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Cash may lose its anonymity

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
No concrete evidence to back this up, but something I saw the other day made me start thinking we are only one step away.

I was checking out at a subway and they ran my bills through a "bill verifier" to make sure it was real. It was just a small unit that fed the bills through it and gave a green light or red light for good or bad. I don't know exactly what it checks for, but if a normal human can't tell its fake this machine is checking for very small details on the bills.

All they would have to do from here is to hook it up to the internet and have it scan the serial number on each bill. Now this all by itself wouldn't be concrete evidence of anything, but if you were under investigation, the pigs could get a warrant for your banking info and then they would have transfer data about every bill you deposit or recieve along with whoever else deposits those bills or where they are spent.

Call me paranoid, but I just got to thinking.

Just another brick in the wall.
Maybe im to paranoid but i feel like we should enjoy thd privacy we have left these days because the world is gonna get alot more chaotic and the government is just gonna get worse..but like i said maybe im to paranoid lol


Active member
guess i will start paying with quarters LOL. i use a special light and marker to check bills. never seen an automated machine do it yet.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Don't be surprised when we all start charging gold for cannabis :) 2oz of gold will get ya 1 pack


yeah they have the tools to potentially make it very difficult to spend money not earned inside the system. like you said notes serial numbers could be joined to the name and being transferred as you spend it to who ever you give it to. the thing is while people in positions of real power are still involved in drug, weapon and slave trading etc they will want to be able to use the anonymity of cash for their business transactions. specially when you have the US gov actively smuggling drugs in and weapons out for profit.


Enormous Member
yeah they have the tools to potentially make it very difficult to spend money not earned inside the system. like you said notes serial numbers could be joined to the name and being transferred as you spend it to who ever you give it to. the thing is while people in positions of real power are still involved in drug, weapon and slave trading etc they will want to be able to use the anonymity of cash for their business transactions. specially when you have the US gov actively smuggling drugs in and weapons out for profit.

Fast and Furious, man.


ICMag Donor
a lot of atm machines take deposits without an envelope. they scan in all the bills.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Get yourself a nice big flat tip black magic marker and start crossing out those serial numbers. There are fucking places I know of that won't take a $100 bill anymore without your ID and they write down your license number :moon: Fuck that shit!

You can always trade good herb for the things you need I guess if it comes down to it ;)

lost in a sea

fiat money does look sketchy,,, nwo maybe ?

i think the sim cards in our phones will be credit cards that allow the phone to deposit credits


shut the fuck up Donny
tin hat status.

The infrastructure IT wise that it would take to hold a database that could be input from every retail store in the world to cross reference your name with serial number is monumental and will never happen.

Even with LEO controlled buys they still just make a photo copy of the bills lol.

dream on.
Get yourself a nice big flat tip black magic marker and start crossing out those serial numbers. There are fucking places I know of that won't take a $100 bill anymore without your ID and they write down your license number :moon: Fuck that shit!

You can always trade good herb for the things you need I guess if it comes down to it ;)

a) defacing currency is illegal (but who cares)
b) shops have the right to refuse defaced currency - you'd have to trade it in at the federal reserve for a clean bill. back to square 1.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
I get bills with marks all over them all the time, marking it with those currency markers is really no different and they always have marks on them never seen anyone refuse money unless it was only half a bill. You will get them out of the ATM that way with marks and messages, stamps, lines drawn on them. My point is they can't track shit by serial numbers if the serial numbers are crossed out if you need it to be private. This however does nothing about the foil strip inside that may very well contain identifying information.

I was told if you attempt to travel with too much cash the scanning machines you have to walk through will identify the amount of cash from the foil strips contained within them and they may identify other info as well. I would be far more concerned with video cameras though than being tracked by using cash, wearing dark sunglasses definitely helps because the government facial recognition software is very real they are even using it on facebook now to automatically tag people in pictures. Crazy world we live in today, your tiny amount of privacy you have left will be gone altogether pretty soon and everything you do will be linked to your name & identity. Just look at smartmeters for your house and gps in your phone, in your car, it's even in fucking laptops now. They are definitely watching you if they want to watch. :peek:


Friend you are too high my man..this should be in the tolerance den. No offense but really?


I guess one of the challenges of employing a system like this (in addition to gaiusmarius' great points) is that it would be hard to track the transitions that happened between scanners.

Edit: hahah I posted this after some more great points sneaked in.


Or what if you didn't scan your money, or what if you just had someone else use the money to buy shit for you, or oh yeah its not even remotely plausible in any way and is silly. Pass me some of that, shit man lol..


tin hat status.

The infrastructure IT wise that it would take to hold a database that could be input from every retail store in the world to cross reference your name with serial number is monumental and will never happen.

Even with LEO controlled buys they still just make a photo copy of the bills lol.

dream on.

notice i posted that the tools exist to do it, but i also said it won't happen just yet. you make a good point about the massive amount of database space that would be needed. but you know they might start up a city at a time or even country by country, then they just hook them all together and bingo. like i said the tools are available and database space is getting cheaper all the time isn't it? but i hope you are right and it never happens. does seem impractical at best.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
database space is cheap and getting cheaper, thats not the problem, I don't think.

gaiusmarius' first post, I didn't think about that, there would be huge resistance from those folks, for sure.

I'm not much of a tin foil hat wearer, but I do notice these type of things, I don't freak out over them though. There will always be a means around the system, its just getting harder and harder with the application of new technologies. I wasn't trying to suggest everyone will have to barter your cannabis away.

All I'm saying is that its in its infant stages with this bill identifier thingy. I'm not saying there is some kind of hidden agenda either. I'm just saying the potential of this device could make things much more difficult for those who contract anonymously.

When new technology emerges, its usually for one purpose, then as its use increases for that purpose, its potential uses are realilzed and materialized rather quickly. Even if it doesn't work perfect from the get go, it will be dialed in, in no time.

How do you move a mountain? one rock at a time

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