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Causes of a hermie???


I am wondering what stresses a plant enough indoors besides light leaks and temperature issues, and watering/nute issues? Can the plant being minorly root bound cause it to throw a few naners or tying the top branch down in half for a few days, a few weeks into flower??

Or stresses in veg? Can that cause it to hermie 4 weeks into flower, by throwing out maybe 5 nanners? This plant didnt suffer any stress really in flower, i went away for a week and had to give it a bit extra water beforei left, and she was a bit light when i got back, but not droopy or anything, temps always remained 60-80ish, mighta got to 58 or 57 the first few nights of flower, or the days when it got below freezing around here (very few)

Damn hermie, sucks cause i was away on vacation and didnt see them till 2 or 3 of them had opened prob a week or 2 after i got home.

Good genetics too, Bogglegum x c99. I had 3 plants originally, one was a male, and the other two i thought were female.... we'll they were except for the few nanners i saw during the 5th week.

I ask cause I don't know if i should bother with the rest of these seeds, or was it likely some environmental thing? The only thing i figure the plants really didnt like was the one gallon grow bags, but then again they only got to be about 14-16" tall. I just got done trimming and it looks like ill get somewhere between 5-10 grams per plant, i really dont know.

Plants turned really purple and extremelly frosty, so id like to continue growing it.... did bogglegum have a problem with sex?

Here is the plant in question, this was probably taken 3 weeks ago, I took some pics yesterday before chop but havent uploaded them yet:


Heres yesterday prior to chop:

This one I grew along next to her and it didnt hermie at all, however it did receive some of the damn hermies pollen, as i found a seed in the very top, wont know how bad it is till they dry:




I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
i was wondering if it could possibly be carried on through genetics... (hermie trait) im currently growing an ak47, same shit happened, MOTHER WENT THROUGH STRESS BEFORE WE CUT CLONES, could have been determining factor also...


I honestly think once they start flowering the temperature and light leaks may play the biggest part in hermies. Don't quote me on this but I'm just speaking from my experience, it seems like the plants farthest away from any possible light leaks in the winter are more calm about all the hermie crap. In the summer however some plants hermied regardless to what I did...Also in the summer I had my lights too close so they might have been suffering from heat stress from the lights as well. Now I keep them 12" or more away from the light, I have a 250w. Again I don't know what I did but I'm guessing these things could be considered.

But then again some strains just are prone to hermie regardless because it's in their genes.


The Tri Guy
Genes play the biggest role in determining whether or not a plant will hermie on you. While preventing light leeks/stress etc may prevent a plant with hermie tendencies from actually becoming a full blown hermie, a plant which does not have hermie tendencies will not become a hermie when they are present.


Active member
in mt experiences hermies can either be genetic or caused by stress. most notably light leaks. inconsistant lighting schedule is the biggest cause. next up is genetics. one time i had a plant go hermie on me from breaking the stem after it started flowering. i was trying to supercrop but the stem was too woody. by the time it recovered it had gone from being a female and showing pistils to being a hermie and throwing both female and male flower from the opposing nodes. one side was pistils the other side was pollen sacks.


...next up is genetics. one time i had a plant go hermie on me from breaking the stem after it started flowering. i was trying to supercrop but the stem was too woody...

thats exactly what I did, and I think the cause of the hermiation.... (is that a word)?

the timeline would fit about perfectly.... i was just seeing that other dudes post about a hermie and thinking "yah it wont give plant right next to it a chance to develop seed, but what they leave out is if your running perpetually it might fuck up half the plants in the room.

really my fault for not catching it in time... but damit.