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CBD is a major component of flax seed


Gene Mangler
Been on the flaxseed/hempseed protein shakes for years. Good stuff!

CBD in Flax tho? Things that make ya go hmmm...


Active member
The abstract at the link says they discovered a "cannabinoid-like" compound that had effects like CBD. That's different from calling it CBD in flax.

Strongest evidence it is not CBD but a substance with similar effects to CBD is in this sentence from the abstract:
The presented data suggest for the first time that flax products can be a source of biologically active cannabinoid-like compounds that are able to influence the cell immunological response.


Active member
THC is converted from CBD and degrades into CBN.

Not by the plant it's not. At least not in significant amounts. Two different pathways.

Cannabinoid Biosynthesis


Both from CBG. The genetically determined presence of specific enzymes determine the end products. CBN is a breakdown product of THC, though.


Gene Mangler
Yep, a "CBD-Like" compound ain't CBD!

Several other mis-claims in the study as well, fkin Pollacks lol

Happy 7

... In the course of analysis of fibers extract from previously generated transgenic plants overproducing phenylpropanoids a new terpenoid compound was discovered.The UV spectra and the retention time in UPLC analysis of this new compound reveal similarity to a cannabinoid-like compound, probably cannabidiol (CBD).
It was found that the compound affects the expression of genes involved in inflammatory processes in mouse and human fibroblasts and like(ly) the CBD from Cannabis sativa activates the specific peripheral cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2) gene expression.
The presented data suggest for the first time that flax products can be a source of biologically active cannabinoid-like compounds that are able to influence the cell immunological response.
Where does it say flax (seed?) contains CBD(A)? All I see is that they found a new terpenoid compound in fiber extracts of transgenic flax that shares some of the properties of CBD.
Did someone else bother to read the thing?

lost in a sea

it will still possibly act on a lot of different receptors beneficially but plenty of almost exact chemical analogues dont have any of the effects of the other if that makes any sense..

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Not by the plant it's not. At least not in significant amounts. Two different pathways.

As I understand it is. It is cycled just as the rest of the acids. As you must know some go one way and others go others. CBD isn't necessarily a finished product any more than CBG, rather a frozen moment of biosynthesis in the moment of observation.

I may be out of date but I'm fairly certain Turner et al proved that CBD was a (not THE) precursor to THC.

Unless this has been overturned in publication I'm sticking to what I studied.

And I did find that it was in the modified version that this compound was found.

Go figure.


Active member
Then that contradicts Mechoulam's patent I posted above.

You're right... it does.


So... if the patent is correct, it's got to be a cost prohibitive thing then. Otherwise, I'm sure we would have seen this being done in countries where hemp is still legal.

Doesn't make sense.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Active member
Then that contradicts Mechoulam's patent I posted above.

Not really.
If you're referring to the conversion of CBD to THC, remember his process is a chemical reaction under laboratory conditions (harsh acids, heat, reflux - whatever is required). Doesn't necessarily apply to what the plant can do/does do in its biosynthetic pathway under milder conditions. Although enzymes can do some pretty amazing synthesis tricks.

Found this pathway diagram from GW Pharm's website about their cannabis breeding program in case anyone's interested. Lots of interesting stuff at their site.


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I think he just used UV light... but I could be wrong again.

I used to be pretty versed in the biosynthesis of THC and schooled a few on it.

I understood CBD was enzymatically cycled into THC.

Is that not what Turner found??

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