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Casey Jones clone wilting :( :( What to do? High res picture


Hello, yesterday I got a single clone of Casey Jones, a strain I've wanted for so long. I've received 2 CJ cuttings before that both died so I was hoping that 3rd time was the charm.

I don't know what i'm doing wrong, here's my approach.

1. Clean working surface, hands, and scissor
2. Prepare Clonex, and a cup of pH water
3. Unwrap cutting (was covered in wet towel) and put into the water
4. Recut the stem (45 degree) UNDER water
5. Apply Clonex
6. Put the stem 2 cm into the soil (cocos) and make sure stem has contact with the soil
7. Spray evenly around the pot
8. Put clone into Clonebox, at 25-28 degrees Celsius, 85-93%humidity
9. Light is 30w flourencent, clone is at least 30 cm away.

Wtf is this happening, 3 times out of 3. And yes i've cloned plenty of times before. I'm no expert, but the biggest reason I've never had one of those 100% rooting stories, is that sometimes the quality of some of the cuttings I've taken have been questionable. Last time I cloned I got 87 out of 90 rooted... I'm just saying, I'm not a complete clown at this :p

I was considering to Re-hydrate the cutting, taking it out of the soil and into a cup of water, and then recut tomorrow.. I've heard some have done this with success.

I realise this cutting is not as 'cut' as it could have been (haven't cut much of the leaves) but that's because I did that last time and they both died. I've also had clones this size before with good success, although I do prefer to cut them more down. The guy I got it from didn't tell me otherwise.. he should know, and he was very surprised when I told him I killed the last two.. and disappointed I think :p
Btw he told me to try rooting it in cocos, instead of cubes.. so that's why in case you're wondering ;)

I'm aware that sometimes cuttings do appear to wilt, only to comeback strong (although I haven't witnessed many do that), Cervantes also mentioned that, can't remember if it was in the book or what.
The thing is, the last 2 CJ cuttings I had acted the exact same way, looking fine and strong the first day, only to lie down after 24 hours.

Any advice before I do anything stupid? I might have missed something.
Should I rehydrate??

Appreciate it!


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You use a razor to cut it? I wouldn't recommend scissors for the final cut.

Looking at the stem diameter, It doesn't look much larger than the petioles on the fan leaves. I would remove four or five fan leaves from that clone, recut it and not use a humidity dome.
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Active member
This is not a Hook Up joint.
Btw If anyone helps me saving this beauty, I might hook you up with something tasty....
What you have suggested might be seen as an offer to trade or reward someone for info in exchange for goods and I believe that is Not Allowed here.


It was actually a joke, but I can see how it could be misinterpreted. Will remove as soon as icmag lets me.. it just freezes when I try to edit
I will however give anyone who helps me a BIG THANK YOU! :)


Trying to have a good day
I bet with that much leaf material and that 30 watter you mentioned it is trying to get the clone to photosythezise (lols) too much.

Ive had clones that were yellowing and falling down and have gave a weak solution of kelp meal and water and had them pop back up and root.It dont allways work though.

Is it possible that your soil is hot?


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
humididty dome + clonex = death.....

no humidity dome and use a liquid based rooting hormone, this wont happen.....


humididty dome + clonex = death.....

no humidity dome and use a liquid based rooting hormone, this wont happen.....

are you serious? But i've done this at least 8 times before :S

Unless I misunderstand what you mean with humidity dome, I'm just using the 'top (where the lamp is) of my aquarium as a shelf.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
are you serious? But i've done this at least 8 times before :S

Unless I misunderstand what you mean with humidity dome, I'm just using the 'top (where the lamp is) of my aquarium as a shelf.

with my experiences with cloning, this happens with humidity domes.....clonex rots the stems to easily. i like the cheap dip-n-gro liquid based, 100% success...



So you are saying you are not using a humidity dome, but ARE using a liquid based gel (like clonex) ??
I thought it wasn't possible for cuttings to root if the humidity weren't high.. where are you placing your cuttings after dipping them in root hormone??


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
So you are saying you are not using a humidity dome, but ARE using a liquid based gel (like clonex) ??
I thought it wasn't possible for cuttings to root if the humidity weren't high.. where are you placing your cuttings after dipping them in root hormone??

yup, no humidity dome and dip-n -gro rooting hormone ($8.95). humidity domes kill your clones, see the pics on my last post? no domes, used to do 10,000+ clones a year.....

i cut my clone, trim half the leaf off, dip in dip-n-grow and put into rockwool or coco.....dont touch it for a week...roots.....


yup, no humidity dome and dip-n -gro rooting hormone ($8.95). humidity domes kill your clones, see the pics on my last post? no domes, used to do 10,000+ clones a year.....

i cut my clone, trim half the leaf off, dip in dip-n-grow and put into rockwool or coco.....dont touch it for a week...roots.....

Wow... can't argue with that :S oh well you learn something new every day. I actually missed the pictures thinking it was part of your SIG haha sorry :p

I'm not that selfconfident that I trust myself with 1,5 years experience over something like that, so I followed your advice.
I just cut off some leaves, made a new cut at the stem, with a RAZOR this time, put on some more gel, and back into the pot.

I'm not keeping the shelf closed anymore, so humidity should lower quickly now.

Didn't had much to lose anyway, i'm curious to see if my clone survives the new cut, especially because it was so bendable that I couldn't cut it under water, so I did it out in the free air. I just hope no air got through!

However it still doesn't change the fact that I've used the other method many times now, with great success... I don't get it

Anyways, Is it realistic that it survives now? As mentioned I planted it yesterday.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Wow... can't argue with that :S oh well you learn something new every day. I actually missed the pictures thinking it was part of your SIG haha sorry :p

I'm not that selfconfident that I trust myself with 1,5 years experience over something like that, so I followed your advice.
I just cut off some leaves, made a new cut at the stem, with a RAZOR this time, put on some more gel, end back into the pot.

I'm not keeping the shelf closed anymore, so humidity should lower quickly now.

Didn't had much to lose anyway, i'm curious to see if my clone survived the new cut, especially because it was so bendable that I couldn't cut it under water, so I did it out in the air. I just hope no air got through!

However it still doesn't change the fact that I've used the other method many times now, with great success... I don't get it

Is it realistic that it survives now? As mentioned I planted it yesterday.

it is possible that it will survive, next few hours will tell.

dont worry about using a blade to cut clones or cutting them under water, thats the old school way. i like to keep it as simple as possible. i use scissors and cut them in the air and they sit for up to 20 minutes before there planted in rockwool because i do hundreds at a time.....

every way works, but make it more simple for yourself, this is a no brainer way to do clones, have taught many people the same way....


Game Bred
to much foliage..

trim those bitches and reduce transporation.
lose the dome.
MAKE them grow roots.

i hope im communicating...

domes and foliage allow transporation and you want the clone to grow roots for that.


it is possible that it will survive, next few hours will tell.

dont worry about using a blade to cut clones or cutting them under water, thats the old school way. i like to keep it as simple as possible. i use scissors and cut them in the air and they sit for up to 20 minutes before there planted in rockwool because i do hundreds at a time.....

every way works, but make it more simple for yourself, this is a no brainer way to do clones, have taught many people the same way....

Hehe okay then..

I upped a new pic of my Casey Jones, in a new and better version :p It actually kinda looks like it's already feeling better... I did re-hydrate it for 30 min or so prior.. but dunno, perhaps I'm just seeing things :)

Would you suggest cutting even more off?
And will I know it worked if it stands erect tmw morning when I wake up? I guess that one can't be answered :p

How often should I mist it btw?

If it works that'll be my new method cause I hate using that aquarium :p


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to much foliage..

trim those bitches and reduce transporation.
lose the dome.
MAKE them grow roots.

i hope im communicating...

domes and foliage allow transporation and you want the clone to grow roots for that.

We are definitely communicating, I'm following you and krunchbubble's advice now, hoping the best.

Only question left is, should I cut even more off? Check my newest picture :)


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Hehe okay then..

I upped a new pic of my Casey Jones, in a new and better version :p It actually kinda looks like it's already feeling better... I did re-hydrate it for 30 min or so prior.. but dunno, perhaps I'm just seeing things :)

Would you suggest cutting even more off?
And will I know it worked if it stands erect tmw morning when I wake up? I guess that one can't be answered :p

How often should I mist it btw?

If it works that'll be my new method cause I hate using that aquarium :p

cut half that middle leaf off, you should be good....

i dont mist them at all, i suppose you can once or twice a day, lightly. if your medium begins to dry up, lightly water it, not soak it, you need a slightly drier medium to root.


Now in technicolor
I wouldn't use a humidity dome. Here's how I take cuttings:

Soak 1x1" rockwool cubes in pH 5.5 water

Take a cutting from the top of the plant (anywhere should work though). I rip it off with my fingers.

Soak the cutting in water for 5 minutes. I just drop it into a glass of tap water.

While underwater, take a clean razor/knife and make a cut at 45 degrees. You want a lot of surface area between the medium and the inside of the stem of the cutting.

Quickly dip the end of the cutting into rooting hormone (I use powder but gel is better.)

Ideally the cut part of the stem should never be exposed to air so try to work quickly here.

Place this into the rockwool cube and "close" the area around the hole. I take cuttings from tops so the stem is tiny.

Water the rockwool cube with pH 5.2 water and 150 ppm nutes.

Snip off half of each leaf on the cutting. It doesn't need much at all.

Place in 80F and LOW light. No humidity dome. The plant needs to root in order to get water. Water every few days or as needed. NEVER let it dry out.

I avoid humidity because it speeds up bacterial growth. You want the plant to root instead of rot.

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