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chads hydro bath 400w AK47xWhite Rhino



While doing my research on hydro and aeroponics ive run across far too many snobby aero guys that insist that the method i chose is "fake aeroponics". So for the benifit of keeping those snobs out of my hair, ill call it hydroponics.

Ill be doing some moving this week and again in march, so i am building this as a one tub all in one rez so it will fit in a closet untill my out of state move is through. now, with that out of the way...

In doing the research I did, as thoroughly as I could I came across very few how-to guides on the particular style I had in mind. However I did find this: http://forum.greenmangardens.net/Vanilla/comments.php?DiscussionID=5&page=1#Item_0
which illustrates, however roughly, what i aim to create.

i will be using:
a lightproof storage tote (exact size to be determined)
1 290 gph pump i had from an old project
1/2 inch pvc, union and ball valve from the pump
1/2 inch pcv grid
8 E-Z clone mist heads
6 5" net pots
and i used a lid to ziptie the pump to for stability

sneak peak of whats going in

I will reserve the second and third post for updates as i plan to use the second post for step by step construction and the third for a grow log. stay tuned.


30g or 114L rubbermade tote
on sale for $8

laid out pvc fittings, sprayers (red dots) and 5" net pots
$.90ea 5" net pot, $.90ea of 8 E-Z clone sprayer, had fittings layin around

4.5 inch hole saw, didnt care if they were laid out perfect
borrowed from a friend

closed cell foam tape on the rim to seal in water and humidity (word from the wise) - use alot of this stuff, i had to add more with a lid full of plants.....
20ft for $3.50

added more foam tape around net pot holes
remainder from above

i then realized i had left over reflective
recycled from old project

edited for stability! male thread x 1/2" slip - 1/2" pvc @ 5" - 1/2" union - 1/2" tee, from base of pump to top of manifold = 14"
used pump and all fittings and lid from old project, pump is 290gph


lining up the sprayers for drill location

sprayers in place, in tub, sitting on foam under the light

happy plants in bigger home!

and another closer shot



the 2 plants on the left are the revegged clones. the one in back got fried and chopped down, its coming around!

Grow log

clones and seedlings all rooted with water (clones in my clone bucket and seedlings in humidity dome)
my clone bucket record root time is showing first nubs at 18 hours!!


Feed Schedule
i use cutting edge solutions 3 part liquid fert system (none of the additives) all measurements are per gal

stage light micro bloom grow

18/6 8ml 5ml 15ml
transition 12/12 8ml 15ml 5ml
flower 12/12 8ml 20ml 0ml
flush 12/12 4ml 10ml 0ml
flush week 12/12 0ml 0ml 0ml

setup details
see post 2 for construction

rez size - 30 gal capacity, but i use a mere 9 gal nute solution
feed delivery - very simple, 290gph pump in the res powering 8 ez clone spray heads that run 24/7
res change - every 2 weeks
light - 400w MH (veg) and 400w hps (flower) -------------------- thinking of going back to 6 T5's again for flowering.
air filtration - diy carbon scrubber on 4" duct fan. couldnt be happier with this scrubber.

ask me anything about my set up, i will answer you, and then edit this part to include anything i missed!!!

a mere 2 days in the new setup and all 6 plants have put up 1-2 more nodes a peice. i may just let them get one more node each, top and flip to 12/12



WATCHING with interest looking good so far, when you putting your baby's in i did something a bit simlar to veg my plants befor i put t hem in the flower room
and call it what you wont tell the snobby aero guys to f-off and get a life any way keep it up happy growing and stay safe



thanks for all the interest guys!

boom boom - ive got 2 from clone and 4 from seed. one of them is older by a few weeks, and is about 8-9 tall if i had not started to lst it. i may slap a 5" net pot in a 5 gal bucket and make a seperate one for that plant, i have never done lst before, im certain im doing it right, i just dont know how the plant will react so im not sure i want to try and put it in this system with all the younger plants. working on getting more done right now so stay tunes for updates to post #2


posts have been updated with addition info on the build and grow. getting ready to move the grow to a new place, glad their still in veg, would be a real bitch to try to move 6 big flowering plants lol.

today i added more of the closed cell foam tape to take care of a few small leaks. i need to get some 100% silicone and goop up those holes near the handles..... electrical tape is doing an ok job for now


today i topped the 4 untrained from seed plants. had to cut out the light way early and get them ready to move out into the truck and move to the new place. tommorrow when i reintroduce lights, ill be flipping the light bulb and timer to flower, as well as nutes.

however, looking over my nute table, i want to add more "grow" to the transition and maybe even the whole (or part) of the flower stage since ill have to flip while their still a little small due to time constraint on needing to chop before we move out of state. not too worried about my LST plants, but the other 4 are under 6 inches still.