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sunset limited

apart from selecting favorable genetics and generally instituting best growing practices, is there anything a grower can do to encourage the production of CBD as opposed to THC and other cannabinoids?

The Hatter

Yeah the genetics have by far the greatest influence on CBD production. The auto varieties actually seem to have a load of CBD in them. At least in my experience.

sunset limited

just scored a cut of the (name withheld).
apparently it's been tested out at 15% CBD and just 7% THC.
i'll reserve this thread for that grow.
just waiting on roots.
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Keep in mind also that if it is not a clone from the same one tested it will have a different ratio and maybe not any CBD at all. If it is from seed or cut from one that hasn't been tested itself, it will need to be tested to confirm. Hope you found what you are looking for.


New member
apart from selecting favorable genetics and generally instituting best growing practices, is there anything a grower can do to encourage the production of CBD as opposed to THC and other cannabinoids?

Harvesting real late allows the THC to degrade giving way for existing CBD.

Try it, you will buy it.

Sativa Dragon

Active member
The reason Autos have tonnes of CBD is because they are bread with Ruderalis which is naturally high in CBD, so is Hemp, I will be crossing Hemp with some strains to see what the results are just for the hell of it. Maybe seed the country side hee hee.


sunset limited

Lots of literature on the subject yet people still think this for some reason. CBD is a precursory

precursory what? this statement doesn't make any sense.

Harvesting real late allows the THC to degrade giving way for existing CBD.

Try it, you will buy it.

can you substantiate that claim? it's common knowledge that THC oxidizes and becomes CBN. that's actually what happens when your trichs amber. i know there are articles that date back 5+ years (when most literature referred to any non-THC cannabinoid as CBD) that advise harvesting later for higher CBD, but the more credible sources i have found have all retracted that claim in light of newer, better information. what you are saying sounds implausible, quite frankly.

here's one such pair of articles.


new updated:

Sativa Dragon

Active member
Thanks wrong terminology, language barrier, I ws agreeing with you, when I said CBD was a percursor as THC is a precursor to CBNCBD and THC form prvous to CBN.



Lots of literature on the subject yet people still think this for some reason. CBD is a precursory

Incorrect. Both THC and CBD are produced at the same time in the plant.

THC arriving in the bud of the plant being dependent on CBD production is old school that has been dis-proven.

Sativa Dragon

Active member
CBD comes from Micro black matter entering the Ecosystem from outerspace.

Thanks for the info I have since read and confirmed I am wrong.

apart from selecting favorable genetics and generally instituting best growing practices, is there anything a grower can do to encourage the production of CBD as opposed to THC and other cannabinoids?

Pollinating a single nug/branch can do just this, as one of the purposes of producing THC is an attempt to find a mate and when once introduced the rest of the plant's life is more invested into producing CBD's and other cannabinoids; even if you aren't interested in seeds/breeding this is a good effect if you want more CBD/want to induce a more indica expression from your herb, or if this is intended breeding/preservation as the side gain :)

Actually reminds me of a time I got really really baked from a major sativa dom hybrid that was pollinated.. was looking for a familiar racy up that came with that specific strain I was familiar with, but got locked down for a while.. hope this helps