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Chanting Growers Group (2013-∞)


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

I really like the part about kicking the Devil's Ass!

Be strong Gypsy!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

SoCal Hippy

Active member
[As a youth,] he received great wisdom from the living Bodhisattva Space
Treasure. He prayed to the bodhisattva to become the wisest person in Japan. The
bodhisattva must have taken pity on him, for he presented him with a great jewel
as brilliant as the morning star, which Nichiren tucked away in his right
sleeve. Thereafter, on perusing the entire body of sutras, he was able to
discern in essence the relative worth of the eight schools as well as of all the

(WND, 650)
Letter to the Priests of Seicho-ji
Written to the priests of Seicho-ji temple on January 11, 1276
from "Daily Wisdom - from the writings of Nichiren Daishonin"

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Worldly success and good circumstances based on luck can easily crumble. They
are as transient as an illusion. But the state of Buddhahood, once attained, can
never be destroyed, not for all eternity. We will enjoy an existence overflowing
with good fortune and immense joy in lifetime after lifetime.

Daisaku Ikeda

SoCal Hippy

Active member
A person's death is not determined by illness. In our own time, the people of
Iki and Tsushima, though not suffering from illness, were slaughtered in an
instant by the Mongols. It is not certain that, because one is ill, one will
die. And could not this illness of your husband's be the Buddha's design,
because the Vimalakirti and Nirvana sutras both teach that sick people will
surely attain Buddhahood? Illness gives rise to the resolve to attain the way.

(WND, 937)
The Good Medicine for All Ills
Written to the lay nun Myoshin on August 16, probably in 1278
from "Daily Wisdom - from the writings of Nichiren Daishonin"

SoCal Hippy

Active member
The first thing is to pray. From the moment we begin to pray, things start
moving. The darker the night, the closer the dawn. From the moment we chant
daimoku with a deep and powerful resolve, the sun begins to rise in our hearts.
Hope -- prayer is the sun of hope. To chant daimoku each time we face a problem,
overcoming it and elevating our life-condition as a result -- this is the path
of "changing earthly desires into enlightenment," taught in Nichiren Daishonin's

Daisaku Ikeda



Senior Member
Let's pay close attention to all fire precautions!
No piggy back multiple plugs on single outlets
and don't leave outside unsecured combustibles!
By double checking all possible sources of fire, etc.
and at the same time reminding each other of the necessary precautions,
let's do our utmost to prevent any fires from occurring!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam myoho renge kyo

Nam myoho renge kyo

Let's pay close attention to all fire precautions!
No piggy back multiple plugs on single outlets
and don't leave outside unsecured combustibles!
By double checking all possible sources of fire, etc.
and at the same time reminding each other of the necessary precautions,
let's do our utmost to prevent any fires from occurring!

Nam myoho renge kyo


Bubblegum Specialist
Many hazards do we face and our carelessness can cause great suffering...

Sometimes we can't see the outcome but it's cause and effect. My fire was due to my own actions and it was a hard lesson.

We often have to learn things ourselves the hard way but still we learn.

The higher principles of Buddhism are a guide of a higher way to live in which we love our brothers and sisters and we help each other.

Sometimes the hardest thing for us to learn is to ask for help. Now we must help someone in trouble who we should thank for this forum and thread.

Gypsy had a dream and I know he still does. We have worked a long time for our rights and Gypsy has always taken a big risk and now he is in trouble.

Now is the time fellow soldiers of righteousness to raise our swords of justice and change this nightmare for our old friend. We have the power.

If we have faith enough we can save Gypsy because nothing can withstand the Roars of all our Lions. This is the call...polish your swords and begin the series of powerful chantings for Gypsy. I have faith that if you join me we have more than enough power to change anything.

We need to let Gypsy know that we haven't forgotten him. Begin Now! Bog


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor


Many hazards do we face and our carelessness can cause great suffering...

Sometimes we can't see the outcome but it's cause and effect. My fire was due to my own actions and it was a hard lesson.

We often have to learn things ourselves the hard way but still we learn.

The higher principles of Buddhism are a guide of a higher way to live in which we love our brothers and sisters and we help each other.

Sometimes the hardest thing for us to learn is to ask for help. Now we must help someone in trouble who we should thank for this forum and thread.

Gypsy had a dream and I know he still does. We have worked a long time for our rights and Gypsy has always taken a big risk and now he is in trouble.

Now is the time fellow soldiers of righteousness to raise our swords of justice and change this nightmare for our old friend. We have the power.

If we have faith enough we can save Gypsy because nothing can withstand the Roars of all our Lions. This is the call...polish your swords and begin the series of powerful chantings for Gypsy. I have faith that if you join me we have more than enough power to change anything.

We need to let Gypsy know that we haven't forgotten him. Begin Now!


If nothing else our Brother is now chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with us! Never give up! We have two days to focus our faith to reveal the power of the protection of the Buddha. Nothing can stop us but our own doubts and lack of sincere action!!! KEEP CHANTING AND NEVER BECOME DISCOURAGED NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS!!!

Much love and deepest respect!

T (Thanks SoCal! I will call you on Monday!)

:thank you:


Bubblegum Specialist
STAND UP...Holding our polished swords up high in devotion to the Higher Laws do we humbly chant with great power.

Faith is Key to our power together. Don't just believe...know!

The endless chant continues like the ringing of a bell...Nam Myoho Renge Kyo...

SoCal Hippy

Active member
When praised highly by others, one feels that there is no hardship one cannot
bear. Such is the courage that springs from words of praise.

(WND, 385)
The True Aspect of All Phenomena
Written to Sairen-bo Nichijo on May 17, 1273

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Do not go around lamenting to others how hard it is for you to live in this
world. To do so is an act utterly unbecoming to a worthy man.

(WND, 850)
The Three Kinds of Treasure
Written to Shijo Kingo on September 11, 1277

SoCal Hippy

Active member
To be fearless no matter what happens -- that is the root of true happiness. To
move forward resolutely regardless of what lies in store -- that is the spirit,
the resolve, that leads to human victory. But if we allow ourselves to be
disturbed by petty criticism and slander, if we fear pressure and persecution,
we will never advance or create anything of lasting value.

Daisaku Ikeda

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Bubblegum Specialist
Thank you SoCal for the wisdom presented. Bows.

And on continues the ever present ringing of the bell...

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo...


Active member
Hello all, or am I really saying hello to myself since there is truly only one of us here?

I often wondered if I was truly alone on these boards, where everyone else devotes themselves to growing. But I see there are others, others who seek enlightenment by experiencing life through the gifts of nature that was given to us. Or am I still in a dream?

BOG-- do you think there would be a problem getting your seeds from seedboutique in my area?

Raziel819 -- homer isn't a pea brain, he's just trying to get his third eye to open.



We come together and chant daimoku for our friends.
Our sincere prayers illuminate the night.
Our diligent study nourishes our soul.
Buddha wisdom is ripe for harvest.
With consistent effort we never stop sowing.
In our lives and hearts we are Chanting and Growing!