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Active member
hello fellas:)
i've read the story about andy disco, i felt the same joy and i still have tears in my eyes because this is exactly what happend to my life in one or another way...knowing that options are limitless is what i needed to know to have faith.

pass the doobie, i don't even have to ask the questions anymore :D

“I was under the impression that however you chant is the right way to chant…” Again your understanding is correct.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
When we share Buddhism with others,
there is nothing that moves people's hearts more
than our own personal experiences.
Brimming with confidence, courage and conviction,
let's honestly share our own personal feelings and impressions
(of how the practice has effected our lives for the better),
just as we have experienced things!

Daisaku Ikeda


New member
i am glad to see so many people know. i am starting to read this thread from this point. it really shows me an amazing side to icmag that relates it to my life so much more.

Eternity yawns at me below, above, on the left and on the right, in from and behind, within and without.
with open eyes i behold myself as the little body. with closed eyes i precieve myself as the cosmic center around which revolves the sphere of eternity, the sphere of bliss, the sphere of omniscient, living space.
-paramahansa yogananda


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Welcome lochraven! It's good to have you come home!

Welcome lochraven! It's good to have you come home!

Just as the Buddha's words in the sutra predict, the ruler grew hostile and the common people began to attack me. And because they treated me with enmity, heaven grew enraged, the sun and moon displayed great changes in their behavior, and huge comets appeared. The earth shook as though it would turn over, internecine strife broke out, and they were attacked by a foreign country. All happened just as the Buddha had predicted, and there is no doubt that I, Nichiren, am the votary of the Lotus Sutra.

[ Reply to the Lay Priest Takahashi, WND Page 607 ]

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Ditto Welcome to Lochraven!

Ditto Welcome to Lochraven!

My sincerest wishes that everyone is now feeling better and we all continue to change our negative karma and help others in finding about this great life philosophy; 3 excellent pages since I last logged in, Wow!; excellent experience that you shared, Easy...Thanks for that!!! Let's all continue to show tremendous actual proof of the Gohonzon's and the Daishonin's mercy.

Kyo's misfortune will change into fortune. Muster your faith, and pray to this Gohonzon. Then what is there that cannot be achieved? There can be no doubt about the sutra passages that say, "This sutra can fulfill their desires, as a clear cool pond can satisfy all those who are thirsty," and "They will enjoy peace and security in their present existence and good circumstances in future existences."

Gosho: Reply to Kyo'o
WND pg 412


Chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and Dance to the Universal Beat!

Chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and Dance to the Universal Beat!

scegy said:
hello fellas:)
i've read the story about andy disco, i felt the same joy and i still have tears in my eyes because this is exactly what happend to my life in one or another way...knowing that options are limitless is what i needed to know to have faith.

pass the doobie, i don't even have to ask the questions anymore :D

“I was under the impression that however you chant is the right way to chant…” Again your understanding is correct.

Reading that post you referenced to my friend, I noticed I failed to mention something. Just before they purchased the newpaper which had that very suitable advertisement, they made their Zaimu (donation/contribution) and actually donated double their anticipated contribution without second thoughts. So you see yet again, Karma is the results of the causes you make in your life, its always a great time to make excellent causes and to take advantage of that dash of inspiration.

It has become essential to continuously inspire myself and rise to the occassion every moment of the day, just as important as my vitamins prayers and nourishment. You see, our life's conduct reflects in our karmic or effectual reality. Well at least for me it does! I find my unlimited well of Free Inspiration and Motivation in Nam Myoho Renge Kyo! Its so strong that it will pick you off your feet and catapult your life condition to where it should be. You see that all the life conditions lead to Buddhahood, so if right now your sick as a dog, and you have the strength to chant, please join me in chanting "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo".

My dear comrade Mr.Wags is really something else. Here is a person who does not yet have his Gohonzon nor attends SGI meetings but he is a "votary of the Lotus Sutra". We discuss life from time to time and the results of our conversations lead to profound inspiration and progressive dialouge which has led to further simultaneous pursuits of propagation of the Mystic Law. Why?

Mr.Wags knows and has read very much about Buddhism and Nam Myoho Renge Kyo on this thread, he desire to chant led him to download off the www.sgi.org site the vocalization of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo on a mp3 or similar format so that he could "properly" chant. That blew me away. Just to chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo once..... Wow, the 1st post by PTD was the first Post I can recognize on this forum regarding Buddhism and that was the catalytic snow ball that led to the avalanche that led us all to realize the Ultimate Law. To further elaborate it was Nichiren the Buddha of Beginingless Time who snowed on top of the "mountain" and provided Mr. Matsuoka and Mr. Osaki with enough snow for PTD to chuck/hurl a snowball potent enough to pass on a force with enough kinetic energy to hit me smack dab in my core time and time again reverberating in everydirection which also hit Mr.Wags (amongst countless others) who just happened to hit me back and now its coming full circle into your life as well.

Its the Myoho Renge Kyo, its within you, all this benefit you seek, all these great things in store for you are awaiting your further action. Unleash your Buddha nature!

I'm serious when I tell you how pleased I am to know my friend Mr.Wags chants has chanted or will chant. I am positivily elated to know that today yesterday and the next day I will continue to chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and make more fruitful efforts at abolishing slander and evil in my life and embracing more of that strong responsible energy. Its Myoho BABY! You and me we are both tangible but MYO ohhhhhh BABY MYO! Thats where the unseen meets reality, BABY! Your questions become satisfaction and the result is a catapult of joy and overwhelming emancipation. You have been free and if you wish to continue to be free you must now work harder towards all this. On the flipside, this understanding helps your appreciate the pitfalls and hardships as well because they fortify and reinforce the beneficial aspects. How could there be fire without oxygen or Love without a heart?

If I'm not making a conscious effort to make the right causes throughout the latter day I am back to square one, but THATS OKAY! I'm serious, right now from this moment forward, understand? Thats the ticket! PICK YOURSELF UP, dust off your bones and start breaking down those muscles in order to rebuild stronger ones. I need you to be strong and have the will and faith that we will continue to grow everday one task at a time. Challenging the tougher ones first and enhancing our lives further with the lesser tasks. Although no task should be look upon as insignificant unless otherwise stipulated because that in itself is not proper planning. Every battle is won before it is fought dear friends. Preparation is imperative.

Smile, its your beautiful life Shining on YOU! Time to take advantage.....

Like the roar of the greatest Lion, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"It has become essential to continuously inspire myself and rise to the occassion every moment of the day,"

"...all the life conditions lead to Buddhahood,"

"Its the Myoho Renge Kyo, its within you, all this benefit you seek, all these great things in store for you are awaiting your further action. Unleash your Buddha nature!"

"Its Myoho BABY! You and me we are both tangible but MYO ohhhhhh BABY MYO! Thats where the unseen meets reality, BABY!"

"If I'm not making a conscious effort to make the right causes throughout the latter day I am back to square one, but THATS OKAY! I'm serious, right now from this moment forward, understand? Thats the ticket! PICK YOURSELF UP, dust off your bones and start breaking down those muscles in order to rebuild stronger ones. I need you to be strong and have the will and faith that we will continue to grow everday one task at a time."

"Although no task should be look upon as insignificant unless otherwise stipulated because that in itself is not proper planning."

"Every battle is won before it is fought dear friends. Preparation is imperative."

MyohoDisco-Bodhisattva of the Earth / Teacher of the Law


"Its not just the causes that you make, but the attitude with which you make them that is important"

(by Stephanie Horton from pg.7 Of the June 30, 2006 World Tribune read to me by Mrs.MyohoDisco for all of our benefit)


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor


:respect: ? Then be respectful! (And respect worthy!)

It's Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

Please don't do that again. Thanks!

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"In chanting daimoku, the first important thing is having the challenging spirit to act with courage. This could be described as arousing deep faith from the innermost reaches of our life in accord with the Daishonin’s words, firmly believing that we can summon forth the mystic truth within us, manifest our inherent Buddhahood, and attain enlightenment in this lifetime without fail. It also means directly taking on the three obstacles and four devils that seek to obstruct us from chanting daimoku. We need to have a fearless, tireless, and unremitting challenging spirit to confront and overcome the diverse array of obstacles that rise up to assail us. For it is precisely by challenging, battling, and defeating ignorance that we can polish our lives."

SGI Newsletter No. 6905, SGI President Ikeda’s Study Lecture Series, LECTURES ON “ON ATTAINING BUDDHAHOOD IN THIS LIFETIME”, [5] Chanting Daimoku with a “Brave and Vigorous” Spirit—Polishing Our Lives through Daily Challenge, from the May 2006 edition of the Daibyaku Renge, translated July 5th, 2006
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Believe in this mandala with all your heart. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is like the roar of a lion. What sickness can therefore be an obstacle?"

(Reply to Kyo'o - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 412) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, July 8th, 2006

SoCal Hippy

Active member
The Difficulty of Sustaining Faith

The Difficulty of Sustaining Faith

The Difficulty of Sustaining Faith

About the difficulty of sustaining faith in this sutra: According to Nissho1, you said to him, "I have been practicing this sutra correctly since last year, when you told me that those who embrace this sutra will enjoy peace and security in this life and good circumstances in the next. But instead I have been deluged by hardships." Is this true, or did he give me a false report? In either case, I will take advantage of this opportunity to resolve any doubts you may have.

A passage from the Lotus Sutra reads, "...difficult to believe and difficult to understand."2 Many hear about and accept this sutra, but few continue their faith in the face of great obstacles. To accept is easy; to continue is difficult. But Buddhahood lies in continuing faith. Those who embrace this sutra should be prepared to meet difficulties. It is certain, however, that they will "quickly obtain the supreme enlightenment."3 To "sustain faith" means to cherish Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, the teaching by which all Buddhas throughout past, present and future attain enlightenment. The sutra reads, "We will uphold what the Buddha has entrusted to us."4 The Great Teacher T'ien-t'ai stated, "One accepts out of the power of faith and continues because of the power of prayer."5 Another part of the sutra reads, "It is difficult to sustain faith in this sutra. One who embraces it even for a short time will delight me and all other Buddhas."6

A fire burns higher when logs are added, and a strong wind makes the gura7 swell. The boughs of the long-lived pine tree become bent and twisted as it grows older. The votary of the Lotus Sutra is like the fire and the gura, while his persecutions are like the logs and wind. The votary of the Lotus Sutra is the Buddha of eternal life; no wonder his practice is hindered, just as the pine tree's branches are bent or broken. From now on, you should always remember the words, "It is difficult to sustain faith in this sutra."

With my deep respect,

The sixth day of the third month in the twelfth year of Bun'ei (1275)


1. Nissho (1221-1323): One of the six close disciples of Nichiren Daishonin known collectively as the six elder priests.
2. Lotus Sutra, chap. 10.
3. Lotus Sutra., chap. 11.
4. Lotus Sutra., chap. 13.
5. Hokke Mongu, vol. 8.
6. Lotus Sutra, chap. 11.
7. Gura: (Skt., kalakula) Imaginary insects which swell rapidly in strong winds.

Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, p. 127.

SoCal Hippy

Active member


The Difficulty of Sustaining Faith


Amongst the scores of personal letters included in the Gosho, there are many in which the reader can see himself mirrored in the circumstances the Daishonin treats. One gets an uncanny feeling that the documents, written some seven hundred years ago, were forecasts of the destiny facing all mankind, and therefore appropriate for the people practicing true Buddhism today.

The topic of this reply to Shijo Kingo is the difficulty of maintaining the practice. And since Shijo Kingo received thirty-seven such letters (extant), the title here derives from the subject matter. Hence, "The Difficulty of Sustaining Faith," written in March 1275.

Shijo Kingo was then in a precarious situation. His lord, and his fellow warriors at the manor, showed open resentment toward him. The message he received from Nichiren Daishonin was brief, and to the point: stand fast and don't allow anything to disturb your faith.

Nichiren Daishonin expresses wonder that Shijo Kingo, in facing life's problems, did not recall the prediction in the Lotus Sutra that its followers in the time of the Latter Day of the Law would incur harsh opposition. He even questions whether the report he heard of Kingo's anxiety is true or not. In any case, he tells Kingo that the only solution is strict discipline in his practice of Buddhism. The benefits, he adds, will be strength of character.

There is another matter of importance here. The sutra offers the promise of "...peace and security in this life and good circumstances in the next..." Happiness is not the absence of problems. That is the point the Daishonin is making. The sutra promises happiness by endowing the sincerely practicing Buddhist with vitality, fortune and wisdom, for these are the keys to happiness in the real world.


SGI President Ikeda's Daily Encouragement for July 11

It is important that youth in particular actively seek challenges to forge and strengthen themselves. Those who enjoy material luxury from a young age and do not work hard cannot become people of outstanding character. They cannot become great leaders who protect the people. I hope that you will work hard, sparing no effort, and develop yourselves as indomitable champions, shaken or disheartened by nothing.

1951: Young men's division established.


Today is a good day to get to those things you always seem to overlook.

NOTE TO SELF: *1 ounce of herbs left means I better start growing something soon! This is still the Marijuana Growers forum and golly do I need to get my grow together!*

I wanted to say that within the last 6 months of chanting (yes I am a very recent member my Gohonzon Birthday is March 28, 2006) I have asked/prayer for/wished/dreamed of/sought benefits from the Gohonzon for a quite a few things and have recieved them all without question. You see some of the things I have chanted for are material and others have been for other people (not myself). When I chant for others I notice that it takes more chanting and effort for those prayers to become realized. Hence I harness my own potential and effectuate relatively quicker results with respect to my personal endeavors. This teaches you that you are the Buddha and make the benefits for yourself, issues that are outside yourself and more susceptible to environmental influences are actually not out of your realm of influence on the same token. The residue effects of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo are so very potent that essentially the impossible exsists as a reality simply awaiting your activation.

Ohh mish mosh apple sauce, whats MyohoDisco going on about today....

Your Unlimited Potential.

Refute the errorneous teachings and embrace your life's most marvelous aspects. All this _________________ you seek has been with you all along.

Per SoCal's post, sustaining faith is difficult but chanting right now is not as difficult and an amazing cause to elict not only a sustained faith but a blossoming/blooming/fruitful practice.

Anyone here like the taste of a fresh Mango? I'm very big on apples. Make sure your eating your fruits and veggies in conjunction with a balanced diet. Vitamins and some excercise daily really help after a few weeks of consistency enjoy and capitalize upon the realized and unrealized benefits. Like weight lifting or chanting work yourself until you reach that plateau and then lets break more barriers. Build up your strength and fortitude as you continue to build enough momentum to smash all those pesky barriers in the way! Your almost there.....
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SoCal Hippy

Active member
"I have a mission, mine alone; you too have a mission only you can fulfill"

Quote: Josei Toda to Young Mens Division, 1950 something


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor


I recently lost someone in my extended family and my faith in the Gohonzon helped me turn that sorrow into joy.

Dutchgrown: Look in the mirror to see the power of the Law. Its you. Summon up all your strength and courageous spirit in order to keep your head high during this time. I honor not only your deceased loved one but your effort to seek peace from Myoho Renge Kyo.

Every tough moment in this life is just another chance for you to make the best causes you can to manifest your desired effects.

Hello BONZO, HELLO Mr.Wags, Hello Always, Hello DELTA-9 (nice avatar) Hello Mrs.Babba, Hello Gypsy, Hello to all who frequent the thread daily including a big hello to mr.Bartender187, gordyP and SouthernGirl.

SoCal Hippy

Active member
As long as you diligently carry out your faith,
you will naturally have the wisdom to open up your
life and your environment. You will also be able to
create happiness in every aspect of your life, and in
this way enrich your existence beautifully. Be
convinced that you will surely be able to show proof of
total satisfaction and establish true self, happiness,
identity, and purity (jo, raku, ga, jyo) within your life
amid the realities of this world.

Daisaku Ikeda
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