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CFL 325 watts-SLH-kush-cheese clone 2nd grow


Sooner or later had to star this thread here,will do it in english just coz is a more wide and universal language,however can reply any doubt or questions in portuguese,the plants are under 325 watts cfl in flowering 2 SLH and the Kush than will termine first,and the Cheese clone only starting its vegetative in a different space...




:ying:after a while when they gained some estructure put them under red 325 watts cfl to flowering
If you notice the last 2 pictures,I am trying to open the light exposure with a little training horizontal,cheers Kodiak...


Mad Scientist
Looks good ERVABUE :yes:

You could consider scrogging the plants for even more control.

Keep up the good work man


what did the police do...

what did the police do...

Mate they took me and the plants, however I could leave cuz was first time


Active member
Damn you're lucky. Here in the states they would take you to jail. :/

At least you've got your freedom.


Mad Scientist
That sucks man. I'm very sorry to hear that you got busted ERVABUE.

Like Nicoli said, at least you have your freedom. You just have to be more careful in the future.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
What a shame mate.
Keep your head down for a while, change adress if possible but dont step out the green train ;)
Take it easy Ervabue


other grows will come!

other grows will come!

ye man I risked to much,I almost guessed the fucking bastard would give me to the cops and 2 weeks ago even though about move them outdoors however let it pass,...you know guys,the ridiculous of all this is that the guy did this cuz my ps3 does interference in some way through the comum reuter of the house...with his laptop!!!...a joke__,now my landlord gave me notice to leave in 2 weeks(stupid wanted me to leave the day after,...but I know the law)
Yea I should consider myself lucky with been let free...!next time should be more careful no doubt...
the cops took the plants,lights,nutes(they left a hesi supervit,..and a scale and the 30x loupe),they have the termometre and the humidity checker for soil and even some 100 empty used £10 and £20 bags they took as a prove...
Just hope this help others and myself in future...all care will be little...
Thanks to everyone support in this sad time,...but could be worst...
I'll not give up...


levaram te mesmo tudo isso foi em pt certo?o cultivo nao se diz a ninguem mesmo nem ao melhor amigo he he tudo como se nada passa se e mesmo estar a postar aqui ja e filme


busted in uk by a hungarian snitch

busted in uk by a hungarian snitch

Ye Ricardopunnchs,was here in uk man,by a hungarian snitch motherfucker cuz of internet problem the bastard


se fosse no meu caso havia merda e tiveste sorte em nao te levarem mesmo ai no uk e fodido a guerra as drogas!!!


freedom is more important

freedom is more important

yea ricardo,they catch this last year another portuguese friend,but as he was in prison for drugs before had to go to court and pay something...they generally here if is the first time and small amount of cannabis,they warning you by now and put you in their file,..and take you the plants nutes and lights,in my case they let the growcabinets
what a greeny cops,..ahah,
after all more important is still free !
Obrigado pelo apoio ricardopunchs,esse hungaro chibo merecia mesmo uns bons punches naquela cornadura...q raiva man,...mas o melhor é ter calma como diz o paulo73,afinal de contas estamos no pais deles,...nao quer dizer nada mas com a bofia é melhor sentir-me ter tido muita sorte mesmo assim...
cheers guys


tens razao e melhor nao leventar mais confusa e deixar assentar o po


one day will grow SLH...!

one day will grow SLH...!

:ying:that's it folkes this time went wrong maybe one next opportunity,...
more care no doubt,stay well friends and keep alive this adorable plant:ying:

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