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Cedar Oil


I bought it as goGnats which is 33% cedar oil.

I have some quarantined vegging plants that picked up fungus gnats from a tainted cut I got from a friend.

I like to avoid chemicals so I tried this when repeated nematode applications and sticky traps just weren't finishing them off.

I tried a soil drench at the recommended strength for an area spray. It did not seem to phase them at all.

So I isolated an infected mom in a 3 gal pot and ran a strong batch through. Probably like two oz of the oil in a third of a gallon of water. I know this might kill her but she's not needed anymore.

This stuff makes it smell like a pet shop in here and it forms long skinny crystals when it hits water that seem to linger on the top of the soil.

I'll report back.


Active member
no but i would like to . i once had a grow in a walk in cedar closet back east. never had any bug issues in that grow.


Well, she does not seem too pleased.

Absolutely no flyers around the mom now.

Gonna put a fresh sticky trap next to her to see if anything survived.


The mom I (over)treated is gnat-free.

However, it's apparent that she will not be recovering quickly. I haven't seen any signs of growth since the application. Oh well, the efficacy of cedar oil as a larvae killer has been proven, rather than it just being a deterrent to flyers.

I always rather enjoyed cedar smell. I gotta say it's thoroughly ruined for me now.

I tried a BT soil drench on the rest of the infected plants. Might try a stronger soil drench on them if they're still around. Will report results if I do.


In conclusion;

Stay the fuck away from this shit.

Doesn't work at recommended concentrations. Damaging to cannabis at even low concentrations. The sacrificial mom I soaked with it just now started putting out new growth after nearly a month of being sickly and almost leafless.

The good news. 10lbs of diatomaceous earth and alternating strains of BT have the gnats in full retreat. If they could sign some kind of treaty I'm sure they would, but I am not merciful. Absolute organic victory is near.