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CaseyJ and SourD


A big hello to everyone, have been away from this site for too long, time to contribute again...

i should be calling this thread "back to the basics" lol, as that what it represents in a way.

anyway here some specs; 3x600hps and a 400 mh for veg. 1000 qm/h exhaust 1300 qm/h carbon scrubber.

there will be no pumps, drippers, tanks and tables, this time round. like i said back to the basics, plants in pots on the ground under lamps lol. with any luck ill end up with some nice tree/bushes.

planted 6 Casey Jones seeds from Head Seeds as well as 5 Sour Diesel ibls from Rez, which he most kindly gifted me over a year ago. as i was so pleased with the SD-v3 back when i grew it, it was an easy choice.

anyway i was a bit lazy and used some balcony soil to pop the seeds, trying to keep things simple and costs down :D also didn't keep the seeds cooled in storage, in the end i got 5 from 6 Casey Jones to pop and 3 of 5 Sour Diesel ibl. this should not be taken as representive in anyway as im notoriously bad with seeds. gimme a clean clone any day lol. mind you there is nothing like seeds for diversity and truly great discoveries sometimes. hence a necessary evil muhahahaha. at this point i wish id have started all the seeds in both packs, but done is done. i will make clones to thicken things out next round if needed.

so far all they have had is water from the tap, not even ph corrected as my meter needs batteries lol. planning to remedy that today. so far there is nothing much to show, we have all seen seedlings before lol. will upload a couple of pics later this after noon anyway, just to get things started.

i plan to hand water these plants in pots of coco. i will ofcourse be using canna coco a+b, ph minus and pk 13/14 pluss rhizotonic for the rooting/transition to coco phase, if needed. seedlings generally make crazy roots with no need of stimulation.

pics later.....edited to add pics of day 4 after planting the seeds.

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Guest 18340

Let me grab a seat, i'm sure i'll have PLENTY of questions for you :lurk:


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
welcome back!
I thought we might have to nominate a new mod.
Just kidding, of course!
We'll all be waiting, mouths awash in drool, for the upcoming pix.......

peace, love & coco


Non Conformist
Back to the basics eh ?

Back to the basics eh ?

That sounds like my kinda growin. lol Taggin along. BC


I am so glad you are back Gaius! Maybe you can tell some of these "experts" how easy coco is to grow in when they actually do their homework and read the stickies!


Welcome to the show evlme2, i will gladly answer any questions you might have to the best of my ability.

thanks for the warm welcome Indica Sativa, i look forward to some interesting discussions. i thought this grow was a perfect opportunity to do a hand watered coco grow. its been so long since i tried it that way that im really looking forward to an intense 3 months of close contact with every plant. it will be interesting for me to compare growth speed and development with my normal automated watering system. so far things are slow as hell, i probably should have dumped the seeds in coco from the get go. oh well, done is done, as long as they survive, its all good. once i moe them to coco, things will pick up.

hehe humble1, i know i've been gone ages, but i knew there were plenty other members around the coco forum to keep this place jumping. also we are hidden well enough, that we are mercifully free of the trolls here. the coco forum is alive and moderates its self better then i ever could. all thanks to the members here.

thanks Grat3fulh3ad, i was so impressed with truecannablis's CaseyJones buds, that i had to get the seeds once you brought them out. as i say they had to wait to be used but finally the perfect time has come for them. i can't wait to be smoking them, this grow is dedicated to producing a good stash for me. will probably only end up with 4 or 5 females under those 3 lamps, should be fun.

Hi B.C., glad to have you along for the ride, hope you enjoy the show.

Here we have a few more pics from 2 days later.

before i forget, there is also 1 of mods GodbudxDreamweaver in there, started 2 of them but only 1 made it. will probably be a male knowing my luck :D

i'm hoping to see this hand watering work as or close to as well as the auto watering does, if not i might just add automated watering after all, we will see. wanted to keep it simple, but not at the cost of the plants well being.

Indica my friend i have stopped trying to tell people anything, unless they really want to be told. just don't have the energy to argue pointlessly. also there really isn't 1 best way, the longer i grow the more i realize that as long as you do the main things right cannabis grows well, its a weed after all. each grow room has its own particular needs and if someone is happy with their results that's all that really matters. im just here to show my particular way to get some jars of buds, not to argue that my way is the only way, or even the best way.

thanks all for welcoming me back so warmly, i hope you will enjoy the show.

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right time to continue this tale...a few days after the last lot of pics, we have not much change...

damn seeds are slow to start off compared to clones :D

here we are a week or so later. again everything is slow as hell. i moved them to the 600 hps hopping to speed things up. also gave them first dose of ferts a few days ago. had some canna substra a+b around so used that at ec 0.9 and ph of 6.4 as they are in earth right now. once i feel they are strong enough ill repot them in coco and start using ph 5.8 for now i want to be very gentle with them. have to watch my cats like a hawck when im in there, as they love nothing better then young cannabis leaves :)

decided we needed a better, closer look at them, so here we start with the Mod seeds freebie godbudxdreamweaver. only 1 seed out of 2 planted made it. but (hopefuly,) "she" looks nice and strong way ahead of the rest in terms of growth and development.

next up we have the 3 Sour Diesel ibl's from Rez. looking nice and slowly looking like plants instead of seedlings.

last but in no way least i hope :) we come to Head seeds offering of Casey Jones. can't wait till the day i can do smoke reports on these fine genetics. for the moment the grow space looks so empty, ahh well if i get 5 females they will have a huge amount of space to grow in. maybe this time round 2 lamps will be enough, we will see how much the stretch etc once in the coco and in 12/12.

Good growings everyone
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Great to see ya back on the boards :) thanks for sharing with us all !!
Casey Jones rocks and somewhere in there is an old school thai smelling pheno :) find that and you have found a jewel !!


Thanks Babbabud, its cool to be here again and being able to share something is even cooler. even if its a slow start heh.

wow i really can't wait to be sampling those CaseyJones. in the end i should have planted the full pack of seeds to have a wider pheno selection. don't know what i was thinking lol. as things stand there will be maybe 4 females in the end and that seems too few for 3x600watt. we will see, i did talk to a mate about getting a clone or 2 to help use the space. but no news yet. if im really lucky he will get me a clone of the sdv3 i selected a while back. that would be awesome as i lost my moma of it.

i planted the SD ibl's because i loved the sdv3 so much that i wanna find a replacement, specially if the clone thing doesn't work out.

as for the plants, they are picking up nicely. i notice a slight folding over of the leaf edges after the first feeding, so i went back to straight ph corrected water. they seemed to respond well altogether though, pics up in a bit...


and the pics...

and the pics...

as you can see in only a few days they have developed nicely, seems like they enjoyed their last watering of plain water. checked the biggest ones root system out and it could be transplanted, but ill give the others a few more days to catch up before i transplant, or at least 1 more day.

this is Mod's godbudxdreamweaver, stems are toughening up slowly as they are in the indirect fan breez. this plant is the fastest one so far, just hope its not a male :D



New member
Nice to have a new grow from you. I have been lurking way too long behind and now I thougt to participate a bit more :). I have been enjoying your previous grow logs. Good luck!

I went also back to basic but that's totally another story :)


nice to have you along Hitchhiker lets hope this grow goes the way it should eh? will do my best to make it so. they will certainly have enough light by the looks of things.

anyway just for the record, forgot to do it first post :)

ok back to the here and now, i felt it was time to get these little plants into some coco to start getting used to it.

so the first thing was lugging my old coco which has been in the cellar for close to 2 years back upstairs. as i only used those slabs 1x they were still nearly as good as new as i discovered when i opened them up and poured the coco into pots for this tree/bush grow.
you can't really hand water coco slabs, its just a pain, so im using pots and 2 defect 10 lt buckets with a crack in the bottom of each.

found some bio rhizotonic at the head shop today, didn't know they had made a certified bio version. hope it works as well as it always has.

in the end i just cut off the bottom off the improvised pots i was using and planted them as i would rockwool cubes on the coco with only a cm submerged in the coco. i used a carton cutter with only the smallest tip of the blade sticking out to cut the bottoms off my pots, i didn't want to chop the roots up after all.

and after some time...

now lets see how these babies adapt to the coco, with any luck we won't have any transplanting shock. so far all i did to the coco was water it with ph corrected water.

i must say, im already missing my closed system after only 1 watering, i just like to see plenty water leave the coco every now and then and specially at the end flush, so will have to work out something simple, even if i end up placing a big basin under each plant as i flush it, lol. some spacer to keep the pot out of the water as it runs through would be needed. ill think of something, although i think a proper table will be in the works for next run, you just can't beat a water proof table with a single drain point to grow with coco. anyway enough rambeling till next update :)


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
hey G. glad ur back dude. you prob dont know my name yet, but will be diving into coco forum soon. i have read much ofwhat you have to say around here. thanks for sharing. your experience is priceless, as well as a few other fellas in here. lol cant wait to see them hit coco.
Sir :joint:
ah ha after i post i see they have made it to coco :rasta:
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Hi Gaius- nice to see your back and growing. I hope im not arriving late. I really want to see how long you hold out with hand watering. LOL. Whatever you end up doing I know it will be educational. I really learned a lot from you work with the slabs.
Your the man in my book.


Hey Gaius! Looking great so far.

I"m planning a new grow myself and I'm curious if you have any experience with canna boost? It's kind of expensive, so I'm wondering if its worth it.

I also noticed that you didn't mention planning to use cannazyme on this run. Do you notice any major differences without it? I know it helps to be able to re-use the medium, but what impact does it have on plant health and yield if any.

And finally, how do you use PK-13/14. If you asked 5 different people how to use this stuff properly you would get 5 different answers. Some use it one week, some use it 3 weeks, some at the beginning of flowering, some towards the end ... it's confusing! So your thoughts on that would be appreciated.

Thanks man, and it's great to see you posting again. I still drool over your slab thread at least once a week :muahaha:


high everyone...

high everyone...

@ SirSmokalot

cool to have you join the show, we will see where it takes us. yes i planted them onto some coco and they are now 2 days in there and looking fully healthy.

@ crtoker

welcome to my grow, thanks for the kind words. i enjoy sharing my methods on ic mag. to me there is nothing quite like watching someone get a great harvest using ones methods. like most things in life though there is always more to learn about our hobby.

@ Disguised

thanks, good to have some interest, even if it is early (boring) days yet :D

in fact i do know the canna boost, i used it for a few crops and really wasn't all that impressed by it. when the canna bio boost came out i used it for many runs steadily, liked it alot, but its even more expensive then the plain canna boost. recently i have stopped using either of those boosters. i find if i dose the a+b right and add a bit of pk 13/14 i get the results im looking for whether im adding boost or not, hence i've gone off it for the moment. i did like the bioboost alot but one day it fucked up my rez causing a slimy foamy layer of crap to form on my water. with the price it costs that just pissed me off. was told i stored it wrong/too long.

cannazym is still in my program, at least the hesi powerzym is. doesn't really matter which you use as they all contain very simmilar if not identical enzymes. although i have read of some working better then others. the reason im not adding any is because its early yet, and the coco is like new, after being stored so long all the old roots etc from the first time it was used are gone, when i reach in it its like band new coco. so no need for zym yet. its als worth remembering that this coco was flushed really well by myself before i harvested the plants that were growing on it, also it was being treated with zym already during the second half of that run.

as for the pk 13/14; recently i have been adding this at a third of recommended dose after 2 weeks of flowering, i reduce the a+b by enough so the ec is the same. i only add it 1x to the tank when there is about 3 days of water left in it. then back to a+b till week 5 or 6 of 12/12, at this point i add 2 thirds of rec dose again reducing the a+b a bit so the ec doesn't jump too much with the pk added. from this point on you can add pk13/14 in small amounts regularly if u want. i don't add it for longer then 1 week as i want the plants to have plenty of time to convert the mineral based pk13/14 into energy for the buds etc.

@ hard_mind

there are different ways to use the pk, being what it is it can also be used to boost initial flower production as well as boosting the later and even the end flowering phase.

thanks for the posts guys, its starting to feel like the old days :rasta:

ill do some pics tomorrow or the next day, some of them are really taking off now that they are in the coco. i hope they aren't just the males lol. so far Mod's GodbudxDreamweaver is the fastest. after giving them only bio rhizotonic yesterday, i decided to give them some a+b today, set ec of 1.0 and ph 5.9

i should have known using the earth to start was stupid idea, already noticed the first of those darn flys that have larva that eats the fine root tips, crawling out of the earth when i water. will get some mosquito dunk, its way to early for those buggers to show up lol.



Good to c/u back again Gaius & starting up a show ...

Friends out to the Jugz n Nugz party back east this weekend & prolly smoking
out an entire valley back in Vermont , lol.

Have seen some massive colas of CaseyJones ((Trainwreck x Thai) x East Coast Sour Diesel ?? )....done lately by slips , can't wait to see yours so will pull up a chair & sail along with ya ... and hopefully absorb some light . :wave:

from slips thread

Casey Jones ...this may add a little excitement early on of what might come
later on !;o))
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