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Change your quality/type of high?! Smoke essential oils!

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I found the perfect mix of EOs for me! Eat 40 drops of rosemary EO, and 40 drops of lemon EO 30 minutes before you toke up. You can also have it while your stoned.

But be WARNED, you will get allot higher! ;)


Active member
Actually…I don't believe it is really safe to take straight essential oil In any form. Even topically applied.

I was just wondering if there may be some medical benefit to cooking down the whole plant….


I believe that terpenes + THC are the future of Cannabis, by that I mean resin high in THC and natural terpenes in the resin.
To be honest I would not smoke a terpene not found in Cannabis, how do you know it is safe? Cannabis terpenes have been smoked for hundreds of years with very little negative effects. These others have never been smoked as far as I know. Would you want your child or loved one or a patient to be doing this? Not me.
The amounts of terpenes required to potentiate or modify 25mg pure THC is very much smaller then a drop.
I suggest you buy the pure terpenes that are found in Cannabis and start with the 140 found so far, a lot safer, and do you really want to be telling others to be smoking these non-Cannabis essential oils?? Even Cannabis pure terpenes can be harsh on you, some made me vomit when I smoked or vaped them.
Will you pay the medical bills of anyone hurt by them? Be prepared.

well now last night,,,, crazy! After smoking, I went on to vaporize me a whole bunch of essential oils. I probably vaporized like 40 drops of essential oils. So I would assume one drop would not do much or anything really.

Also, I found that the different oils made me feel different. Lemon grass made me feel more awake, where as ylang ylang made my high instantly into a sleepy high, and like how grapefruit oil made my high super trippy.

I feel like this can be very usefull for people who want to change their stone, and also for patients who need help with a certain ailment. An example would be insomnia, add some ylang ylang, and/or lavender/chamomile oils.

Test this out people!

my top recommendations:
#1 Rosemary Oil
#2 Grapefruit oil/ or orange/ or lemon
#3 Lemon grass
#4 Pine oil
#6 Hops oil
#5 Frankincense oil

Also, you need a protopipe with the glass attachment in order to vape it properly!
Also take into consideration that the Essential Oil market is virtually unregulated.

You can not be sure what is in that Essential Oil bottle. You do not know how it was extracted or what kind of impurities may be present.

Molecularly D-Limonene is D-Limonene. The terpenes in essential oils are indeed the same terpenes as in Cannabis.
The trouble as SKunkman Sam iterated is partially in dosages as well.

We do not know how much is too much for many terpenes.

And the poison is in the dose. THC is one of the few notable exceptions in that it seems people are unable to approach the LD50 in realistic usage.

I would suggest using only Cannabis derived terpenes from a trustworthy source or terpenes extracted from plants you have grown yourself. I would extract the essential oil from the peppermint and geraniums I am growing and use those because I know the source.


New member
Not all essential oils are created equally. There are definetly some you DO NOT want in your lungs ( oregano). I have found the following the be the most pure available. https://www.doterra.com/en. Be very careful on the amount you vape. For instance, 1 drop of perrermint oil is the equivalent of having 45 cups of peppermint tea!
DoTerra and Young Living are two of the worst. I believe the FDA is finally going after them for making medical claims outside and so on.

You have no idea what the impurities are. Especially with no HPLC or GC/MS results showing actual purity and their claims of 100% purity form steam distillation 100% bullshit.


Registered Med User
I was thinkin about adding a small amount of anise oil to some bho before purging and seeing if it does anything to the high. The best weed i ever smoked was some durban that smelt like licorish...


Hello guys,

I think it's a very dangerous game to play to smoke so much essential oils...It's the equivalent of enormous quantities of plants!!! I know smbdy that have eat a spoon of essential oil one day because he was sick and thought it would be good for him...since this time he can't drink a single drop of alcohol without having terrible hemmoroid crises and blood problems in his foots veins...

You just have to see how strong are 3-4 drops of lavender essential oil in 1L of water against aphids.it's a very very powerful product you can see it because its really efficient!!!

As to me you maybe already have crossed the limit your body can support but don't know yet. If I were you i would stop as soon as possible, you don't know how dangerous it can be for your body (just try to help ;) )
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