you have to chant. Also to say that one cannot commit a good act without chanting is wholly wrong. The doctor that saves the life of a child, the charity worker, the examples of good acts are all around us, and only a fraction of the doer of them chant.
"Chant and see if it does anything for you. If it doesn't, just don't do it anymore." I am suprised by this, if you are willing to accept that chanting does not affect everyone, how can you claim it to have any effect other than a subjective placebo effect?
"Without having done it, one could never really understand what any of this really means anyway." I'm afraid that that just seems condesending. Understanding of a philosophy does not ocuur by chanting, but rather by discourse, which is what I am was trying to engage in with you.
"But scegy! This post in particular somewhat discounts your previous claim to have read the first twenty pages of the thread before you started posting. Did you read speed-read them? Perhaps you felt you were already adept enough based on your own thinking, your personal philosophy of life, to easily grasp what is going on here. Please take no offense in what I've just said, as it is merely an objective observation based on everything you have to say." This may sound picky now, but any observation made by anyone, is by definition, subjective, not objective. In addition to that, I again find the tone you are using to be condesending.
You said to scegy, "I'm not sure on what basis you make the first comment of, "i think i've been chanting all my life nam myoho renge kyo." You seem to think that these are not important or specific words that convey an important and specific result, or effect, on the person making the cause of saying them over and over again (chanting). You would be mistaken. " And yet here you have accepted that they may have no effect upon me. Is this not contradictory?
"Everyone is entitled to their own opinons, based on their experience. However, I think if what you say were true there would be no need in this world for teachers. We could all just “self-educate” ourselves." But isn't this the very thing that you claim that chanting gets a chanter, enlightenment from chanting?
"I would highly recommend you keeping an open mind" This is the advice you gave to scegy, and yet cannot accept that you could be wrong in your own views.
When discussing the survey of whether or not Americans believe in a god, and their view that believers of other Gods will be damned for all eternity you say this, "Where the hell is there any real salvation in that thinking? “Us versus them” has never worked, and will never work, in my opinion and experience." Doesn't your claim that no one other than a chanter will recieve enlightenment following the same arguement that you advocate will never work?
"People always respond to wisdom. When they don’t respond is when there is no real wisdom to be perceived." Wouldn't the words of the fool sound foolish to the wise and the foolish, whereas the words of the wise sound wise to those who recognise the wisdom within them and foolish to those who do not? When hearing that which sounds foolish, it is not imperrative to judge not the speaker's wisdom, but rather your own. It is this that has caused me to ask questions about what sounds foolish to me. As I wanted to see whether or not I had missunderstood something. I did not set out on this thread to put anyone down for their beliefs, even if they were not my own. However due to your responses, I have found myself in a position analysing what has been said.
The understanding that I have gained over the last few days:

What I have learned about your branch of Buddhism.
Chanting is a part of the Nichiren Buddhist practice, however the japanese nichiren buddhists chant nam myoho renge kyo, after discovering the meaning these words through Google, I was confused as to why english speaking nichiren buddhists weren't chanting, "I submit myself to the contemplation of the effects of my actions and the teachings of the sutra", as, I believe, it is the meaning of the words rather than the words themselves which will help one to gain insight.
So long as what is contemplated is the meaning of the mantra, rather than the japanese phonology, I see no difference between the schools other than the methodologies. The trouble with methodologies being passed down from one to the next is the principle of the term "chinese whispers". So much gets lost and interpreted from the original teachings. It was the statement that chanting the "nam myoho renge kyo" mantra itself will bring about enlightenment, not to mention the healing of the planet etc. which is why I started to ask about the significance of this aspect of the practice in the first place. Although I still believe the understanding of the translation to be more important the the strict adherance of the chanting itself, I now understand (thanks to Babba through PMs) that the practice is to honour those who have gone before.

And now I will attempt to leave again.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
I would like say, that after some rest and looking over my "way over the board posts",........ I should delete the "highly inspirational saga",..... yes I blew it out last night with my women and rekindled our deep love, but I could take all those posts and find a better way to use that space!

For one, I need to find a group meeting and get down to the nuts and bolts. I was just in a highly inspirational mood early this morn. I just appreciate you all letting me sound off, but now I don't see where all those posts really amount to much, or I should consolidate them all in one letter.

I see I have a long way to go when I read Babba's explanation to GMT,........ heck GMT knows more about it than I do, in just a few days, from his deligence to learn. The one thing I have is the thirst to learn and understand all I can. It is getting easier to understand PTD! I need to be more constructive in my expressions and wording, not so abstract.

I wanted to say hi to Bonzo! Hey bro, I used to surf at Blacks Beach way before it became a nudist beach when I lived in San Diego. Boy do I miss the ocean! What a beautiful break.

Thanyou Babba, Easy, and PTD for allowing me to spend time here with all the great folks!


from the mists and the shadows .... there you wil
pass.... you know I dont have any questions about your reverence of the law ... I was merely pointing out that discussion of beliefs are what is needed,,,, dont think I came here to ridicule you ....
I was first asking for your opinions humbly ,,,,, I have "tried" chanting and wont cut myself off from trying to understand all beliefs ..... I just felt we are similar people and have alot to discuss in this life : )

For what its worth i have great respect for your faith... and am interested to what lead you to it....thats all .... I know you think it will help me and thats the only reason you point me to the law.... I am grateful for the love and respect I recieve from you all .... and hope you know I have the same for you all

Just trying to enjoy this time and our company
Hope your well and my deepest respect ...



Wow, where did this thread go? I’m not going to read 258 pages to see what happened or where I seemed to have wandered. However, in my stoned wandering, I simply thought this was a Buddhist thread, welcoming all Stoner Buddhists of a variety of beliefs/views, including the simply just curious. I did notice that it seemed to be predominately Nichiren Practitioners, but I didn’t read anything into it.

I’m not a Nichiren Buddhist, nor do I fall under anything of any traditional teachings or labels. I’m more of a Guru of my own Buddhist beliefs whose only pupil is myself. But, so was the Buddha as he sat under the Bodhi Tree – so I don’t think I have wandered too far in my voyage of life.

At any rate, I am neither Socrates nor Siddhartha, so I must ask, “What is this thread?”


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

Welcome to the Chanting Growers thread GanjaLord!! Perhaps you could spend the time to read just the first couple pages or perhaps the last 20 or so and then come join our discussion and encouragement of Nichiren Buddhism. Just a bunch of growers hanging out enjoying life, fine ganja, chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and watching our lives and gardens grow. Hope you enjoy the thread!!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


GanjaLord said:
Wow, where did this thread go? I’m not going to read 258 pages to see what happened or where I seemed to have wandered. However, in my stoned wandering, I simply thought this was a Buddhist thread, welcoming all Stoner Buddhists of a variety of beliefs/views, including the simply just curious. I did notice that it seemed to be predominately Nichiren Practitioners, but I didn’t read anything into it.

I’m not a Nichiren Buddhist, nor do I fall under anything of any traditional teachings or labels. I’m more of a Guru of my own Buddhist beliefs whose only pupil is myself. But, so was the Buddha as he sat under the Bodhi Tree – so I don’t think I have wandered too far in my voyage of life.

At any rate, I am neither Socrates nor Siddhartha, so I must ask, “What is this thread?”

Your mantra is not for the latter day Ganjalord, it is antiquiated in the sense that Nichiren Daishonin established Nam Myoho Renge Kyo the essence and title of the Lotus Sutra which was the Historical Buddha Shakymuni's final teaching. If you looking for cliff notes since you outright refuse to read the entire thread, I am sorry but I will also encourage you to please read all the posts from beginning to end to really grasp the essence of this Thread, I personally have read this thread and still find new interesting aspects upon every subsequent reading.

Perhaps since your personal form of Buddhism is a compliation of everything you absorbed, I feel you will find the Lotus Sutra's universal acceptance and teaching right up your alley and once you begin to study Nichiren Daishonin's Goshos and chant with Gohonzon your BUDDHAWISDOM will culminate greater benefit as a result.

STOP LIVING a slanderous exsistence and embrace the one true teaching of
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, otherwise, glad to read your post and happy your seeking spirit has brought you here.

So much incredible love and guidance and truth to absorb within these pages. ALL the best to you and yours.

HI, bud we're jamming today yet again! How cool is that. Whats up everyone else, hope you holiday goes well and hope you all continue planting seeds of hope everywhere you go! Life is what you make it. Lots of love!
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STOP LIVING a slanderous exsistence and embrace the one true teaching of

Slanderous? I may be mistaken of your intent, but that sounds a bit harsh to me – insulting actually. Much like a Reformation-Era Catholic quick to burn a Protestant to the stake because they don’t take communion the same. You can shove the cliff notes where the Dhamma doesn't shine – If you are trying to teach mantras, you teach them with a sword for a tongue. I cannot dine at your table when it is served with foul dishes or when there is a sword hidden under the lotus pad.
Perhaps, you are right, I am a slanderous fool. I accept the fact that I am a fool. I know that if I were not a fool, I would have achieved enlightenment. So I grant you your honor as you have quoted.

"To be despised by fools is the greatest honor"- Tsunesaburo Makiguchi

However, may I offer another such quote:

“A fool who thinks that he is a fool is for that very reason a wise man. The fool who thinks that he is wise is called a fool indeed” - Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai

My real desire is that you may be happy and free of suffering and may the cloth of Bodhi cleanse away and end your Samsara.


GanjaLord said:
Slanderous? I may be mistaken of your intent, but that sounds a bit harsh to me – insulting actually. Much like a Reformation-Era Catholic quick to burn a Protestant to the stake because they don’t take communion the same. You can shove the cliff notes where the Dhamma doesn't shine – If you are trying to teach mantras, you teach them with a sword for a tongue. I cannot dine at your table when it is served with foul dishes or when there is a sword hidden under the lotus pad.
Perhaps, you are right, I am a slanderous fool. I accept the fact that I am a fool. I know that if I were not a fool, I would have achieved enlightenment. So I grant you your honor as you have quoted.

However, may I offer another such quote:

“A fool who thinks that he is a fool is for that very reason a wise man. The fool who thinks that he is wise is called a fool indeed” - Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai

My real desire is that you may be happy and free of suffering and may the cloth of Bodhi cleanse away and end your Samsara.

You certainly took it in the wrong context but I was refering to the line in your signature which is an antiquiated mantra that is superceded upon studying Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism of the Latter Day of the Law. Slander in this sense is in my prespective and something I must outright tell you! Again if you go back and read the posts I kindly asked sans insults you would come to see my intentions are pure and not demeaning in anyway, perhaps my initial approach was not compassionate enough, for that I am very sorry but how could I read your post and not answer you honestly and let you continue slandering this thread.

Certainly if you read beyond what you gave yourself a chance to examine you would see the all inclusive universal nature of the Daishonin's Teachings. If you have a hard time reading perhaps attending a discussion meeting would be in order before you outright deny yourself the Gohonzon. Also I must be strict about this because if I am not, then I too am guilty of the same slander and if you got back and read more than 5 pages certainly you should understand why! I am on my way to Kosen-rufu gongyo and will chant about this among many other things but I am confident we will both reach a mutual understanding that I could never put another human down in a such a fashion! If anything I wish to elevate all humans especially you Ganja to enlightenment thus I implore you to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo in the Latter Day of the Law.

The definition of Shakubuku is: To refute the fundamental cause of suffering, to correct false views of Buddhism and awaken each person to the correct teaching of Buddhism. It is an expression of compassion and reverence for the truth that everyone possesses the Buddha nature. Essentially, it means to share the joy and limitless hope one can gain from chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and practicing Nichiren Buddhism.

The definition of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is The fundamental law of the universe expounded in Nichiren Buddhism, it expresses the true aspect of life. Chanting it allows people to directly tap their enlightened nature and is the primary practice of SGI members. Althougth the deepest meaning of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is revealed only through its practice, the literal meaning is: Nam (devotion), the action of practicing Buddhism, myoho (Mystic Law, the essential law of the universe and its phenomenal manifestations, renge (lotus) the simultaneity of cause and effect, kyo (Buddha's teaching), all phenomena.

The definition of Kosen-rufu: Literally, it means "to widely declare and spread (Buddhism)", to secure lasting peace and happiness for all humankind through the propagation of the Nichiren Buddhism. More broadly, kosen-rufu refers to the process of establishing the humanistic ideals of Nichiren Buddhism in society.

Please come back and discuss this further, i did not mean to hurt your feelings and put you down if you feel that way!! I really do care about you Ganja!
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

Hello SoCal Hippy :wave:
Hope all is going well brother and we are looking forward to you having time to drop in and catch us up on how things are going for you. Always in our chants!! :woohoo:
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!


Unfortunately, you still don't get it. You are blinded by your own sense of superiority. I certainly don't condemn you for your belief in Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, however you are quick to condemn me for my beliefs. Before you deny it, reread your posts. In a sense, you carefully candy-coated your words in compassion, that if one does not follow the teachings of Nichiren, one is but a fool and condemnable. Do you not see this?

Please take into consideration, that the rest of the Buddhist World sees Nichiren Buddhism as being extremely controversial. One such is the perception that Nichiren Buddhists insist that Nichiren Buddhism is the only correct form of Buddhism, a conviction actually started by Nichiren. Which you know, such condemnation of other forms of Buddhist thought that led to his eventual persecution. Perhaps why you may be stirring up so many other Buddhist members of this very forum.

I have nothing against the Lotus Sutra or the Nichiren way of interpreting it. However I see dharma as taught by the original Buddha, a means to an end. Borrowing from the Buddha’s own simile, it is but a raft used to cross a great expanse of water. By his teachings, it is nothing more than a vessel used as a means to cross into enlightenment. It is not the only vessel, as the Buddha taught many very different ones and many have been used successfully to achieve enlightenment over the centuries. They are taught to assist the seeker in finding light in the darkness, but no single dharma or sutra is the sole means of lambency.

I use the Mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum,” because of the very spirit behind Avalokiteshvara – the Buddha of Compassion. It’s my way of spreading and wishing compassion unto the world and a means to remind myself to practice compassion. In fact, my “vessel” most used is the Metta Sutra. But it is not going to enlighten me. I use it to get into the mindset of compassion, my greatest weakness. It is to my personal belief, once I am able to achieve all-encompassing loving compassion, I will be much closer to reaching enlightenment.

On that note, do not worry. If you wish this thread to be of Nichiren thought only, that is ok. There is nothing wrong with that. May you fill the world with an all-encompassing loving compassion as did Avalokiteshvara. May your path to enlightenment be well lit by your absolute compassion.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
The first page of our thread is very powerful, and young. I'm very asounded! It's Pass, Vegas, and Babba, well Bodhi also..........point is, it's so fresh, innocent and honest, and yet, The beginning of a new chapter........I like it!


Active member
Hey Desi, trippy you brought that up, i read the first 4 pages last night and was soooo inspired! Pretty cool man.

by the way ive never surfed Blacks, but have seen UNREAL pics of it, one of these days bro i will. I will post a pic of one my very secret spots at its best, youll love it, perfect beachbreak. Barrels everywhere 3 to 5 guys out, wooooo hooooo!!!!!!!!!

Great place to biuld sand castles so bring all your gear Delta! You surf Delta? If not i have the perfect learning boards, we'll have ya surfin' in no time!

Ive been chanting while driving and its really powerfull for me, i just start smilin, and ive noticed that in my daily routine (goin' to grocery store, 99 cent store, etc) people are smiling back, AND SAYING HELLO!!!!! I live in LA man and its rare for people to act that way, i guess its contageous eh!

peace out ALL my chanting friends! :friends:

bonz :wave:

DANG LIFE IS GOOD EH!!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo:

:woohoo: >>>>>>>>>>NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO>>>>>>>>>> :woohoo:

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GanjaLord said:
Unfortunately, you still don't get it. You are blinded by your own sense of superiority. I certainly don't condemn you for your belief in Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, however you are quick to condemn me for my beliefs. Before you deny it, reread your posts. In a sense, you carefully candy-coated your words in compassion, that if one does not follow the teachings of Nichiren, one is but a fool and condemnable. Do you not see this?

Please take into consideration, that the rest of the Buddhist World sees Nichiren Buddhism as being extremely controversial. One such is the perception that Nichiren Buddhists insist that Nichiren Buddhism is the only correct form of Buddhism, a conviction actually started by Nichiren. Which you know, such condemnation of other forms of Buddhist thought that led to his eventual persecution. Perhaps why you may be stirring up so many other Buddhist members of this very forum.

I have nothing against the Lotus Sutra or the Nichiren way of interpreting it. However I see dharma as taught by the original Buddha, a means to an end. Borrowing from the Buddha’s own simile, it is but a raft used to cross a great expanse of water. By his teachings, it is nothing more than a vessel used as a means to cross into enlightenment. It is not the only vessel, as the Buddha taught many very different ones and many have been used successfully to achieve enlightenment over the centuries. They are taught to assist the seeker in finding light in the darkness, but no single dharma or sutra is the sole means of lambency.

I use the Mantra ********* because of the very spirit behind Avalokiteshvara – the Buddha of Compassion. It’s my way of spreading and wishing compassion unto the world and a means to remind myself to practice compassion. In fact, my “vessel” most used is the Metta Sutra. But it is not going to enlighten me. I use it to get into the mindset of compassion, my greatest weakness. It is to my personal belief, once I am able to achieve all-encompassing loving compassion, I will be much closer to reaching enlightenment.

On that note, do not worry. If you wish this thread to be of Nichiren thought only, that is ok. There is nothing wrong with that. May you fill the world with an all-encompassing loving compassion as did Avalokiteshvara. May your path to enlightenment be well lit by your absolute compassion.

ONCE you truly read the writings of Nichiren Daishonin, constantly posted on this thread in the form of his Goshos and countless Gosho excerpts you will see what I see! An old Kenyan proverb says " The tree heavy with fruit gets stoned.' Being attacked by others is proof that you are a person of significance and substance. If you weren't no one would take the trouble to throw stones at you. The person who is never criticized or attacked is a person who has done nothing of importance. If you fight for truth and justice, you are certain to encounter obstacles. If you never encounter resistance, your're not the real thing. " Such is the Life of a Votary of the Lotus Sutra or one who truly upholds the Lotus Sutra honorably and bravely! We are sure to be persecuted and that has been outlined in the Goshos and also Shakymuni Buddha's life (and especially in Nichiren Daishonin's Invincible Life), in the sense that NOT even the Historical Buddha nor Many Treasures could ever clearly say that everyone has the potential to become and be a Buddha even if your a saint or a sage or a pauper or a prostitute until Nichiren Daishonin declared Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.

The one true vehicle is Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, and I am proof of that. My day begins and ends with daimoku and in throughout my day I work as hard as I can to constantly lead a winning life and embrace the Lotus Sutra in my daily life and thus I must constantly study while I pray to maintain my growth and spur my further Human Revolution because as I have told you Ganja and everyone reading this, Everyday is the best oppurtunity for me to achieve the impossible because I have faith in seemingly impossible things for many people but constantly I triumph and try to lead the winning life I hope to be a model for all. All the obstacles along the way in my life are in fact great "friends" and oppurtunities for me to shine my Buddha Nature and spread Nam-myoho-renge-kyo in all the land!

How fortunate am I to be chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, so fortunate and ecstatic I chant everyday to the Gohonzon thanking the Gohonzon for having mercy on me to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, Have Gohonzon, Have my wife, Have my family especially my mother and grandmothers, Have my Mentors Leading me in this Winning Life and most importantly having the wisdom to persevere and humbly accept all the accollades and persecution along the way! I welcome all the future effects of my causes more than ever before because from my waking moment my life is a winning life, I smile and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo not from my diapharm but from my heart which is were it has always been.

Thank you for inspiring me to express this message to you Ganja and please check your private messages again, I really do appreciate your admirable banter behind the scenes and gratefully offer my friendship and attention as I have to GMT as well and all my dear family here on the thread.

SGI President Ikeda wrote "What is the real driving force for changing the times? It is none other than women's prayers and women's actions rooted in daily life. Women's strength is the strength of the Earth. When the Earth moves, everything changes and moves with it. Great bastions of power can be easily toppled and even seemingly imovable mountains moved."

President Ikeda also has said, "I am a disciple of Josei Toda. I am a youthful revolutionary taking the lead for peace in Asia and throughout the world. I am not the least disturbed by these minor events. I hope that each of you will likewise win brilliantly in your own daily struggles."

"Life is long. The important thing is to remain true to a lofty goal to the very end. And BUddhism enables yo to adorn the final chapter of your life with brilliant success, just as the golden sun colors the sky in the glorious crimson hues and beams of sublime light. To do so, you need to keep making efforts year after year and winning year after year. Success today doesn't automatically guarantee success tomorrow. Final victory is eternal victory. That's my advice to you as a friend." From Ikeda to Orlando Bloom.

Ikeda further said " Buddhism is the great teaching of human revolution and transforming our karma, My wife and I and your many friends in Japan will be earnestly chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo so that you will advance triumphantly through life, continuing to fulfill your great mission in complete safety from now on. " Quoting the Great Teacher Miao-lo's statement , "The stronger one's faith, the greater the protection of the gods" (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, p614)

Nichiren Daishonin writes "If the Law that one embraces is supreme, then the person who embraces it must accordingly be foremost among all others" The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin p.61

"Nichiren Buddhism teachs the great path of human revolution that enables each of us to shine in our own unique way. With this philosphy, you can decisively overcome a weak and easily swayed life state and become a person of strength and purpose. It will allow you to withstand the storms of suffering and build a rock-solid foundation that will support you throughout your entire precious lives.

President Toda's guidance "Study Buddhism thoroughly!" Without study, you cannot distinguish between right and wrong, good and bad. You cannot recognize the supreme path in life, nor understand the correct path of mentor disciple. Without that awareness, you will not know what real happiness is and therefore will never achieve it. President Toda further said " Make Study your foundation!"

Regarding leading a winning life: Nichiren encouraged a female believer (the lay nun Toki), writing: " Even if one were to become an emperor's consort, of what use would it be? Even if one were to be reborn in heaven, what end would it serve? Instead, you will follow the way of the dragon king's daughter and rank with the nun Mahaprajapati (the foremost of Shakymuni's women disciples). How wonderful! How wonderful!" The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin page 657

Nichiren Daishonin further said " It is the heart that is important " as did PTD's daughter in her own way very recently giving her father appreciation for chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with her and her grateful appreciation for recognizing it was in her heart all along.

President Ikeda's guidance "Your happiness and victory in life hinge on whether you can grasp, while you are still young, the fact that happiness lies within. That is why there is no need for you to compare yourselves to others but instead strive powerfully and cheerfully to develop your state of life, aiming to improve yourselves each day. From that struggle will bloom noble flowers of happiness that are yours and yours alone."

The Great Teacher Dengyo concluded that anyone who seeks and courageously practices the correct teaching of Buddhism is a true " treasure of the nation".

The Daishonin writes "Fortune comes from one's heart and makes one worthy of respect." (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin page 1137.)

In The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, Nichiren says, " Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is what is meant by entering the palace of oneself" (OTT, page 209)

Nichiren Daishonin writes "Worthies and Sages are tested by abuse" (The writings of Nichiren Daishonin page 303)

PasstheDoobie's (Thomas) recent guidance "Chanting is in reality, an invocation rather than a meditation. Yes your head sorts everything out in a way that one can clearly see is coming from the chanting. But it's from your invocation of the Law, rather than one's ability to meditate upon that Law. This is why it is truly universal; because intellectual capacity is not part of it. It is all about compassion and what one awakens to and perceives that to be."

President Ikeda's Guidance recently stated " The Soka Gakkai's (Value Creating Society) founding president, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, said " To be despised by fools is the greatest honor." THe first three presidents of the Soka Gakkai have all fought in this spirit. From the perspective of Buddhism, the present age is a time when people's spirits are sullied and impure. Many are envious of those who achieve something positive or worthwhile, and they go out of their way to make trouble for them. But you mustn't let such people stop you. Just Keep Moving Forward, Impervious to their assaults."

Babba's guidance " Be easy bud! "

I Would Like To Thank, Show Appreciation, and Honor my mentors the Gohonzon Nichiren Daishonin, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, Josei Toda, Daisaku Ikeda, Tony Matsuoka, Ted Osaki, PasstheDoobie (Thomas) and Babbabud as eternal models to the selfless dedication to the law. To be practicing in the same historical timeline with Ikeda, Tom, and Babba is a great honor I am eternally greatful for Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and hope to show this through the bond of the mentor and disciple. My teachers are very great yet modest humble and always admirable and I honor them as they are in my personal opinion champions of Kosen-rufu and leading their lives of faithful dedication to the Mystic Law as I do.

Thank you all for taking time to read this post and share in my love for the universe, Like the Roar of the Lion NAM-MYOHO-RENGE-KYO!

My SGI women's division colleague recently said " I have the Gohonzon, which has no limitations. Never limit yourself, and you can make the impossible possible!"

Deep Respect,
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SoCal Hippy said:
1st time in since my last post of weeks ago. working 7days now for some time but its going to change soon. Love what I have been reading so far and have many more pages to read to catch up.

What an awesome thread!!! with such awesome people! Loving you all and chanting for everyone always. Keep the faith. Nam myoho renge kyo!!!

You are also very close to my heart with some of the most inspirational posts and presentations of HUMANITY and Human Dignity and Revolution among all the pages of this thread. I hope to hear from you soon dear brother and hope all is well.

Also, congrats to Always for receiving Gohonzon. I am very honored another follow Bodhisattva of the Earth emerged as a direct result of this thread. Kudos to you and I am here when you need me dear brother. Any member of the Soka Gakkai is a member of my extended family! Peace to you Bonz ! Peace to Scegy and Delta and Desi and everyone else! Peace to Hillbillieonpcp and Baccas.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Lets hope Always drops in and tells us of his experience recieving Gohonzon:)
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

always2theLeft said:
It was cold, rainy and foggy ALL fucking day, the drive took 2 hours extra because of traffic, THEN we took a wrong turn on the highway and the closest exit was 25 miles one way. and to top it all off we got one hell of a fender bender at Friendly's .... atleast 500$ damage. but for some reason, showing up late and rain soaked made it that much better.
This marks my 14th meeting and out of all of them ive never felt so much warmth in all my life. everyone there automatically knew who i was and that i was recieving gohonzon today. we started it off with a 45minute gonyo, and imediately went onto my gohonzon recieval, which they really sprung on me. i had no idea what to do when they told me to give my experiance in front of 50 strangers. how do you tell 4 dozen people that youve never known before that you learned about buddhism on a pothead website?!? so i started off telling them all about my teen life, being in and out of clinics, hospitals and juvinial detention for drug abuse, and how i discovered this wonderful website (you shoulda seen the faces) i told them about PTD and SoCal (no naming of course) and how you guys got ahold of my discrict leader, socal.... all my love and respect to you man, along with ptd, babba, easy, hitman, and everyone else out there who ever helped me or gave me any encouragment. Then i proceeded telling how chanting really did change my life in a COMPLETE 180. they say the higher the mountain the better the view, WELL ITS TRUE!!!!! i wouldnt trade this feeling for all the dope in the world, i ended with that and was greeted by everyone in the room standing up and clapping for about a solid minute. :yoinks: what a long damned minute that was.
That was followed by other peoples experiences, shakubuku's, regular meeting stuff. and then the leader stood up, looked right at me and said.. "time to lead gongyo always"
fuck!! i was stumbling on chairs making my way up to the front, i could barely even get past the second page, but for some reason i looked at the gohonzon and read it slowly and steadily and didint do bad at all. i think i mispronounced like 5 words total. even know i cant beleive i did that.

and now for my first possible shakubuku.....
this morning, my ex girlfriend who i havnt spoken to in over 3 months messaged me on myspace saying how she needed to talk to me relaly bad, (this was before i went to get gohonzon) i messaged back "im doing fine, i know of 3 methadone clinics in this area, ill get you the numbers if you want"
you have to understand this girl broke my heart, in a really evil way.. but i did feel bad for saying that to her afterwards. it was bugging me all day. after i got back from the meeting, there was another message from her saying bassicaly the same thing..... but this time she included the word buddhism. wierd shit eh? i guess im gona meet her tomorow and try to clean her up. if anyone has any advise.. please im very in need, shes stubborn as hell, and has an extremely addictive personality.
anyway thats it.
if buddhism works for me... the biggest synical, pesimistic atheist on earth it WILL work for you. just give it a try.

Gosh Im such a stoner how did i not remember this
so sorry ... but it gave me a chance to read it again :)


Babbabud said:
Gosh Im such a stoner how did i not remember this
so sorry ... but it gave me a chance to read it again :)

Ditto, lol :joint: :wave:
I meant bonzo, lol
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:bigeye: Looks awesome, truly awesome!!

Next year, I'm planting the pickling variety of cucumber. I ended up with so much cucumbers this year, I couldn't give them away. Next year, I'm pickling. And if you love corn on the cob like I do, I grew Kandy Korn variety this year. I HIGHLY recommend them! I turned corn junky.

What kind of carrots are those? They look really yummy :yummy: (if you grew too many like I did (heh, never plant when your stone) I have an awesome carrot cake recipe (yes, yes, I have a sweet tooth).

hehehe, sorry, I get as tickled pick over fruit and vegetable gardens as I do Ganja gardens. :pointlaug
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