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Besides if the government doesn't like the price tag behind the bud, they only have themselves to blame for that. If they wanted to put the black market out of business, they'd just legalize it, and then dude would have to work even harder for his keep. Seems to me, this arrest is all part of a bigger plan.
Definitely agreed... he was an idiot for inviting 9news into his house without having all of his paperwork up to date/ there and he was bragging about how much money he was making and stuff he was incredibly naive forgot we live in a country with incredibly convoluted and outdated laws


The dude did not have the paperwork needed for the grow op, he bragged on Denver 9 News about making 250,000 per grow and not paying state or federal taxes. can you say blackmarket. loose lips sunk his ship. he bombed himself with his own ammo.
Thanks Mr/ B for putting Co in the Spot Light with the Feds by your statement of not paying your taxes on your supposed $250,000 per grow.
No this grow was not Legal at all in any sense of the word.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
he bragged on Denver 9 News about making 250,000 per grow and not paying state or federal taxes

D'oh! That part I hadn't heard. There's begging for trouble and there's BEGGING for trouble.

Once upon a time it would take months to years for news to travel cross country. Now news travels the globe in a matter of seconds. When you say :moon: to the Feds on what is effectively International TV, you can't act surprised when you get a beat down.

NO ONE needs to know about your grow except for you and your monkey. And that monkey looks suspicious.

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