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Cemetary Growers


Ok, I'll fess up. I'm a cemetery grower. But I do not plant in the open. It used to be an old park, but was made into a final resting place in the early 1900's. About 5oo arces of overgrown cemetery. I still discover old stones on my hikes. Said to be one of the most haunted cemetery's in the world.


Wow, that statue is just beautiful :jawdrop:
Do you mind share a high-resolution of that picture?


my buddy , i and a few others have been out drinking in the cemetery . it was kind of creepy at first but after the first hour and first 20 pack it was all good.i would grow in a cemetery no prob , i like ghost.

Grand Funk

Wow, that statue is just beautiful :jawdrop:
Do you mind share a high-resolution of that picture?
I would, but the site only allows me 1200x1200ish. I resize before uploading, then delete the originals. Next time I'm there, I'll set the cam to it's highest 12MP and get a few for ya.
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I would, but the site only allows me 1200x1200ish. I resize before uploading, then delete the originals. Next time I'm there, I'll set the cam to it's highest 12MP and get a few for ya.

Thank you, very kind of you.
I'll send a PM as soon as i got my 50 post collected.
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Ghost Weed baby, it is some trippy shit. Spirit get in the weed they come out in you. You become the body of a long lost soul and must take them for a night on the town. It is your responsibility to get this fucked up and laid.


My little pony.. my little pony
No real such thing as abandoned land when someone is paying taxes on it. I also had a buddy that grew in graveyards and quit cause it was always getting ripped just days before harvest.
Ghost Weed baby, it is some trippy shit. Spirit get in the weed they come out in you. You become the body of a long lost soul and must take them for a night on the town. It is your responsibility to get this fucked up and laid.

haha damn thats some trippy shit

i want a quap