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carbon filters..why so heavey!



Ever wondered how these things are so heavey? surley someone could come up with a new lightweight design.

Few years ago a friend of mine delivered a 10" filter,now this lad aint small by any means & boy did he stuggle to lift it.

Even the guy in the shop never showed any real urgency in helping him transport it to his car..he just pointed to where they were and said help yourself. hahahahahahah.

When my wife seen it in the kitchen she asked who,s boiler is that? haha she,s not far wrong this thing was huge and weighed a ton (well 75lb).

Infact it was so big & bulky I never even considered hanging up incase my ceiling come down,it ended up sat on a chair in the corner of my growroom..worked a treat still,but the size & weight pppppppfttttttttttt anyone else find them a must but a pain in the archie?



A swiss company called LeFiltre makes filters that have a lightweight design. They weigh about half that of what a conventional filter would. Still quite heavy admittedly.

grow nerd

Yeah there are lighter models, and I'm not talking about OdorSok's.

Like, the type of carbon in my Can Filter is much heavier and a bit bulkier than the types used in Mountain Aire, Phresh, etc. Seems like they're 1/3 of the total weight. Been meaning to try the lighter ones but the Can Filter brand has worked for me and was also the least expensive option for me as well so had no reason to switch.


The goblin only weighs 10#. You need to refill it every 10-12 months....but so what. 10# is not much to deal with.


Just how little do you expect 70+ pounds of carbon to weigh?


Anyway, lightweight carbon scrubbers do exist tho im not sure of their cleaning abilities, try searching for odorsock, lightweight unit that can be folded.

pine boy

An 8x10 with all the concrete and bars is heavy.A big can filter is a piece of cake.


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
can filter carbon filters numbers their filters by weight of the carbon.
the can 100, weighs 100 lbs. and says minimum carbon weight is 81.5 lbs.


Active member
Sounds like it's time to get in the gym... lol but seriously, 70lbs is a big ass scrubber. Mine's only 14lbs....


Overkill is under-rated.
lol I use 4 Phresh 12X39" filters and have two CAN150s on standby. The Odorsok filters are a joke, they don't do shit. Phresh filters rock, they are lighter than CAN filters (aluminum vs steel.)

Odor control requires carbon, the more carbon the more odor control. Better to have too much than almost enough, unless you like prison.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
There's just no replacement for proper contact time with carbon.

Until someone finds a better substance, then the heavier the better so far as I'm concerned.

All these carbon replacements are bs too..

Airbox, odorsok, etc.. All fail to stand up to herb smell after a short period of time.


Active member
I have been looking at building a comercial style one that looks more like a filing cabinet(probly will source one of them to start with actually), so the air flows through multiple thin layers of carbon that are easy to replace


stone fool
My simple scrubber design, in the diy linkorama, used three liters, works like a champ for a year. The tube design scrubbers are wasteful and inefficient in the extreme, they work on the overkill principal. I am laughing my butt off here reading about folks who think it takes a HUNDRED pounds of carbon, fucking A, I can do a decade of scent control with less than a hundred pounds. That is what happens when you solve problems by throwing money at them.

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