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Cautionary tale


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
They were mostly looking for text messages that they could relate with production and supply. Of course that they found none.
I also use my mobile to take shots but that is not a problem unless you keep the pics on it for too long.
If the shit hits the fan don´t go mentioning to the old bill that you´ve learned how to do it through some internet forum, that is half way to have your computer seized.
I had a few gardening books laying around and those were the ones that i told i was learning from ;)


Glad they were nice about it, I think the ol bill may take situation into account by the sound of it, still a pita but could be worse. Take care amigo..:yes:


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Gracias amigo

Gracias amigo

Glad they were nice about it, I think the ol bill may take situation into account by the sound of it, still a pita but could be worse. Take care amigo..:yes:

From the first moment i´ve felt that the officers of the law were not pleased with themselves for coming over and messing my life around.
But you know the saying, a man got to do what a man got to do :) and this applies even to the men in blue:ying:
It was a unlucky and unnecessary event but again i am the only one to blame and the only one that deserved any heat from it.
So it all went for the best and last night me and the missus slept a blessed night of sleep so it´s all coming back to normal :dance013:
Gracias por tu amistad :thank you:

Just a little tune for all of us


The cops that visited me came right and said what I was doin was illegal not wrong,that I was hurtin no one..Some even looked embarressed...They still screwed me over,just to jusify being sent here...By a dirtweed coke dealer,over a slut...Fuk em all is where I am at now...If they hav issues they should quit...Glad it all worked out for you and the missus...pal


Bent Member
Sorry to hear Paulo73, but makes sense of your absence of late, I was about to put you in the USERS you MISS thread. Glad to hear your case worked out to your liking.

Stay safe and sane.



Convicted for turning dreams into reality
All sorted!

All sorted!

The cops that visited me came right and said what I was doin was illegal not wrong,that I was hurtin no one..Some even looked embarressed...They still screwed me over,just to jusify being sent here...By a dirtweed coke dealer,over a slut...Fuk em all is where I am at now...If they hav issues they should quit...Glad it all worked out for you and the missus...pal

At least i wasn´t grassed but that´s a weak consolation prize because in the end, due to a guilty conscience maybe :laughing:, my neighbors never were to be seen again in the back garden:moon:
And my guess is that i´ve met cops on the same page as yours:)
I hope that your unlucky happening is long lost behind your back.

Sorry to hear Paulo73, but makes sense of your absence of late, I was about to put you in the USERS you MISS thread. Glad to hear your case worked out to your liking.

Stay safe and sane.


I was in a sort of "stand by" mode but i am back now.
Thanks for the kind and supportive words:ying:
I am always in sane zone:laughing:


Hey Paulo,
Glad to hear you're getting back in the saddle, although I guessed you would.
Been following your case, on another site ;)


Active member
Lucky man. I never really worried about getting busted. I dont sell it, and dont grow enough to be done for dealing. I do worry abit now though as i'm still on a suspended sentance, so i get a mandatory 6months if i get nicked for anything. I worry about just carrying a few joins about with me now.


wow paulo73, thanks for posting, really useful info , we have got to be prepared for any eventuality I guess and glad to see you back to the garden.

I too use my phone for pics but I do it , bang them onto the pc, log in, post, then delete 'em from both phone and pc.

I might have to have a chat with my doc as I too use for medical relief, anyhoo, happy gardening


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Some good news

Some good news

Hey Paulo,
Glad to hear you're getting back in the saddle, although I guessed you would.
Been following your case, on another site ;)

When a man loves to ride is hard to stay away from the saddle for long;) Thanks for the support

Lucky man. I never really worried about getting busted. I dont sell it, and dont grow enough to be done for dealing. I do worry abit now though as i'm still on a suspended sentance, so i get a mandatory 6months if i get nicked for anything. I worry about just carrying a few joins about with me now.

I am not the worrying kind but i hope to have learned some important lessons out of all this:)
Please keep yourself safe at all times because is not because we don´t care that shit stops from happening :ying:

wow paulo73, thanks for posting, really useful info , we have got to be prepared for any eventuality I guess and glad to see you back to the garden.

I too use my phone for pics but I do it , bang them onto the pc, log in, post, then delete 'em from both phone and pc.

I might have to have a chat with my doc as I too use for medical relief, anyhoo, happy gardening

Fail to prepare is prepare to fail:)
Keep it smart and stealthy buddy.

Today i got some good news, or so i want to think.
I went to my drug counseling appointment today. I woke up feeling a bit rough, pain in my back and my liver giving me some grief:moon: but i am a man of my word so there i went. My case worker was also looking a bit rough.
It seems that the "goal posts" were changed and i needed a new treatment plan. I could feel her distress while she asked me to do a new treatment plan following the new "goal posts".
Of course that i did but i´ve used the opportunity to tell her about how i felt about what was going on on my specific case.
And how it does not really matter if they change the "goal posts" because none of them can be applied on me.
She went silent for a few moments and then went straight for my health issues and we finished a few minutes later.
Now the good news, 10mins after i arrived home from the session she called me with an appointment with a GP from the Pain Clinic.
I´ve tried many times but i never get referred to them in the past.
So if given the chance don't loose it and try to better your health support.
Funny world when we need to have substance abuse problems in order to have the support that we all deserved:laughing:

Keep it healthy and stealthy :ying:


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Sunday rant

Sunday rant

Hi there guys!:tiphat:
Time for a little update on this sad story.
After the bust, because i was forced to stop growing and found myself with too much free time in my hands, i thought of trying some voluntary work in order to bring some positives out of a shitty situation.It also helped my case in front of the Mags.
After a few weeks i found an interesting position at the Cinema Club in my local Library.
I´m a every week user of the place, i know pretty much all the ladies over there (i got a 10yo kid and i´m hooked on comics
) so i thought to give it a go. I´ve filled the application and waited.
Not long after i was contacted by the Cinema Club manager and Community Librarian to have a meeting.
I was pleasantly surprised when the lady told me that i had the position and filled me in right in the details of it

She asked me to fill a few other forms and asked me for paperwork in order to ask my CRB check.Of course that i gave her that straight away and we arrange for me to be present in the next session to meet the rest of the staff. That was going to happen in two weeks time.
So today i´ve received a email from the same nice lady saying that something was flagged on my CRB check and that made me unsuitable for the position. Hasta la vista baby

I´ve received a copy of the CRB check myself and the only entry was my conviction of cultivating cannabis and following sentence.
My guess is that my sentence is now about to start and lasts 10years :moon: this is how long the offense will be there for all to see.
Fucking sad and worrying world that sometimes pulls a man down.


Well-known member
Fucking mad world we live in mate..

Public enemy number one you are pal....you were growing weed after all....lol

Absolute joke..


large member
ICMag Donor
This was a voluntary position right?

That sucks mate, because you grew a few plants you're unsuitable to work with or around children??

There was something related to CRB's on UK420 not so long ago in the legal section, might be worth having a look.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Mad Mad World

Mad Mad World

Fucking mad world we live in mate..

Public enemy number one you are pal....you were growing weed after all....lol

Absolute joke..

When my ex-colleagues at the Mags Court asked me what i´ve been done for i replied..."For gardening":laughing: It was a good laugh we had and of course they called me cheeky **** while i thought "fucking wankers" showing my best smile.
I intend NEVER again to be caught on the same kind of situation ;)

This was a voluntary position right?

That sucks mate, because you grew a few plants you're unsuitable to work with or around children??

There was something related to CRB's on UK420 not so long ago in the legal section, might be worth having a look.

Yes it was Mitch.
What annoys me the most is the fact that the Voluntary Position was almost thrown onto my lap by someone that knew about the legal issues.Another great customer service from the Local Drug Counseling Agencies:moon:
This year i can´t even continue to be a voluntary at my kids school. I can´t buy a House Contents insurance, my car insurance went through the roof and so on and so on.
And the worst bit is that is gonna stick on me for the next 10years. Even with all my medical&personal issues and after a minimal sentence i´m treated as a hardcore criminal when comes to real life opportunities.

But please my friends don´t think that i´m depressed, anguished or in a dark place. I´ve learned a lot from all this and me and my household will come out stronger from all this.
And of course that growing we will!!!:blowbubbles:


Keep on fighting the good fight my friend,dont let the system put you down.
the world and everyting in it was created for you!!
wishing ya much peace and streangth brotha!!

lost in a sea

really fucked up,,, and too stupid for words,,

what a retarded system,,

good job your a positive guy paulo!

best vibes to you and yours :canabis:


the system is fucked up no matter which side of the pond you are on

"interesting" to know that the apparatus over there is as slap head fuck stupid as the one over here

IMHO "interesting" does not mean good or nice or pleasant or comforting ....

don't let em grind you down paulo ..... fucking glass is still half fucking full dammit!


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Thank you my friends

Thank you my friends

Keep on fighting the good fight my friend,dont let the system put you down.
the world and everyting in it was created for you!!
wishing ya much peace and streangth brotha!!

Peace&Strength received brother.
Created for us my brother, for us all!:ying:

really fucked up,,, and too stupid for words,,

what a retarded system,,

good job your a positive guy paulo!

best vibes to you and yours :canabis:

The system is there, no way to avoid it, so we better take the better out of it and negativity doesn't bring anything good to the pot so i try to avoid it at all costs:)
Many thanks for the supportive words my friend, much appreciated :thank you:

the system is fucked up no matter which side of the pond you are on

"interesting" to know that the apparatus over there is as slap head fuck stupid as the one over here

IMHO "interesting" does not mean good or nice or pleasant or comforting ....

don't let em grind you down paulo ..... fucking glass is still half fucking full dammit!

Same shit different smell is the popular saying that applies to that.
We are all better off without it, the legal system i mean.
And relax brother if they grind me they'll have to smoke me:blowbubbles:

Thanks again to all:thank you:


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
This reminded me of the "starvation order" story recently


about 5,000 Irish soldiers who deserted their own neutral army to join the war against fascism and who were brutally punished on their return home as a result.

They were formally dismissed from the Irish army, stripped of all pay and pension rights, and prevented from finding work by being banned for seven years from any employment paid for by state or government funds.

A special "list" was drawn up containing their names and addresses, and circulated to every government department, town hall and railway station - anywhere the men might look for a job.

It was referred to in the Irish parliament - the Dail - at the time as a "starvation order", and for many of their families the phrase became painfully close to the truth.

Thing is, there is a war on, they are trying to fuck with you. Personally I would get a few rejection letters like these, frame them on the wall of your growroom and then get on with it and grow your own living.

Any further action from the Police, and from your story I do not think they will be back, I would go Not Guilty and show the jurors a photo of your wall. A lot of Jurors will have great sympathy with you and it would be unlucky to get a conviction IMO.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Interesting bit of History ChaosCatalunya.
And be sure that something similar to that wall is being prepared ;)
When the time comes i will post some pics of my Wall of Shame.

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