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CBD sales to be stopped in UK!


Well I think it sucks.

On Monday cannabidiol (CBD) producers and distributors in the UK started to receive letters*from the*Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency*(MHRA) demanding that they cease to sell, supply, promote, advertise or process orders for CBD products within 28 days. The letters*stated that CBD now satisfies the definition of a medicinal product. The revised definition will leave UK patients with no legal access to CBD.

Officials with the MHRA are due to release a statement tomorrow, Oct. 7, to clarify the position. A spokesperson from the agency released the following statement:

We have come to the opinion that products containing cannabidiol (CBD) are a medicine. Products for therapeutic use must have a medicines’ licence before they can be legally sold or supplied in the UK. Products will have to meet safety, quality and effectiveness standards to protect public health.

We have written to UK CBD stockists and manufacturers to inform them of our view. These products will require a marketing authorisation to be granted before they can be legally sold, supplied or anywhere advertised in the UK.

Individuals who use CBD for treatment should take questions to a health care professional, the*MHRA*said, adding,*“We can provide regulatory guidance to any company who may wish to apply for a licence.”

Peter Carroll of the End our Pain campaign, a UK medical cannabis patient advocacy group, said that “we agree that there is a need for more control in the CBD market to protect people from unscrupulous suppliers and to make sure that people understand what they are taking.” But, he added, “we fear that today’s sudden move will cause huge distress to people who rely on these products.* It will drive many people to look for CBD on the black market. It is a sledgehammer to crack a nut.”

“Today's sudden move will cause huge distress to people who rely on these products.”

Peter Carroll, End Our Pain campaign

This decision further complicates the status of medical cannabis in the UK. The definition of CBD, one of the main active ingredients in cannabis, as a medicinal product is in stark contrast with The Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 scheduling of cannabis as having “no medicinal value”. This adds another exception to the 2001 Regulations, the other being Sativex, a cannabis-extract which is available in very limited circumstances for some MS suffers.

CBD has been soaring in popularity recently as many people purchase it in a variety of forms either as an aid to relaxation, in an attempt to quit nicotine, or for a number of serious ailments and medical conditions. CBD has been linked to a number of potential medical applications with strong anecdotal evidence of its efficacy in treating epilepsy, anxiety, depression, and multiple sclerosis, among many other conditions.

GW*Pharmaceuticals, producer of Sativex, released the*results*of its latest phase III clinical trial for Epidiolex, a liquid formulation of CBD,*on September 26.*The company hopes to achieve approval in Europe, but the product is still at trial stage and not available for patients. The product is in development for the treatment of a number of conditions, specifically rare pediatric epilepsy disorders including Dravet Syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome.

It is unclear how long, or costly, the license application will be for current CBD vendors and whether any will in fact be successful. Medicinal products must meet certain standards before being granted a marketing authorization. Interestingly, the MHRA states that “proof of efficacy generally relies heavily on clinical trial evidence, and no products must be marketed pending any license application.”*To date there have been some exciting but very limited trials around CBD but there is a lack of full clinical trial evidence. The process could take years, and it is unclear whether the results of the Epidiolex trials will be relevant to other CBD products or limited to a unique GW Pharmaceutical formulation.

There have been many concerns over the unregulated CBD market. Until now, companies were able to sell CBD products so long as they did not make any medical claims about the product. There were stories of companies breaching this condition as well as providing products of dubious origin and quality. Regulation and standards of some sort will likely be welcomed by the industry but there are serious concerns over the cost, time and process involved in making license applications.

The short deadline of 28 days will come as a worrying shock for the thousands using CBD. Many will question whether this very short deadline is in the best interests of patients. For the time being we simply don’t know how long it will be before patients relying on*CBD will be able to legally access their medicine in the UK.

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
such bollocks,,
now trying to shut the door on the peeps who need it when we all know its about big pharma and how the other mob can tax the hell out of the rest of us,,,,
This is one of the things that concerns me if medi became ok,,,there will be so many Ts to cross and Is to dot that they will make it virtually impossible,,,,,
so i carry on as normal and forgive the pun cos it is a total joke,,
CBD sales aren't stopped in the UK, don't worry.

The only thing that changes is producers and distributors now need a, no doubt costly, UK licence.

CBD products sold in the UK already needed a EU licence, so this is just a mini Brexit.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Just one more step closer to ensuring the monopoly will rest purely in the hands of the powers that be.

Yes, and no

If you had read the threads where people have "discovered" cheap Chinese Hemp and think they will make themselves rich extracting that... But then refuse to let go of their imagined pot of gold when confronted with the truth about the massive pesticide and insecticide residues, you would probably be very glad of some regulation.

What you can do now is research, find the good people, buy mail order from them.. Not so hard.

Anybody wanting to know where I would go for real organic unpolluted CBD, drop me a PM


So somewhere i Think it mention that the licence would be £100,000 plus. I could be very wrong. And what is the time scale to get one. And what is the likely hood. They are stopping vendors by Nov 1st.

Doesnt help anyone.

I agree it should be regulated to stop the scammers but this is just mindless.


CBD sales aren't stopped in the UK, don't worry.

The only thing that changes is producers and distributors now need a, no doubt costly, UK licence.

CBD products sold in the UK already needed a EU licence, so this is just a mini Brexit.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
This hits at the heart of why I started the thread. CBD every batch tested. There is no room for the scam artists in MMJ. People actually need quality reliable products and service. If we don't step up and ensure it as growers. It will be taken from us all and replaced by big pharma. Peace


Well-known member
The MHRA are the most corrupt bunch of wank-stains walking on English turf ..
they mirror the yanks FDA they're like firms that protect there personal business assets..

look at chemotherapy and radiation for instance how can that be beneficial to any living biological object.... its not

I know of a man called david noakes who was curing cancers of all types and various infectious diseases by restoring the macrophage activation using an organic compound called GCMAF which each healthy human has measured at around a billionth of a gram ...

This crucial human protein is suffocated by α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase (nagalase) that is secreted by cancerous cells or viruses in the process of tumor invasion. It is also an intrinsic component of the envelope protein of various virions, such as HIV and the influenza virus.
In laymans terms the enzyme nagalase stops a human macrophage activation which in turn compromises immune function to fight of the cancer cells that are born each day in our bodys .

Here’s the Problem

According to one report, Britain has the worst medical laws in Europe. The 1939 Cancer Act makes it illegal to discuss the possibility of cancer being cured, which is why 160,000 people die unnecessarily each and every year in the United Kingdom.

The UK Regulator – the MHRA, Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency –is a public institution, supposedly charged and entrusted to protect our health and inform us of and even promote life-saving treatments such as GcMAF.

It is essential for the public that we can trust a regulatory agency whose ethos is the protection of the Public. However, we must wonder if they take the Hippocratic Oath: ‘First Do No Harm’ seriously?

After conducting extensive research, the National Health Federation UK (NHF-UK) have found that the integrity of certain actions of the MHRA is highly suspect. For one, the head of the MHRA and the Director are both ex-employees of Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK), the World’s second largest Pharmaceutical Company. It also appears that they ruthlessly close down inexpensive, effective treatments wherever possible.

One example of this is David Noakes’ Immuno Biotech Ltd in Guernsey. The MHRA illegally raided and closed the Company including its bank account earlier this year. Five days after its raid, the MHRA fraudulently stated that Immuno Biotech’s GcMAF may be “contaminated.” Since it takes 25 days to do a sterility test, they could not possibly have known either way. In fact, they deliberately ignored Immuno Biotech’s certificates of testing on every batch, with 9 tests in each, including sterility results, as well as the results of a large, independent laboratory that had tested every batch for confirmation. Immuno Biotech’s sterility results were always excellent. The University of Florence had remarked that they were amazed that, in over 100 GcMAF experiments they had performed, Immuno Biotech’s GcMAF was always sterile, always free of contamination, and always active. Yet, to this day, MHRA has frozen this Company’s accounts for selling a product that not only does no harm to its users but actually helps them!

so if you want to form a small army to go get these bastards let me know



5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
CG is spot on, my Ex used to work with grey market + generic medicines and the direct link Pharma Co's have to the government is scary, corrupt and benefits nobody apart from Pharma Co's trying to sell here at max RRP

Most of their work was repackaging medicines sold in other EU countries at less than half UK RRP.. Yet government workers spent all day trying to royally fuck with them at Pharma's behest


Active member
I agree it should be regulated to stop the scammers but this is just mindless.


Yea, like they test every pharmasuitical drug they allow on the market ...never mind all the vitamine/mineral products.

They just wanna keep people away from mother natures ways and keep us on the pills.