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caught with eddibles?


New member
Hello.. I have been wondering. WHat do they charge you with for the posession/sale of marijuana edibles? Surely they don't weigh the whole edible(cookie/brownie etc?). That would be insanely unfair.. but it makes me wonder if they actually test the edibles for how much THC is in them.. Somehow I can't see them doing that either.. so what do they do?

Also: Will drug dogs hit on thc enhanced edibles?


New member
Visit NORML dot org for your state's laws on sale and possession. As for unfair, when they bust a grow, soil counts toward the final weight.


My guess is its 'processed marijuana' in the same category as hash in most cases. Didn't they stop selling them in Amsterdam because of something like that? sorry if i am way off


Smokin on that serious...
rusto said:
My guess is its 'processed marijuana' in the same category as hash in most cases. Didn't they stop selling them in Amsterdam because of something like that? sorry if i am way off

lots of space cake in the 'dam when i was there in january


from what i have experiance nobody has been arrested for possession of edibles (unless you have a label that says these have pot in them), if a drug dog were to sniff out the pot in brownies what to say hes just not after the brownies?, and on selling them i would just be careful and as i said before unless you have a label on them they should suspect nothing. just my .02

imo edibles are the safest way to go drug dogs very rarely give a false positive but in those rare cases it is usually a food product or another animal


Just keep them in plain view like other edibles.

Yes, dogs will hit on them, but they also hit on dog treats, donutes, sandwiches, and other food. The handler will likely think it is a false alarm and move on if you play it cool, and say something like "hey, mind not having your dog hair in my cookies my grandma made those"


Active member
SuperToker said:
Just keep them in plain view like other edibles.

Yes, dogs will hit on them, but they also hit on dog treats, donutes, sandwiches, and other food. The handler will likely think it is a false alarm and move on if you play it cool, and say something like "hey, mind not having your dog hair in my cookies my grandma made those"

dogs has a specific reaction when they smell drugs.


I'm sure dogs will smell the cannabis in space cakes,

and the reason for the reduced sale of cakes in A'dam was because tourists were getting too wasted, and making the place messy, lol



I think it depends on how much aromatics you have in your food.

If you have just cannabis, the dog can probably pick it up but if you use different spices, which enhance the effect of the herb btw, they will blend in with each other when cooked and the dog might not notice the cannabis.

A dog can pick up on different odor molecules when they are just around each other but cooking them together and in a fat will combine them with each other and if you mix herb with something like cayenne pepper when cooking the dog might not even want to smell the food because the cayenne might be annoying to him.
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her dankness
I know that in Vermont at least, if you are caught with known edibles, the weight of the edible is considered to be your bud weight. So a 5 lb tray of brownies, were they to pursue it as far as the law allows, could buy you a whole ration of shit.
Truthman said:
A dog can pick up on different odor molecules when they are just around each other but cooking them together and in a fat will combine them with each other and if you mix herb with something like cayenne pepper when cooking the dog might not even want to smell the food because the cayenne might be annoying to him.

i would think addng cayenne pepper would make the brownie not taste like a brownie, maybe too unenjoyable to eat? ...but i've never cooked it so i don't know.

for what its worth, barry cooper (the ex-narc dog handler) says that a dog's nose is so sensitive that it can distinguish different scents, even if mixed together. as an example, he used a pot of soup with all types of ingredients: he said that humans will just smell soup while the dog will smell all the individual ingredients. he also said in his career as a narc officer, he never once busted anyone with edible cannabis (aka brownies and such).


^^^ not to mention that messing up that dog's nose can get you in some serious shit....


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
gramsci.antonio said:
dogs has a specific reaction when they smell drugs.

think again. trained drug dogs have a reaction to drugs, but not a reaction that is unique to just that. the dogs don't know how to detect drugs. they just know certain scents on an almost molecular level (dogs have highly evolved olfactory senses) and associate it to playing a game since how they are trained is by playing games with balls that smell like drugs etc. so the dog when it searches for "drugs" is in fact just looking for its toy so that it can play. if and when a dog "hits" (what its called when a dog shows interest in a scent) the trainer will pull the dog back and in many cases pull out the dogs toy. the dog is just playing a game.

now, they are highly inaccurate. dogs will not smell everything. on the other hand, they can "hit" on scents like food, animals, etc. not to mention the fact that cops can often times train the dog to "hit" on command or in other words "find" whats not there. they do this so they can come back to ya and be like "my dog smells something in your trunk, are you sure there isn't something you wanna tell me boy? come clean with me and we can work something out, don't make me go and get a warrant and waste my time. you don't wanna piss me off do you hear!?!?"
what this probably means is that although you are highly suspected of something this cop has been unable to provide any probably cause for a search warrant and is trying to once again play some good ol' mind games to see how you react to what he is telling you. ever wonder why cops have to take so many psychology classes?

i'm done ranting. i'm gonna vaporize some more :rasta:


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
i just wanted to clarify that although i say they're inaccurate, it doesn't mean i'm saying that they never work. certainly they do perform they're specific roles well enough to be used by LEO, but the point i wish to drive home here is that although a cop acts like his dog found something don't react until the fucker actually pulls out your stash.

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