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Cep's Outdoor Odyssey


Active member
Nice posts, looking healthy!

Are you juicing leaves in a juicer to measure brix and plant sap PH?

What kind of refractometer are you using?




Active member
father earth, thats what we did at the old place before the fire. used the masticating juicer and we had a hanna digital refractometer that worked great.

also drinking the leaf juice made it so i drank way less coffee.


The juicer at that property is an old, like from the 50's, centrifugal type. The refractometer is a cheap one off ebay. I'm aware that people typically use a garlic press for brix readings. Is there even a good way to get the contents of the phloem and not the xylem? Anyway this method is what I've used the last two years and I'm able to reference this years results with last years.

What I have found is that squeezing from only the petiole produces a brix reading around 3-5. I really doubt thats accurate because of how well the plants are doing. I take whole, fully formed leaves, because if you were to submit petioles for analysis thats where you'd get them.

Thanks for stopping in fellas. I haven't checked out your grow yet anonymous, hopeful you recoup(ed) from last year.

grow nerd

Active member
How much difference does what's on the leaf surface affect the Brix reading? Will a recently-foliar'd leaf that's been rinsed off with water read the same as the "dirty" leaf? How much does evaporation play a role in accuracy? I remember trying to squeeze out a drop from the petiole using a couple of spoons and smearing out half a drop onto the glass plate, wondering if that smear quickly drying out a little affects the reading?


My BS is in Botany, but it's really not that useful anymore. Not very many gigs where they send you into the jungle to id stuff… Plant phys or micro would've been a better focus. Truthfully, the internet is a way more efficient way to learn than universities. I've met so many smart people that don't have degrees and I've pulled more off the web than any class I paid for. Hindsight is 20/20.

Hey! Can't wait to try your A11, sounds like my kinda flower.

Evaporation can most certainly change a reading, especially if the sample drop is small or smeared on the lens with more surface area.

I try and take readings a few days after foliars as it can take some time for the less mobile elements to be used by the plant. With things like chelated Calcium the response can be quick. I've been seeing responses within the hour.

You could also do a DI water rinse on the leaves but I'm not that particular.

CARE giver

Sour Bubble Connoisseur
Oh fuck... I've been talking to a few people and got confused I guess. I never put in the A11 dude! I'll get it out though.

I just took pics though. I'll post some up.

I didn't forget the Grape Punch beans though.

And here's the a11


Active member
I was in no way second guessing your method Cep. In fact I was hoping that I had been taking sap readings wrong this whole time. LOL I normally use the PH strips with the small window of 5.5 -7.9 or something. Makes it easy to get that tiny little drop of sap that oozes out. Ill def give the blending/juicing thing a shot. I dont use a garlic press anymore. Ive got a pair of vise grips with two pieces of SS from a butter knife welded to the mouth of the pliers. Works a lot better than the garlic press. Thanks for sharing..




Active member
Looking great Cep, cant wait to see how your grow goes again this year. Did I miss it early in the thread, what is the lineup looking like this year? Looking great so far man


FE, if you've got a juicer start drinking the raw juice. Working in the heat usually makes me crash by 4pm or so, but drinking the juice seems to improve stamina. I don't know for certain if juicing with that machine is viable for accurate readings. It seems that if there are brix standards for things like wheat grass they must be juicing the material?

That test strip is all you need if you're just doing one at a time. The plants would be in big trouble if the sap pH was out of that range anyway.

Samson, thanks for stopping in. Odyssey is the main girl this year, but I do have some black cherry soda, cush, wifi, and guerrilla glue #4 in tester zones.


I think it'll make my juice more balanced, maybe get some neem oil in there for a fat source...


Well-known member
I love the setup, and I must say your garden looks fantastic thus far!

Is Odyssey naturally that bushy of a strain? I have never had plants so bushy at such a young age.


Thanks for the kind words.

Shak, odyssey is a little on the bushy side. The clones having more than a few nodes from the get go tend to grow out like this. Eventually, these plants will turn into even globes. I did top them and trim the undercarriage though. I'm trying to slow them down a bit and get a bigger root system serving a smaller amount of foliage.

high life 45

Seen your Member?
Looking good cep! Last year was a kick in the nuts for me, I ran mostly Drizellas. They needed another month...Hope this year is better for both of us

im gonna be calling aea soon, haven't heard anything bad about them yet.

Wanna give us a run down of your foliar regimen?


Active member
Just found this thread and now I am tagged! Thanks for sharing Cep, you look like your going to kill it.

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