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CFL 288Watt DWC Stealth Closet Grow - Hawaiian Snow . Super Silver Haze


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
What? No revolving fireplace with mantle and boar's head trophy? :badday: Kids these days. Slackers! Every one of them.

Double extra cool.

... but, is that a clear res I see? You'll want to cover that up. Algae and all that jazz.


Thanks guys. Haha no the mantle and boar's head are in the other room. That clear res I think you saw was one it was in temporarily. I did have just emergency blanket covering them for a bit tho and that didn't block out much light, so I had to go to with the duct tape approach.

The idea of upgrading to a 250 or a 400 in the future is always lingering in my head, I'm sure it will linger long enough for me to end up with one at some point.

Here they are at 33 days 12/12, still going strong. I trimmed the fan leaves on them some.

Back row is Hawaiian Snow, Super Silver Haze, front is Big Bang

Big Bang at 33 days 12/12
Just a happy little plant, hasn't needed much attention.

Super Silver Haze at 33 days 12/12
Looks alot better now that I trimmed some of the fan leaves, looks a little more under control.


Hawaiian Snow at 33 days 12/12
Burned it a little with the Bushmaster, but nothing too severe. Always a little frustrating tho.




I finally had a SSH clone grow some roots this week, I don't think I had enough bubbles, because so far the only one that took was the one nearest the air stone. I moved it closer to the HS clones now and crossing my fingers I can still get one of them to grow for this summer. Oh well, live and learn right?

Thats it for now. Happy Saint Patricks day, little early but I prolly won't be on here till after, so enjoy the green beer this weekend!


Hey fellas, i was gone for a week and left them unattended and things got a little more interesting i guess. They are all looking healthy still but the Super Silver haze decided to grow around 10" or so and up into the light curving it over. No real damage was done luckily, most likely because the CFLs weren't hot enough to torch them too much, just got a couple fan leaves. Other than that things survived just fine.

Here they are at 41 days 12/12

Hawaiian Snow



Super Silver Haze at 41 days, looking nice and curved now. I tied it down so it would have some more room, put some bushmaster in to slow it down before it gets too big and shades out the others.


Big Bang

Thanks for stopping in, peace



I'm really liking your grow room design, Good Job bud, keep up the good work. BTW your plants are looking beautiful.


wow! looking really nice there FB!
would love to get my hands on some of that Hawaiian snow!

keep it up!
Very nice thread FB. Read it straight thru. I had the same problem with my seedlings as well, with the earlier yellowing & all. But they are bouncing back now cause I'm feeding them every other feeding, 1tsp of PBP Grow, 1tsp of LK, & 1tbs of molasses. Thinking I need some Cal/Mag too. Don't think the molasses is enough. But I'm tagged now my friend, keep up the good work.


I can't wait to see how that SSH and HS come out, I plan on doing a zero-veg (from clone) perpetual micro grow goin on soon and I wanna see how those strains fare with CFLs, like how the yield will be cuz the beans are on the way.


hey mate,
care to post some more details on your hydro-setup?
I am growing under CFL's myself, and i am interested in going hydro next time. Would you like to tell me a bit more about your methods? Seems like you're rather successful :rasta:


Thanks for all the good feedback guys, glad to see so many people stop in. Wish I could share this Snow with everyone once its done, it's lookin like a fun one :joint:

FirstTimer - yeah those seedlings turning yellow so early made me go a little nuts too, I was already sure I was gonna kill them before I started and then when they started turning I was sure my nightmares were coming true. Glad to hear yours are dong better too. I was looking at yours earlier and am gonna head back over there in a minute to check them out some more. Lookin good!

Chron - Thanks for stopping by. I'll be keeping my eyes open for your grow when the time comes, I'd be really interested in seeing how it goes for you. How many plants do you think you are gonna go with? I always wonder if I want to switch to something perpetual or stick with this setup.

Max0r - haha I didn't even realize how shaggy it looked until you commented, I pulled it out and trimmed it some today. It was starting to shade out that stepchild plant by the name of Big Bang. Poor thing, gets no love......

Rave - Thanks bro, I was checking out your setup the other day, you wanna switch? haha looks awesome over there. I haven't dealt with soil personally so I'm not sure how the two compare first-hand, but I lean towards the side that hydro can be a little easier to maintain. That is completely my un-experienced opinion tho, I could be way off base. I'm going to grow some in soil this summer tho so who knows, maybe my opinion will change. Anyways, now that plants are larger, the only maintenance I do on a regular basis is change the water every 1 - 1 1/2 weeks, depending on how much they are drinking. I let the plant run in the new freshwater for 2-3 days usually to give it a flush, and then add Floranova Bloom. I have the Snow and Haze around 900ppm, and the Big Bang has around 800. The only other factor I worry about is the PH, but the Floranova balances the PH for the most part when I add it. My starting PH is usually around 8.5 on my PH drop test kit, and after I put in the bloom it drops to 6-6.5. Aside from the nutes, I think a big help has been my temps. The CFLs seem to keep things cooler, which it looks like you are enjoying too. It has helped me avoid root rot problems I think, which seem to be a huge plant killer in the hydro world. Hope this helps you out some, I'd be happy to share any more info I have tho.

Heres a quick pic of everyone's favorite for now tho until I get some more pics up this week, enjoy.



Chron - Thanks for stopping by. I'll be keeping my eyes open for your grow when the time comes, I'd be really interested in seeing how it goes for you. How many plants do you think you are gonna go with? I always wonder if I want to switch to something perpetual or stick with this setup.

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I don't know if the grow will end up on IC Mag, I don't really have too good of a camera but I have a pretty good amount of space to work with, Im probably going to try and find the perfect flowering time then when I have everything dialed in I'll have it set up for 2 or 3 plants harvested a week. If the grow does end up on here, I'll let you know bro.
As far as which setup to go with, its all about preference. Youre running mostly sativas so to maximize yield you'll probably want veg out a little bit whereas I'm going for a faster turnover (a steady supply of buds rather than wait 2-3 months per harvest).



man i am jealous :rasta:
I deff. need to get cracking on building a 2nd cab where i can flower some Haze varieties. Their long flower time deters me from growing them, as i need a constant flow of medicine.
I suppose the seeds are from Greenhouse Seed Co. ? Man, i smoked some Hawaiian Snow from GHS once and i felt like a ride on a magic carpet. Lifted me off the floor and kept me hovering around for longer than i would have expected. Something to look forward too for sure!

Anyway, i get outa here now, nice grow for sure brotha!~


Thanks guys, yep, Greenhouse Seed Co. Hope I get a magic carpet ride haha, it's looking like its going to be some awesome bud.

The Big Bang has a definite fruit smell to it, the Hawaiian Snow just stinks, and the Super Silver Haze has some smell to it but I can't decide what it is yet.

I put some extra lights into the cab today as well, I picked up a dual T5 fixture and attached it to the shelf in the closet, adding an extra 42 watts, hopefully it beefs up the buds on the bottom a little more.

You can see the new T5's on the side in the picture, I never knew they were so small, I might have to use them more in the future, glad I got them.

The order in the cab goes HS, BB, SSH.

Thanks for stopping in, I'll get some better pictures up soon.


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great grow!

great grow!

hey man looking awesome!! But cant wait to see some more of that beautiful bud porn!:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:


Thanks guys, I appreciate it. I started a flush on the HS 6 days ago assuming that she might be ready to come down in a couple weeks which is about on schedule for what the seed pack said (~13 weeks). I think I am going to start a flush on the Big Bang sometime this week as well. The Big Bang and Super Silver Haze took a while to start flowering, so i should have started counting from that point instead of when I switched to 12/12. Finally getting to the finish tho!





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Ok, First of all I have to say what an awesome job you have done growing! But, I also do have to say this: you need a little help with you camera skills lol no offence. Anyways I cant wait to see the end result good job!:joint::joint::joint::abduct::abduct:

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