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Carbon scrubber question?



Is a carbon scrubber just as effective if you pull/suck the air through the scrubber or if you exhaust/blow through the scrubber?

Example 1: I set the scrubber in the grow room pulling the air through the scrubber and exhausting out of the room through a 6" duct out of the room/building.

Example 2: I set the scrubber outside the room and exhaust out of the grow room through a 6" duct into the top of the scrubber blowing the air through it.

Which is better than the other or does it matter?



full time daddy


good one tex....

i dont use one and never have i will be soon.......

my guess would be it dont matter...

but pulling seem's to me that it would be easyer to duck out over pushing


I have much more room outside my flower room than I do in it.

It would be nice to just cut in a 6" duct in the ceiling and mount the scrubber canister in the attic.



I dont think it really matters, I have my fan mounted to the top of the scrubber outside the growroom. it's a 6" inline fan on top of a carbon filter designed for a 5" fan, it still works great though.
Here's a pic of mine
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Eire, many thanks for the input and pic.

That is exactly how I want to set mine up in my attic. I may even put a "Y" in it to have two 6" ducts (one from the lights and one straight exhaust) into the cannister scrubber.

I'm stoked now, I can nove forward with the plan

Thanks again



No prob Tex, glad I helped.

Though my pic isnt the perfect example, the way I have it I'm probably creating a bit of resistance with all the bends in the ducting.
I should probably fix that later!!!

Just make sure there is no leaks in the ducting & not too many bends & it dosent make a difference imo, your still moving the same amount of air.


Fuzzy&Sauce BBG said:
I let my Carbon Filter Fan PUll Air UP and UP into the room , I have no tubes.
That works just as well, if you have enough room put it in the groroom, if your stuck for space put it outside somewhere more convenient.


aka Buzz'dBob
Hey Tex,

As I have said elsewhere, I am in the "learning stages" at present. So I've never made, nor used, a scrubber as yet. However, I did completely read KRYPTO's CARBON BUCKET thread over on OG. Here is a short snippet towards the bottom of Page 2 of that thread {assuming the forum default number of posts per page}:
The active carbon filtration works like this: The air from your fan can either be drawn through the bucket in which case the odorific air is drawn from the holes you put in the bucket all the way around it which is MUCH more surface area contact than just laying it in the bottom of the bucket and is why commercial filters are made in a similar fashion..
Can be blown through the filter,, in which case the air enters through the reducer,, bounces of the bottom of the bucket which does creat a certain amount of backpressure to the fan which can be controled by the # of holes which you drill,, therebye increasing the air flow/decreasing back-pressure on/of the fan.

So, in his opinion, it may be better to suck through the scrubber, as opposed to blowing through it, as the latter may add undue backpressure on your blower/fan. Though, in actuality, it does seem that most people put the scrubber outside their box, and do indeed blow through it...

Hope that helps!



Good point Buzzbob but bear in mind he built that carbon scrubber, ie he chose how many holes were in it.
I think with the carbon scrubbers available in hydro stores etc (I could be wrong) they have the correct size & amount of holes to maximise efficency.


Here is the carbon Scrubber I am looking at getting. There are three different sizes so the big one is the one for me. These you can buy the active charcoal and service it yourself.




I think sucking would be better than blowing........

I never though i would hear myself talking about this...... :)


Feelin a little light in the loufers there SP? lol

I thought about stringin it up in the top of the flower chamber. I have 9' ceilings in there so I have a little room up in the top.

How much do the damn things weigh?



Bakin in da Sun
Having the carbon scrubber in the room may cut down on the smell a lil more than having it outside because of leaks along the ducting.



In theory I think your right S_P & I agree with you, I set up my mates room with it on the inside simply because there was the room. , but exactly how much of a diff is it making? We dont really know.
Alls I know is it works for me either way :)


"How much do the damn things weigh?"

they're pretty heavy... probably gonna contain 20LBS or close to that of carbon alone, not counting the casing.... if you're looking to mount it on somethin, gonna need to be mounted to a stud, or something firm enough to hold 35-50lbs or so, of course the weight will depend on the size filter ya get, but.... they have a bit of weight to them.


hey tex, I have mine hooked up to a 4" vortex powerfan that pushes into the carbon filter and sucks the hot air from my 600 watt hood.

I always heard that the fan sucking the air through the carbon filter is better. I dont really see why though, this way I get to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

mdhydro.com has it cheap man, I made my own first time, but this was much better and not too expensive, I think any price is worth killing the stench of marijuana growin in yer closet.... its a big reason people get busted nosy neighbors smell the danky chronic air

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