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Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH)



The thing is I grow on big tables with 1ks is a 1k MH pulse start better for flowering than a 1k HPS ? will they both work on the same kinda ballast?


Sleeping Dragon
Gerogia,, No and No... as far as mh for flowering depends who u ask but MH generally not for flowering.. as during flower the red side is more receptive.. In short.. so if using one bulb hps but mh would provide more sticky dense.. thats why we like cmh.. provides both and more red than blue.. and then the other goodies only the philips Retro white can offer..
no a MH pulse start is dif than a hps ballast you can however find conversion bulbs..
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Active member
I finally got my new 400w mag. ballast and CMH bulb running today. I'm just doing a trial run to let the bulb break in. For those who are concerned about switching from a eballast to a mag. like I was, don't. Apparently technology or quality has improved since I bought my first mag. ballast in '04. The new SSI I'm running right now is dead silent. I know that will change with age but my old one hummed from the start.

I was surprised that after running for 4 hours, the 400w CMH is brighter than my old 250w Hort/Blue obviously, but my c-13 is the same temp. That is cool. Thanks to simba and everyone who has contributed to this thread.


New member
How close should the 400w be to plants?

I have some plants that just sprouted and there is a little upcurling of the edges of the leaves... is this because of to much heat? my bulb is about 10-12in away


im thinking 10-12" is to close for sprouts. I would raise it up to 24" minimum.

once they are established with 5-6 nodes, then you could drop it down to 10" or less.



Sleeping Dragon
24-36" min for seedlings.. there to young to absorb all the Energy of Full SPD CMH yet so you dont have worry about giving them to little.. at this point..


I've read a lot of this thread and I'm considering upgrading to a cmh for flowering. My flower chamber footprint is 15" wide x 24" deep x 32" high.

The 150w S55 magnetic ballast is not compatible with the 150w cmh bulb. Since I'll have to buy a new ballast, should I consider going 250 watt? The 150 watt lamp gives me about 60 watts per square foot and I'm wondering if a 250 watt cmh will be overkill. Any suggestions?


Sleeping Dragon
it would be a 50/50 chance. .depending on venting.. but with ur setup u prob could cool it..
you could get a 150 watt cmh and a ballast from adv tech.. that would work..


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training

My space is 22x29x52. I went from 150HPS to 250CMH and had a tremendous increase in cab temp. (pre thermometer so, no actual numbers) Replaced my 76 cfm axial with a 154 cfm inline, doubled my intake (intake previously equaled exhaust) and repositioned ballast outside the cab. Blew my stealth to hell but cab temps are in the 70's, about 10 degrees hotter than the garage the cab is in.


New member
thanks, didnt seem like it was hurting them at that height but then i just noticed some discoloration around the edges of one of the plants leaves. I moved it up to about 2 1/2ft.


CMH grew my plants 45 inches in 40 days.... and the top is LST'd about 6 inches!

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Just wanted to update you guys. Made quite a few orders this past week. 2 SuperSun2 hoods, DR120, and most importantly a 600W HPS.

I'm thinking this will work pretty good.. plan is to have my 400W CMH in one hood, and the 600W in the other. It will be a perpetual setup; 10 plants every two weeks or so. Every two weeks the plants will be moved towards the left side (where the 600W HPS is). By the end of bloom, they will be directly under the 600W HPS.

I'm hoping to gain the benefits of the CMH, but still pack on a lot of weight with the HPS.

Also, I'll be flowering straight from rooted clone.. this room will ONLY ever run 12/12 :rasta:. Strains will be NL#5 that I obtained as a clone, and Purple Rhino that I also obtained as a clone. Both of these should be an 8 week strain. I may throw in a Love Potion here or there just for kicks :D.

Also, do you think a 276CFM Dayton will be enough to cool both hoods? Or should I say f it and get a 6" Vortex? I also have another 276CFM Dayton that will exhaust the room through a carbon filter.
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Sleeping Dragon
on the small grows.. if you can cool the top (lamp & Fixture) separate from the grow chamber that will also Drop the temps..
-------cab top---------
<--Fan (Lamp)Flow---<

Grow chamber

as far as going up in watts ur on the verge if u make the cab any bigger ull need 250 but if u stay at that size with no added cooling u can get away with 150 and it will be cooler than the HPS (heat thrown down to plants)


Sleeping Dragon
look how thick those leaves are and how dark green and some shiny..
(thick not width or length the Thickness!!)Great job
shows plant thriving on the energy..
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simba said:
look how thick those leaves are and how dark green and some shiny..
(thick not width or length the Thickness!!)Great job
shows plant thriving on the energy..

Mine look just like that right now. I have great nutes and additives with a good environment.


:muahaha: :muahaha: :muahaha: :muahaha: :muahaha:

800W CMH, yippeee!

These CMH are amazing. Take it easy.

- No WOrries
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Some supercropping done here and many other branches:
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