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Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH)


Maj.Cottonmouth said:
Nice clean setup there
Thank you, sir! lol...Poor folks got poor ways!

lol! got a walk through or some more pix of that?

There really isn't much to it. I was looking for my stock pot to make some soup and saw the loaf pans at the back of the cabinet and had a light bulb moment (lol...ironic, huh?).

I set the ballast as high on the mounting brackets as it would go for easier air flow under the ballast itself. Positioned it as far to one side and the end of the pan as I could to leave as much room as possible for the power cords, ignitor and capacitor. Dry fitted the ballast, igniter and capacitor brackets and made my marks for the bolts. Free handed the air holes and cord access and used a half-moon file to file to my hearts content . Your file is your friend! Just as an fyi...Because of the slope of the pans I had to mount the capacitor sideways and it made it a lot easier to cut off the last inch or so of the ballast mounting brackets.

The top was dry fitted with the pc fan and marked. A 1/2" hole, aviator snips, the file, some silicone caulking and bolt holes in the handles was all the top pan needed. Added some quick connects to the fan wires and adapter and...voila!

(The pic's are a mish-mash of the two I put together.)

Like I said, "weren't much to it."

Namaste, mess


simba you forgot to explain why 1w at 650nm equals 10w at 600nm..
i told you why its wrong but you just ignored and answered with a huge wall of text not even going to deal with the actuall case?!

and the spd you showing, it says 942 cdm right? the 36% efficiency sounds familar to me but the retro white is not even touching that number and that is what i told you .. retro white efficiency is not close to that but hps IS actually
the spd is from a 70w 942 cmd i guess and remember i always told you that for now, micro cmh are superior to hps/high watt cmh watt per watt - on the other hand you still didnt get into the 3k cmh's, another thing we talked about

i made calculations on my own, i dont get whats the problem in doing so, i see a dozen of spd published by philips, its not like you cant find them even if you seem to prefer that.. dunno why you would but it seems like - you can compare the bulbs we talk about easily, you just need quite some time (maybe instead of writing 100 pages of text you can fill some numbers and get the bling bling real results instead)


Active member
ICMag Donor
cmh grown

cmh grown


cmh grown




cmh grown




I could go on and on...

You got anything to post up for us, asde?
Do you even grow?


1. some of your pics looks like they are outdoors, your using cmh outdoors? weird.
2. your just another random who doesnt understand jackshit and imply that i said 5 > 6? OR WHAT IS YOUR POINT?
3. yes i used to grow
4. what was your point again?


Active member
ICMag Donor
My point is that this is a forum for and of growers.

And critique all you want...I took the plants outside for photos. If I tell you they were CMH grown, then they were damn well CMH grown, and you can take that to the fucking bank.

I understand jackshit quite well...in fact, I understand all of your cousins. They abound on the internet.


Thank you, sir! lol...Poor folks got poor ways!

There really isn't much to it. I was looking for my stock pot to make some soup and saw the loaf pans at the back of the cabinet and had a light bulb moment (lol...ironic, huh?).

I set the ballast as high on the mounting brackets as it would go for easier air flow under the ballast itself. Positioned it as far to one side and the end of the pan as I could to leave as much room as possible for the power cords, ignitor and capacitor. Dry fitted the ballast, igniter and capacitor brackets and made my marks for the bolts. Free handed the air holes and cord access and used a half-moon file to file to my hearts content . Your file is your friend! Just as an fyi...Because of the slope of the pans I had to mount the capacitor sideways and it made it a lot easier to cut off the last inch or so of the ballast mounting brackets.

The top was dry fitted with the pc fan and marked. A 1/2" hole, aviator snips, the file, some silicone caulking and bolt holes in the handles was all the top pan needed. Added some quick connects to the fan wires and adapter and...voila!

(The pic's are a mish-mash of the two I put together.)

Like I said, "weren't much to it."

Namaste, mess

dammit i gotta spread moar rep - hey thanks for showing the howto, maybe pm that post to pontiac lol - should be in the DIY

1. some of your pics looks like they are outdoors, your using cmh outdoors? weird.
2. your just another random who doesnt understand jackshit and imply that i said 5 > 6? OR WHAT IS YOUR POINT?
3. yes i used to grow
4. what was your point again?

look man some doubt is healthy, but there's no reason to be a dick, go puff some for a bit.

[my interpretation here] no one's saying you cant grow kill bud under just about any friggan kinda light, their just saying they fucking love CMH and are convinced its the best, and here's why and hopefully youll give it a good consider....

My point is that this is a forum for and of growers.

And critique all you want...I took the plants outside for photos. If I tell you they were CMH grown, then they were damn well CMH grown, and you can take that to the fucking bank.

I understand jackshit quite well...in fact, I understand all of your cousins. They abound on the internet.

Hey - btw those photos were mind blowing. Might i humbly ask what strain(s) that was(those were)? Ive got many years of a great hobby before me, but i've GOT to grow that sir, like i FEEL THE NEED.

:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

p.s. simba u kewl in my book, not that I am anyone special. :p

p.s.s. oh yes - btw asde - sometimes 2 != 2


Hey Simba thanks for the post. I do agree with oyou on all points, and realistically I most likely will not buy ballasts again from Adv.tech because of the lack of customer service, I will buy the lamps. As for the temp issues I just don't remember any of the ballasts getting THAT hot. But my memory has failed me more times than I can remember...wait what. HAHa. The resin smell was abit much, I expected that to go away which it dida after a week. I LOVE these lamps. and so do the plants. Really happy to see the wealth of info on here. Keep up the great work ladies and gentlemen.



GN's MazariSharif, MOC Carnival, DJS F-13, Chimera MF

the top pic was sick, but if those are listed top down, every single one following is now a must.

that's all world class meds, and THATS why i'm here. socal greens is reasonable, but the best is always 500/oz, and dammit i'd rather grow it than pay it :p even if it ended up costing the same heh

dammit, i just cant stop looking at the deep dark color, and veritable @!#%R$ fur of tri's, o god so beautiful - thats like art aimed right at me! ^^


...hey thanks for showing the howto, maybe pm that post to pontiac lol - should be in the DIY
You're very welcome, sir and thank you, I appreciate the kind words! But, I don't know about DIY status. lol...If I had had the money I would have just bought a project box or a breaker box. If I had more money than that, I would have bought an off the shelf unit. As it was, I had the materials, tools and time, no biggie.

Namaste, mess


my first post...

my first post...

Hello, this is my first post on these forums, so I hope I am at least close to hitting the mark with what I say below (hate to be called an idiot after only my first post). I've done a search on these forums for photosynthisis and didn't find anything, so if I am wrong below please let me know.
Over the last few years I have been trying to understand photosynthisis for the purposes of designing a photobioreactor to grow algae (biodiesel). MJ forums have a ton of posts concerning lights and gowing efficiently so I have found my way into these forums. My understanding of photosynthisis and the role of plant pigments can be summarized from a few quotes that can be found on the internet:
From http://phototroph.blogspot.com/2006/11/pigments-and-absorption-spectra.html :
"Chlorophyll absorbs all wavelengths of visible light except green, which it reflects, producing the green color of leaves. Various chlorophylls and accessory pigments have characteristic absorption spectra. The action spectrum of photosynthesis relates to the relative electron-exciting effectiveness of different wavelengths of light.
When a pigment absorbs light energy, either:
a. energy is dissipated as heat, or
b. energy is re-emitted immediately at a longer wavelength (fluorescence), or
c. "exciton" energy is passed from one molecule of chlorophyll to another in the photosynthetic antenna, and
d. an energetic electron is ejected by a pair of chlorophylls at the reaction center, initiating the electron transport chain that generates concentration gradients and the energy-storage molecules employed by the Calvin cycle to generate glucose and starch.
Chlorophyll triggers the photosynthetic chemical reactions of 'c' and 'd' only when it is associated with proteins embedded in a membrane (as in a chloroplast) or with the membranous infoldings of photosynthetic prokaryotes such as Cyanobacteria and Prochlorobacteria.
Accessory pigments include chlorophyll b and chlorophylls c, d, and e in algae and protistans, plus xanthophylls, and carotenoids. Non-chlorophyll accessory pigments absorb light energy at wavelength that do not stimulate chlorophyll. The energy absorbed by accessory pigments is funnelled to the reaction center for conversion into chemical energy."

and the action specta from wikipedia:

so, basically if I want to build a photobioreactor that maximizes plant/algae output for the light input I would want to tailor my light input to match the peaks in a particular plant or algae action spectrum. To measure this with a spectrometer you would get units of mW per channel (nm) and this is the only units that matter, the Radient Flux. If you discuss Luxx, Lumens, SPD, etc you are not talking about plants you're talking about the human eyes reponse to the light. Analogous to the Par action spectrum above is the luminosity functions of the human eye:

So, when comparing HPS to the CMH in regards to photosynthisis

and integate against the PAR action spectrum the CMH wins (in my opiniorn).
So, any comments? Am I out in left field here?

(also, the claim that the high 600's nm wavelengths are 10x more "effective" than the low 600's that is only true when considering cholrophyll a. When looking at the complete photosynthetic rate the high 600's are only 2.5x more "effective")

one last note, somewhere I found the below link to an interesting article on "MARIJUANA OPTICS An elaboration on the phytochemical process that makes THC". It is worth a read, but I have no idea how much of it is true. http://www.onlinepot.org/medical/marijuanaopticsfinal.htm


Last edited:


Pretty well sums it up for me!

You might find this of interest:

Effect of Light Quality on Cannabinoid Content of Cannabaceae (note: this link is for an automatic download)

This one is about as good an explanation, in lay terms, of photosynthesis as any thing I have found.

Namaste, mess

I agree with you on the second link (you'll see I lifted one of the graphics I used from that page)

I'll have to give your first link a read tonight when I get home. I am sure it will be very educational (though of little applicability to algae).


I found this post in another thread and it really does also fit in here:

note: re-post just to keep similar subject matter condensed.
the relative photosynthethic response ranges, apparently (no body of work can definitely say for all plants), ranges from ~350-850nm.

blue light:350-500nm
chlorophyll a catalyst
auxin catalyst
cell activity
split of water atom
influence on movement of plant

limited to no response. plants reflect green light and so seem green to human eye. why green lights can be used @ dark w/out interrupting dark for plants. party lights are effective cheap option.

red light600-700
sugar production catalyst
chlorophyl b production catalyst/engine
seed germ signal
chloroplast adjustments to light
siganl light/dark times
chromosome catalyst/engine
soil composting enzyme catalyst

far red 700-780nm
signal seed dormancy
signals internode stretch

uvb already documented as catalyst for fruit end quality. ~ 300-400nm for uv.

Just adding it fuel the thinking process


Active member
Hoosierdaddy - beautiful grow!

I want to tell everyone again how much I love this ballast and bulb!

Runs cool.
Runs silent.
reliable as hell.

Thanks Simba!
Thanks ICMag!

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