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CBD # 1 Feminized


ACE Seeds Breeder

After 3 years of hard work and with lab assistance at each breeding step, we finally offer CBD #1, the first ACE Seeds strain where all plants produce a stable chemotype with high CBD content (between 13-17%), very low THC content (between 0.6-0.7%) and a cannabinoid ratio with more than 20 times CBD than THC, the result of breeding a Cannatonic S1 of very high CBD content with the Afghan ErdPurt, also rich in CBD.

CBD #1 produces dense and super sticky buds of medium size and very good bag appeal, extremely rich in oils, resins and terpenes. The amount of resin is truly extraordinary, with the sugar leaves becoming completely covered with trichomes, almost as much as the flowers themselves, making this variety an excellent choice to produce hashish and other high quality extractions with high CBD content.

The terpene profile of this strain is incredibly intense, complex and refined, a perfectly balanced blend of the very strong and dominant sweet ripe tangerine and tropical fruit terpenes of Cannatonic, with elaborated sweet, floral, gummy, earthy, piney and musky details of the ErdPurt Afghani, and a super pleasant and long-lasting hashish aftertaste. Undoubtedly, one of our most fragrant strains with some of the highest terpene levels.

It produces a very mild effect, with hardly any psychoactivity (due to its high CBD/very low THC content) and high medicinal value that relieves both physical pain and mental discomfort (stress, anxiety, paranoia). Especially suitable for those people who seek medicinal effects but have low tolerance to THC, yet still want to enjoy the best terpenes and resins of the highest quality cannabis.

60 % SATIVA / 40 % INDICA
LATITUDE: 0º-45º
THC: 0,6-0,7 %
CBD: 13-17 %
CBG: Up to 0.4 %
Terpene profile: It has not yet been analyzed.

GENETICS: Cannatonic S1/ErdPurt x Cannatonic S1.
STRUCTURE: Robust and columnar during the growth, with the large, wide leaves and thick stems of Afghani indica, showing more sativa traits in flowering.
BOUQUET: Intense, complex and refined, a perfect balance of the very strong and dominant of sweet ripe tangerine and tropical fruit terpenes of Cannatonic, with elaborated sweet, floral, gummy, earthy, piney and musky details from the ErdPurt Afghani, and a super pleasant and long-lasting hashish aftertaste. Undoubtedly, one of our most fragrant strains with some of the highest terpene levels.
HIGH: Very light, with hardly any psychoactivity, especially suitable for those who seek medicinal effects and do not tolerate THC well. Initial sativa effect: clear, focused, expansive and sensitive sativa that connects you with the surroundings and greatly improves the mood, providing a psychological state of calm and positive thoughts. It develops in a more relaxing and daydreaming way, with a feeling of contentment, relieving physical pain, stress, anxiety and paranoia. Excellent medicinal potential.


It can easily be grown indoors, and it is very suitable for both SOG and SCROG crops.
Outdoors it can be grown up to latitude 45º, both in warm and cold climates.

We recommended to prune it if you wish to get more branched plants, since its natural structure is quite columnar.

Excellent strain for breeding projects and to develop short flowering CBD-rich strains, with terpenes and resin of the highest quality.

We recommend moderate-high levels of nutrients for the whole cycle.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Breeding of CBD #1 seedline

Breeding of CBD #1 seedline

I would like to comment about the origins of the breeding of this strain.

It all started when a good friend of mine who used to work for Resin Seeds (the spanish seed company that released the original Cannatonic) many years ago decided to germinate some old Cannatonic S1 seeds produced by selfing the original Cannatonic clone.

He grew and flowered all the S1 offspring he managed to germinate, and contacted me very excited about the outcome, he told me:'dubi, i think i have some very interesting rich CBD parental plants here'. We brought samples of the different S1 females to Canna lab for cannabioid analyses, the results shown chemotypes ranging from more common high THC (over 20s %)/low CBD, to balanced THC:CBD chemotypes to very high CBD/low THC chemotypes.

The segregation of chemotypes in the S1 population shown that the original Cannatonic of balanced THC:CBD chemotype was not stabilized for any particular chemotype, neither for always rich CBD chemotypes, because the chemotypical variation in the S1 behaved like a F2.

One S1 female from the group really stood out for its chemotype and super high CBD content. It's what we call CBD #1 parental plant, with a total raw CBD content (CBD+CBDA) over 28 % and with total potential of CBD (CBDA*0,877+CBD) of 25,1 % and THC content of 1,03 % and CBD:THC ratio of 24 times more CBD than THC. It's probably the CBD rich parental plant with higher CBD content i know of (with a cannabinoid analysis to proof it). We found another quite interesting rich CBD S1 parental plant from the same group called CBD#5, with a CBD content of 17,76 % and THC content of 0,67 %. Clones of CBD #1 and CBD #5 parental plants were given back to owner of Resin Seeds.

As you may know, i was mainly interested in finding and breeding with new CBD rich families not related to Cannatonic, like ErdPurt, Lebanese or now the new Moroccan, but the CBD content and chemotype of CBD #1 parental plant was so extraordinary that she really motivated me to try to stabilize her.

I thought it would be easy to work on the stabilization of the CBD rich Cannatonic chemotype by breeding CBD #1 and CBD #5 parental plants together, but that was not the case. For 2 years we tried CBD #1 x CBD #5 (reversed), CBD #5 x CBD #1 (reversed), indoors and outdoors, but in none of the reproductions we managed to produce barely any seed, showing us the harsh reality: both S1 parental plants were almost fully infertile when trying to breed them together, but we never give up, and we included frequently the CBD #1 and CBD #5 parental plants in reproductions of other strains, showing that both S1s were much more fertile when outcrossed with totally different strains like Panama or Malawi.

Cannabinoid analyses of CBD #1 and CBD #5 are attached as reference.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
HashTonic breeding step

HashTonic breeding step

The infertility problems between CBD #1 and CBD #5 parental plants from S1 Cannatonic generation lead us to introduce another different CBD rich family into the breeding equation. For that, i decided to use our proven slightly inbred green ErdPurt A parental plant of balanced 7:7 THC:CBD chemotype and we pollinated her with CBD #1 reversed to produce what we called HashTonic.

I attach first ErdPurt A cannabinoid analysis, then HashTonic (ErdPurt A x CBD #1) pics.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
HashTonic cannabinoid analyses I

HashTonic cannabinoid analyses I

HashTonic F1 hybrid worked great. It produced 2 chemotypes equally frequent: 1 with a THC:CBD balanced chemotype similar to original Cannatonic mother or ErdPurt A mother, and another chemotype of very high CBD content (17-20 %) and low THC content below 1 %, closer to CBD # 1 parental plant.

HashTonic probably produced consistently the tastiest and most satisfying CBD flowers i have had the pleasure to grow and smoke. But it was still unstable regarding chemotypes and the CBD #1 reversed pollen was also quite infertile with ErdPurt A parental plant so HashTonic F1 hybrid was not commercially viable for seed production.

HashTonic cannabinoid analyses


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ACE Seeds Breeder
More HashTonic cannabinoid analyses


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ACE Seeds Breeder
CBD #1 Bx1 = Parental plants of Released CBD #1 seedline

CBD #1 Bx1 = Parental plants of Released CBD #1 seedline

To continue with the stabilization of the high CBD/low THC chemotype in the seedline, we chose the very best HashTonic females of high CBD/low THC chemotype with better terpenes, better resins, better yield, best bag appeal and also very important: the ones that provided the most satisfying smoking experience, and they were pollinated again by CBD #1 reversed pollen to produce a CBD #1 backcross: (ErdPurt A/CBD #1) x CBD #1.

The CBD #1 reversed pollen was again very infertile over HashTonic, and barely produced seeds of the backcross, but enough to evaluate it. The backcross finally produced what we were looking for: a population with a uniform true breeding high CBD/low THC chemotype, of amazing resins, terpenes and incredibly satisfying to smoke.

I attach cannabinoid analyses of CBD #1 backcrossed generation.

Pics of the CBD # 1 backcross parental plants have been posted in the first post of this thread.


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Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Dubi consider throwing some of those in for me and I'll shoot you pics of them. Good luck with the line, with you and Ace behind those they should do really well. Peace....


ACE Seeds Breeder
More CBD #1 backcrossed line cannabinoid analyses


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Final CBD #1 seedline for seed production

Final CBD #1 seedline for seed production

Then we took again the best high CBD/low THC parental plants from the backcross with better terpenes, better resins, better yield, best bag appeal and with the the most satisfying smoking experience (like we did in HashTonic selection prior to this backcross), and we started to experiment with different genetic combinations between them until we finally were able to produce a fertile combination for a commercial seed production with the chemotype and high quality CBD flowers we wre looking for.

So this CBD #1 release is basically a CBD # 1 backcross (ErdPurt A/CBD #1) x CBD #1, then inbred one generation.

We also have produced as upcoming CBD projects with this seedline (not tested yet):

- A second backcross: CBD #1 x ((ErdPurt A)/CBD #1)xCBD #1), this time without infertility problems.

- And also a line similar to HashTonic, which is ErdPurt A x ((ErdPurt A)/CBD #1)xCBD #1)

which will be included in our upcoming 202 R+D section and will be evaluated in the future.

Hope the explanation of the breeding details of this strain has not been too tiring, guess it will solve many doubts about the genetic background of the released seedline, and hopefully it will be interesting and useful for others too. :tiphat:

Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
Sounds like a lovely winner. I very much enjoy the 1:1 ratio when I am looking to be relaxed and of clear mind. I’m curious to the experience of such a CBD rich outcome. Can’t wait to see what comes of it. Thanks for such detail in your breeding process. Wish more breeders would be so clear.


Curious Cannivore
Fascinating stuff, and thanks for the detailed history. This is why you guys are the most interesting breeders to me. This strain is on my list for this year for sure.


Active member
Thank you for this strain Dubi. I will be giving it a try this spring in our fields (do you offer bulk seed sales).
Those photos, are they indoor or outdoor buds? I am curious what the outdoor grown ripe buds or dried/trimmed buds look like.

Any outdoor growing tips for this strain?


Well-known member
It would be great if the Ace seeds create a CBD variety that was meant to be grown in the tropical latitudes without problem of early flowering. Is it possible a 100% sativa with high cbd?

Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
It would be great if the Ace seeds create a CBD variety that was meant to be grown in the tropical latitudes without problem of early flowering. Is it possible a 100% sativa with high cbd?

I think the new Ace CBD crossed with one of their long legged tropical sativas (like Purple OTH) with the goal being an early finisher (13ish weeks) and a 1:1 ratio would be phenomenal.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
I have never worked with any other breeder that is so open. The integrity and character at Ace Seeds is very rare and special. The first several years I purchased from Ace. I knew I had a friend. Over the last decade, I knew I had family.
Thank you my brother, peace


Active member
Just received my ten CBD1 seeds. They will be vegged indoors and then flowered outdoors under the Swiss sun. I'll keep you posted


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi DoobieDuck,

We sent you some CBD #1 seeds in mid January. Hopefully you receive them without any problem. Looking forward to see this new CBD rich strain in your garden this year, and hopefully some of your great macro pics too ;)

Dubi consider throwing some of those in for me and I'll shoot you pics of them. Good luck with the line, with you and Ace behind those they should do really well. Peace....


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks Ur Humbl Nr8tor for your interest and kind words :)

I also enjoy a lot with strains of balanced THC:CBD chemotypes. ErdPurt green phenos are very good for that. Also the new ErdPurt A x ((ErdPurt A)/CBD #1)xCBD #1) hybrid listed on the R+D section of our website has the potential to produce a lovely and complex finished product with very pleasant and desirable effects with THC:CBD balanced chemotypes.

On the other hand, my goal with this CBD #1 release was to breed a stabilized strain with very high CBD and very low THC content, which can be later be use to breed other high CBD strains, and also strains with balanced chemotypes when CBD #1 is outcorssed with strains of mainly THC chemotype.

Sounds like a lovely winner. I very much enjoy the 1:1 ratio when I am looking to be relaxed and of clear mind. I’m curious to the experience of such a CBD rich outcome. Can’t wait to see what comes of it. Thanks for such detail in your breeding process. Wish more breeders would be so clear.

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