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Chanting Growers Group (2013-∞)


Worthy persons deserve to be called so because they are not be carried away by the eight winds: prosperity, decline, disgrace, honor, praise, censure, suffering and pleasure. They are neither elated by prosperity nor grieved by decline. The heavenly gods will surely protect one who is unbending before the eight winds. But if you nurse an unreasonable grudge against your lord, they will not protect you, not for all your prayers.

[ The Eight Winds, WND Page 794 ]
(Posted by PasstheDoobie 11-11-2006)


Repost from the Original Chanting Growers thread 10-29-06

Repost from the Original Chanting Growers thread 10-29-06

Ohh shit, I can't lose anymore. Even if it seems like I'm gonna get really fucked up, again, thats not the case, with Nam-myoho-renge-kyo I have been and will be completely protected. Although my grow may not fully mature(4 more weeks till I move and I need an extra 21 days to complete my crop fully {got a bunch of 12 week strains in there}), I will still have buds and still have my faith and my reasoning. I think now instead of running by impulse all the time, granted I'm so impulsive I still bug out very often but come on, I'm like Mayor Easydisco now, running the DiscoShow everyday trying to leave nothing to chance, as opposed to faithless derilict disco, punked at every corner.

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, there is no other way, you could try to find another way but its just going to lead you back to Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and thats right in your heart.

Look, the more you try the more you will see, there is only one vehicle to get there and it all begins with you..... Chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, even when your "not feeling upto it", go ahead..... turn your brain on.....









See, I told yah!


From page 22 of The Orally Transmitted Teachings of Nichiren Daishonin

From page 22 of The Orally Transmitted Teachings of Nichiren Daishonin

(Regarding the Hoben Chapter and our daily recitation of the prose section of this Chapter in our Gongyo)

"Now Nichiren and his followers, who recite Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, are observers of the “secret and wonderful expedient means,” teachings that are within the body of the truth. Therefore, after the title of the sutra, Myoho-renge-kyo, comes the chapter entitled “Expedient Means.”

In explaining the statement in Words and Phrases that “this is identical with the truth, which is kept secret,” in his On “The Words and Phrases,” volume three, Miao-lo says, “The perfect [teaching] is regarded as identical [with the truth].” And if identical means the perfect [teaching], then this must be another name for the Lotus Sutra. Identical must indicate the truth that ordinary people are identical with the highest level of being, or the Buddha of the true aspect of all phenomena. Perfect refers to the principle of three thousand realms in a single moment of life. Though the words “identical” and “perfect” are different, they are each another name for “wonderful.” That all living beings are in fact the Buddha of the true aspect of all phenomena is a wonderful thing, an unfathomable thing! But persons who slander the Law are at present unaware of this fact. Therefore it is referred to as being secret."


Daily Encouragement
"Kosen-rufu is a long-term struggle we are pursuing over the 10,000 years of the Latter Day. Therefore, as we strive to realize victory in the present, we need to maintain a vision of the next fifty or 100 years. Each day I am making efforts with my focus on the infinite future."
—Daisaku Ikeda


Daily Encouragement

Daily Encouragement

From the standpoint of the eternity of our lives, because we embrace the Mystic Law everything is moving in a positive direction, everything contributes to our happiness and our attainment of Buddhahood. We need to have confidence in the Mystic Law; we mustn't be swayed by immediate circumstances or allow them to cloud our faith.

-Daisaku Ikeda


"In one way or another, I maliciously ridiculed those who, studying the teachings of the Lotus Sutra, taught them to even one person, and carried on the life of the Law. In addition, I did everything I could to hinder people from embracing the sutra by asserting that they should set it aside for a while because, though it might be suitable for practice in their next lifetime, it would be too difficult to practice in this one. Slanderous acts such as these have brought on the many severe persecutions I have suffered in my lifetime. Because I once disparaged the Lotus Sutra, the highest of all sutras, I am now looked down on, and my words go unheeded. The “Simile and Parable” chapter states that other people will neither concern themselves with one nor have sympathy for one, even though one sincerely tries to be friendly with them."

Earthly Desires Are Enlightenment (Page 318)
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin


Always remember HillBillieonPCP aka Nadav

Always remember HillBillieonPCP aka Nadav

I have been out of touch for about two years, and found out yesterday our old friend Hillie passed away last year. I found this posted below on fb yesterday, and I'm chanting for my old friend more than ever before. Much love to the Babbas who enabled our friendship through compassion and genuine love for our friend. Much love to all of you and your friends, this life needs more people like us and Hillie.

Today i found out a BUBBLE AMBASSADOR and a very good friend has passed away. I first met him on overgrow.com and Icmag.com under the name Hillbillieonpcp ( named after a Steve Kimock Song.. He was an awesome friend, and always had my back. He contacted me some years ago and asked if he could help build me a new site forum , and came up with www.fullmeltbubble.com and then he chose the name fullmeltbubble as his handle. He donated his time to help work my booth at Events in California, and just went out of his way to HELP. I will miss you Nadav, you were a top notch guy, hash maker, internet comedian. Chat's will never be the same with out you bro, and i will keep you in my thoughts for the rest of my life. I hope you are in a better place. My thoughts go out to your family and friends that you have left behind. May the fullmelt bless your bowl where ever you may find yourself brother.. Love you!!!


Daily Encouragement

Daily Encouragement

"We must live with vibrant hope. Nothing is stronger than hope. The Mystic Law is itself eternal hope. Happiness belongs to those who never despair, no matter what happens."
—Daisaku Ikeda


"We need to cultivate a state of life where we can thoroughly enjoy ourselves at all times. We should have such joy that even at the time of death we can declare with a happy smile: "That was wonderful! Where shall I go next?" This is the state of mind of a person with strong faith. Such individuals will be reborn without delay and in a form and in a place exactly according with their desires. Faith enables us to attain the kind of generous and all-embracing state of mind where we can enjoy everything in our lives."

-Daisaku Ikeda


I hope each of has a safe, happy, and enjoyable weekend. Thank you for cultivating movement, my education in life truly began when i joined the original chanting growers thread. Out of all the various, actually myriad, of data we could glean from these two chanting grower threads, is that the essential is chanting "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo"!

Chant anywhere, and everytime you get a chance to reveal, and embrace our fundamental human nature. One of the most appreciated commonalities in this world is that we are all different, but still humans. I encourage each of you, as I push myself, to develop the compassion to enable others to also chant, and obtain a Gohonzon. I still encourage folks throughout the world to seek the Gohonzon through the SGI organization. No non-profit or relgious entity is liked by all people, but this Soka Gakkai is a great place to begin, and learn universally applicable ways to create, and sustain your own bespoke/customized practice.

Wishing you all good health! Thank you!!


3rd-Eye Jedi
The Difficulty of Sustaining Faith


THIS is in regard to the passage “This sutra is hard to uphold.”1 According to Āchārya Ben,2 you said to him: “I have been practicing the Lotus Sutra correctly since last year, when you told me that those who embrace this sutra will ‘enjoy peace and security in their present existence and good circumstances in future existences.’3 Instead, however, great hardships have showered down on me like rain.” Is this true, or did he give me a false report? In either case, I will take advantage of this opportunity to resolve any doubts you may have.

A passage from the Lotus Sutra reads that it is “the most difficult to believe and the most difficult to understand.”4 Many hear about and accept this sutra, but when great obstacles arise, just as they were told would happen, few remember it and bear it firmly in mind. To accept is easy; to continue is difficult. But Buddhahood lies in continuing faith. Those who uphold this sutra should be prepared to meet difficulties. It is certain, however, that they will “quickly attain the unsurpassed Buddha way.”5 To “continue” means to cherish Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, the most important principle for all the Buddhas of the three existences. The sutra reads, “We will protect and uphold what the Buddha has entrusted to us.”6 The Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai stated, “One accepts because of one’s power of faith and continues because of one’s power of constant thought.”7 Another part of the sutra reads, “This sutra is hard to uphold; if one can uphold it even for a short while I will surely rejoice and so will the other Buddhas.”8

A fire burns higher when logs are added, and a strong wind makes a kālakula grow larger. The pine tree lives for ten thousand years, and therefore its boughs become bent and twisted. The votary of the Lotus Sutra is like the fire and the kālakula , while his persecutions are like the logs and the wind. The votary of the Lotus Sutra is the Thus Come One whose life span is immeasurable; no wonder his practice is hindered, just as the pine tree’s branches are bent or broken. From now on, always remember the words “This sutra is hard to uphold.”

With my deep respect,


The sixth day of the third month in the twelfth year of Bun’ei (1275), cyclical sign kinoto-i

To Shijō Kingo


A new week, a new beginning, our faith renews each moment!

May your journey today begin with refreshed determinations, and marvelous outcomes! May your struggles be overcomed and finessed with your glorious Bodhisattva nature- as we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

May the lion's roar echo throughout your lives always!