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Change bulbs every 3rd grow?


what wattage? that just seems wastefull
1kw or 600w, don't matter, they change them everytime b/c money is no issue.

Thanks. But I grow 100% organic so no salt build-ups.
what makes you think that there will be no salt build ups with an organic grow? Don't kid yourself, if your gonna reuse soil make sure you flush it properly before, remix it all together and then add back things that someone else mentioned above.
My cab temps have been averaging like 70F. That's low. Seeing as how I have seen 90's before it was properly ventilated. I attribute those cool temps mostly for the sluggish growth. Thanks for the advice though.
Yeah thats not low at all, I would say thats about perfect. That is not going to be the reason for slow growth I guarantee it. 90 is doable but high, 70 is almost perfect IMO.
I change my 400w HPS every 3rd grow. I grow 2 cycles and change out on the third! Rather spend the equivelant to an 1/8 of weed for a return of at least a half oz in the end.


I hate to burst your bubble, but I have facts from a lighting manufacturer, and personal grow expierience. Here's a 150watt HPS bulbs data sheet. Please note the rated life. It's 24,000 hours. You sir, are the biggest tool, or a PL-L lightbulb saleman.

Wow, Im not getting involved in this one, but you missed what he was saying. Life expectancy and spectrum output are 2 different things, and thats what he was saying. Why call him names, hes just trying to help. Plus, being an electrician and dealing with these lights on a daily basis I can tell you that life expectancy is not listed on the conservative side, and there is some give in that number. Of course the manufacturer is gonna give you their best numbers on tests done in controlled perfect enviro's. Arguing about hours is silly since I have seen bulbs last 1 day to 10 years and everywhere in between. Just b/c the bulb is on doesn't mean its still giving off the same spectrum of light that the plant requires.


Active member
a choice to anyone but for me I change my veg light after 3 runs and my flower lights after 4 you will notice the difference.I veg with a 250 and flower with two 400's


Active member
I hate to burst your bubble, but I have facts from a lighting manufacturer, and personal grow expierience.
The mfg doesn't grow anything... You might as well ask them how much you're going to yield.

Your personal grow experience included side by side lamps, in the same cab, with plants feeding off the same res? One 3 months old... One new? I highly doubt it. I did... the difference was definitely noticeable. They were 150w's and they tend to wear out faster... the higher wattage lamps only add a couple grows.

You can listen to people with real experience.... or you can listen to a salesman. You're the one that's going to pay, either way. Me, I'll stick to what's proven and only try experimenting when it's not critical. :D

Stay Safe! :tree: