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CCTV for home?


As the title says really folks what are your thoughts. I can get my hands on a kit with four cameras, dvr & monitor for a bargain price.

Just wondering if this is OTT or if any of you fellow growers have any advice and do's or dont's etc.

My street has had a few break ins recently and also peoples sheds in their gardens are being targeted.



Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Is it wireless?? Wireless CCTV systems are not secure, anyone can buy a scanner to look at your CCTV(although I admit it seems unlikely)-so it wouldn't be any good for watching inside a growroom.
Things like motion sensor lights-especially the ones that make a noise also are much better deterrants than CCTV-which lets face it can be defeated by that high-tech piece of kit, the hoodie. Another good one is crunchy gravel on the ground all around your gaff.
If its a wired system, and its a bargain- then go for it. Upgrading all your locks would be better though-especially if you've got "Euro cylinders"(almost definate if your doors are pvc) or ordinary Yale locks-google lock bumping and lock snapping-there's a lot of that going on.


Is it wireless?? Wireless CCTV systems are not secure, anyone can buy a scanner to look at your CCTV(although I admit it seems unlikely)-so it wouldn't be any good for watching inside a growroom.
Things like motion sensor lights-especially the ones that make a noise also are much better deterrants than CCTV-which lets face it can be defeated by that high-tech piece of kit, the hoodie. Another good one is crunchy gravel on the ground all around your gaff.
If its a wired system, and its a bargain- then go for it. Upgrading all your locks would be better though-especially if you've got "Euro cylinders"(almost definate if your doors are pvc) or ordinary Yale locks-google lock bumping and lock snapping-there's a lot of that going on.

Hey HG thanks for taking the time to reply.

The kit is wired I wouldn't trust wireless. The cameras are infrared and don't give off any light whatsoever so I was thinking about putting one in my groom when I'm finished setting it up and having 1 at the front of my house and one on the back looking onto my shed/garden. I think it also has the option to use a smart phone remotely to monitor but again im not sure if i trust this.

Thanks for the tips on the other bits, the gravel is a good one, and also cheap so I'm gonna look into that.

Thanks again.



Active member
i would want something that is internet capable and send email alerts with any motion detection.... what good is a camera if while ur gone, there is a break in and the perps take ur dvr... thats what i would do if i broke into a place with cctv, just take it all with me...
im not very smart so if i can think of it im sure ur average junky thief could.. my two cents.
btw just bought a internet connected security camera from radio shack for 150$.. hvent set it up yet though, so no opionion on it yet

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