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Chanting Growers Group (2013-∞)

SoCal Hippy

Active member
If Nichiren's compassion is truly great and encompassing, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo
will spread for ten thousand years and more, for all eternity, for it has the
beneficial power to open the blind eyes of every living being in the country of
Japan, and it blocks off the road that leads to the hell of incessant suffering.

(WND, 736)
On Repaying Debts of Gratitude
Written to Joken-bo and Gijo-bo on July 21, 1276

SoCal Hippy

Active member
The heart of the Lotus Sutra is the revelation that one may attain supreme
enlightenment in one's present form without altering one's status as an ordinary
person. This means that without casting aside one's karmic impediments one can
still attain the Buddha way. Thus T'ien-t'ai said, "The other sutras only
predict Buddhahood...for the good, but not for the evil; ... this [Lotus] sutra
predicts Buddhahood for all."

(WND, 410)
Reply to Hakiri Saburo
Written to Hakiri Rokuro Saburo on August 3, 1273

SoCal Hippy

Active member
The greater our efforts to advance kosen-rufu, the greater the benefit and
eternal good fortune we will accumulate in our lives. The more outstanding
people we can foster, the stronger and healthier we will become. The more aware
we are of our responsibility, the more joy we will experience. Such are the
workings of the Buddhist Law.

Daisaku Ikeda

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Senior Member
No Fear...do as you wish but never say, "poor me".

I read a book while in the hospital twenty years back when I had my quad bypass.

My sister sent it to me and it was written by a heart surgeon. Entitled, "Smile or I'll Kick Your Bed".

This doctor told this to a guy in traction who was being negative. The thread was real and it would be painful but it is a Doctors job to encourage recovery.

My mother loved to tell me to "count your blessings"... ;)

Even as a kid I realized how lucky I have always been. She was so right. Bog

Keep chanting for Gypsy my brethren...

Very encouraging :huggg:

Let's always try to stay attuned to the changing times and attitudes.
Taking action "as we've always done" is certain to lead to defeat.
Let's seize the initiative
by chanting earnestly about the targets we have in September
and carefully considering how we intend to Achieve them.

Big Hug all! :wave:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Lets start today with some chants for Gypsy and our other fallen brethren

Nam myoho renge kyo
Nam myoho renge kyo
Nam myoho renge kyo


3rd-Eye Jedi
No Fear...do as you wish but never say, "poor me".

I read a book while in the hospital twenty years back when I had my quad bypass.

My sister sent it to me and it was written by a heart surgeon. Entitled, "Smile or I'll Kick Your Bed".

This doctor told this to a guy in traction who was being negative. The thread was real and it would be painful but it is a Doctors job to encourage recovery.

My mother loved to tell me to "count your blessings"... ;)

Even as a kid I realized how lucky I have always been. She was so right. Bog

Keep chanting for Gypsy my brethren...

I had a very similar experience with my grandmother who is very old (age disclosed because there aren't many people this old around) was in the hospital and no longer capable of reading (over 100).

It was her favorite pastime since I was a boy, she was a prolific reader, and in the sunset of her life an important component to her life.

Her words to me were, "I am so so very happy I read all those years of my life when I was a girl (she alludes to herself as a girl not out of delusion but because she still feels young) because now I have them to look back upon."

The ultimate poison to medicine perspective and when there is a teaching and it says to find this within yourself (such as finding the teachings of Nichiren within yourself) this is the dynamic at hand.

Find the analog of that teaching through the very real example of your own life.

If you are you are young and new to the teachings practicing them in faith will keep your eyes open to recognizing them as they occur will teach you about cause and effect and fortify your faith as teachings are reconciled to reality.

If you are not young and new to the teachings you might that your past offers many examples of the teachings you now read, offering you a new perspective on your past and on the wisdom held within.

Regardless of where you are in practice or age, there is poison to be made to medicine, and understanding to be had which ultimately frees us from walking the evil paths and lets us propagate more of the same for others.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Bubblegum Specialist
We begin again each day. Yes, it is a wonderful day!

Hear the voice of the Buddha in each of us...we are the Buddha. :)

I still feel like a boy learning something every day just as my mother told me to.

I once saw the truth of how perfect the system of the universe is so don't worry.

No matter what happens to anyone they will be fine in the long run. We will all finish the test eventually and be passed on to the next level. Our journey never really ends.

The worst things we go through only make us stronger in the long run. Even the loss of your most beloved can be put in perspective when we know the truth.

The truth is that the system is perfect making us evolve forward not just physically but spiritually. You see the whole thing differently when you know that you are not just a body but a spirit. A being of light!

Yoda said it and he represented wisdom and enlightenment in his harnessing the power of the force. He was fictional but many truths can be presented in fiction.

If you knew you could do it, you could levitate a mountain. If I had the faith I could free Gypsy. If we knew we could do it we would just do it. So don't doubt your power and don't fear your death. Accept your losses and be joyful to have had all you have been given.

Count your Blessings!

Free Gypsy...the chant continues like the ringing of a bell...nam Myoho Renge Kyo...bog

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Just as I was thinking that, even if I remained free from illness, I would
surely die of starvation, the wheat that you sent arrived. It is more wonderful
than gold and more precious than jewels. Rida's millet changed into a golden
man. How, then, could Tokimitsu's wheat fail to turn into the characters of the
Lotus Sutra? These characters of the Lotus Sutra will become Shakyamuni Buddha
and then a pair of wings for your deceased father, flying and soaring to the
pure land of Eagle Peak. On returning, they will cover your body and protect

(WND, 926)
Reply to Tokimitsu
Written to Nanjo Tokimitsu on July 8, 1278

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Even in times of hardship, the important thing is for each of us to determine
that we are the star, protagonist and hero of our lives and keep moving forward.
Putting ourselves down and shrinking back from the obstacles looming before us
spell certain defeat. Through making ourselves strong and developing our state
of life, we can definitely find a way through. As long as we uphold the Mystic
Law throughout our lives, we can break through any impasse and surmount any
obstacle. We will also be able to lead all those who are suffering to happiness.

Daisaku Ikeda

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Chants for Gypsy and Vonforme
Nam myoho renge kyo
Nam myoho renge kyo
Nam myoho renge kyo


Senior Member
All of our SGI gatherings are "the" places
where this philosophy for happiness and prosperity can be shared with the local community!
Let's, therefore, invite as many of the local people and our friends as possible
to come and participate in conversations that will inspire hope in one and all! Big Hug all! :wave:


Nichiren expects us to:
1)Propagate this Buddhism,
2)Turn our obstacles around into the fuel to help us continue to propagate this daimoku of the Lotus Sutra,
3)Spread Nam-myoho-renge-kyo throughout the world, and
4)Did I mention Shakubuku?

Nichiren's writings left us messages of hope and strict guidance towards achieving kosen-rufu in our lives. Even if we could only momentarily hook up with someone, like if we lived in Oklahoma for instance, then lets keep in line with the Daishonin's spirit and spread hope through our practice. Our daily practice folks, chanting daimoku, reciting gongyo, chanting daimoku and sharing this practice with others, is our key to victory.

As I push forward in school, work, and everything else, please know I'm totally focused on continuing to practice Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism because its the best practice for us and it works! 7 Years in, starting from the first thread, and I'm grateful for all my chanting growers family on a daily basis, especially those who originally helped me understand this great practice of compassion for all mankind. Developing myself into becoming a more consistent practitioner of Buddhism (every subsequent day) through my daimoku to the Gohonzon is helping all my loved ones grow, and advance in compassion and love around me. Let's keep doing it together!!

I owe you all and the Gohonzon a tremendous debt of gratitude and am willing to repay anytime anyplace! Let's keep doing it together in our respective lives!!!



Bubblegum Specialist
We will always fight the wolf at the door...

Steadiness of mind helps us be strong. Faith in ourselves is required...

In the end we all appear to pass into extinction but nothing is further from the truth.

Just as the Buddha has said that he will appear to enter extinction or appear to enter Nirvana because he had to leave eventually, each time.

I am certain that many lives have we lived with many more to come. I don't know if I ever want to stop. What do we do if we achieve our goals in this life?

More lives that seem to forget the past or go to Heaven? I have enjoyed my life and so I would have another. Do we evolve to reincarnate in other new forms? Like planets, stars or super intelligent alien creatures?

What a mind blowing adventure we are on...living on the edge. It's all edge everywhere actually...

Chanting for Gypsys eventual release. *spins the prayer wheel*. ;)


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