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changing the lighting cycle during flower


New member
I was wondering if it is possible to change the lighting cycle during flowering. as of now i have her on 12/12 with the light on during the day. problem is that during the day the room gets entirely too hot which makes cooling my cab almost impossible, even with air straight from the a/c ducts. shes at about 15-16 days into flowering and i was wondering what i need to do to switch the 12/12 so that the light is on at night, or if this is even a viable option.

thx in advance for any feed back! :bashhead:


Simple! Just give them one dark period of 24 hours and you've successfully shifted your cycle by 12 hours. Does the plants no harm at all and actually can be useful for kicking the plants firmly into flowering phase when done early on.


I always figure that more dark is better than more light. What I mean by that is that when you're changing your light cycle it's better to make your dark periods longer rather than the days getting longer.

For example, I just changed my light cycle from midnight - noon to 10:00pm - 10:00am. To do that, I cut the light two hours early today, so they only ended up getting 10 hours of light. That way you don't end up confusing the plant and making it think that it's summer again.

In your case, since you want to swap things around completely, I would go a little at a time. Change it three hours, take a break for a couple of days, change it three more.

You might want to look at changing to a schedule that starts late at night and runs into the late morning. I know at my place, things are still warm from a hot day at least until after dinner, while the mornings take a long time to heat back up.


New member
thank you for the quick replies. im probably going to change it from 930am-930pm to 10pm-10am, that way the room has plenty of time to cool down and it wont start heating up yet when the light goes off.


well when do you switch it to 12/12? im runnin 16/8.. the plant has hairs been vegn for about a month and smoe change frmo clones

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