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Cautionary tale


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Hi there guys!:tiphat:
I was busted a month ago due to a strange mixture of bad luck, good gardening skills and plain stupidity.
Me and the missus dealt brilliantly with the situation and with 22 plants in my property i was charged with cultivation, what i found far enough.
My case was fast-tracked to my local Mags Court but in the weeks since it happened i haven´t been sitting on my ass.
I´ve chased my GP in order to provide my solicitor, not the duty one but one of my own choice :), with the medical reports proving the medical conditions that caused my illegal actions.
I´ve also enrolled myself in my local drug counseling agency in order to deal with my substance use, not abuse, problem while addressing my multiple health issues. Another report was issued by my case worker making proof of my good will and intentions.
After a couple of odd weeks were missing my plants dearly was the hardest bit finally the dreaded day came.
I had a 10min meeting with my solicitor where i repeated my intention of pleading guilty and we went through the mitigation circumstances all over again. After that i went into the "naughty cage" while my case was presented.
My statement read by the accusation was quite self explanatory mentioning already most of the mitigation points that my solicitor presented again in a very articulated and even funny way.
He went to say that this was a special case were the guidelines should be adapted to my circumstances. The legal adviser, the bloke that tells the guidelines to the mags, told the mags that even if the guidelines to these kind of numbers are the high end of the community service he thought that those would not apply to my case.
The fact that i had several strains, at several stages without any kind of apparent method going on was again played in my favor and i was presented as a innocent and naive bloke with some good gardening skills.
The mags listened and went to deliberate.
No criminal discharge they told me...and i was worrying a bit now:moon:
Low end community service and a 40£ fine, not bad i thought.
So after that i went to have a meeting with the probation officer that by now was aware of my health issues, scoliosis and Hep C, and asked my what kind of work would suit my health and personal circumstances :) a couple of options were shown and i went for a few Saturdays on a local charity shop. 40 hours in total.
So after a few stressful weeks i am finally at ease to get my life back to where it needs to be:dance013:
Seeds have been germinated to mark this day:ying:

So now the points i want to stress out. When caught in a situation where pleading not guilty is not a option, my case, be the more co-operative that you can. Don´t say anything that you haven´t rehearsed before that happened :) NEVER involve your family or friends in your statement.
Always fill for legal aid . Choose your own solicitor.
Even if it sounds stupid go to your local drug counseling agency and start a "rehab program" :laughing:
If you told the plod that you were using for med reasons, and you really should, chase your GP in order to get up to date medical reports.
And before all this and much more important than this DON`T GROW 6FT TALL PLANTS WHEN YOU GOT NEXT DOOR NEIGHBORS :laughing:
Thanks for all the good vibes and kind words of support in these last weeks
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Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
thanks for sharing this paulo. some useful tips for us all. glad you got off lightly (and rightly so)

can i ask a q.? did they try to prosecute your missus as well or were they cool with you taking the heat for it all????




Active member
Sorry to hear about you getting busted Paulo, but happier to hear that things didn`t end up too dark for you.
Great advise for anyone in a similar position fella.



"naive bloke" ....... lmao on that one paulo! i'm glad the "naive blokes" were all on the other team! however it worked i am glad you got it behind you. good news!


Active member
can i ask a q.? did they try to prosecute your missus as well or were they cool with you taking the heat for it all????



I have the same question. Should I get busted ideally in my eyes I would end up taking the beating from the law and would plead that my girl had no idea of what I was doing even though she has to walk right past all my ladies to do laundry. Could plead a filthy lifestyle I guess.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
They were cool with me taking all the heat. But it is just a case of what you say and what you don´t say.
In my statement i´ve NEVER shared a smoke with my missus.


Sorry to hear this mate :( I have a question mate, Did they seize your pc to see what was on your hard drive for forum use etc?
Also you say you are germing more seeds to memorise this day? Are you growing at home again? Is it not a bit soon? lol Or are you growing elsewhere mate?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
cool, thanks.

similarly for me, i would want to take all the heat as my missus is a teacher. its always good to have an advance plan in place for this. she even has a little piece of crappy imported hash to produce in the event of her getting blood tested for cannabis - because she does smoke.


Well-known member
Good to hear Paulo.......You are a true herblist mate getting those seeds germed to celebrate.

I still think you have been dealt with harshly.....Dirty Babylonians.


Take A Deep Breath
Glad to hear you didn't get a custodial.....certainly wouldn't have done you any good at all with your health issues. Any magistrate with a heart should just have chucked the whole thing out with your problems...

Keep on growing mate.....


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
No worries mate

No worries mate

Sorry to hear this mate :( I have a question mate, Did they seize your pc to see what was on your hard drive for forum use etc?
Also you say you are germing more seeds to memorise this day? Are you growing at home again? Is it not a bit soon? lol Or are you growing elsewhere mate?

They did not check my pc. They just seized my mobile in order to do the usual checks.
The seeds were germinated in my place but for stealth and safety reasons they are going to be grown in a new and more safe location.
It might be a bit soon but they are failing to provide me with a safe option to my health issues...:comfort:...and i don´t want to be sick and in pain forever:ying:
VG that is the way to do it. My missus is a toker and we also have the same lump of hash in case the situation demands it:blowbubbles:
Thanks to all for the kind and supportive words:thank you:


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Nice to hear of your slapped wrist mate, sounds like they have pretty much given you the Green Light to carry on up the Khyber with your personal Med production.

Guess you are currently smoking the 6 months worth you plugged "just in case" ...

Good luck with the seeds ;-)


sorry to read your story :( did they search your house top to bottom or was they content with the garden?


sorry to hear that m8 , glad your not letting them beat you and popping seeds , wouldn't mind the answer to the laptop question myself ?



Convicted for turning dreams into reality
They ordered a "light" search to my property and all my growing gear was seized and destroyed.
They did not touch my desktop and laptop only my mobile was seized as proof.
Thanks for the support

roll it large

They ordered a "light" search to my property and all my growing gear was seized and destroyed.
They did not touch my desktop and laptop only my mobile was seized as proof.
Thanks for the support

they took your mobile for proof of what mate?

i browse icmag on my phone an take pics hmm think i need to step up on security i am a fool:)


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