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Car transport large amounts


Well-known member
Feel free to PM me if you have an idea you don't want to share in public.

How do you guys go about transporting large quantities long distance by car. Any creative ideas welcome It needs to be safe for a thorough roadside search to be on the safe side.

Mechanical work is okay.

Just out of curiosity of course.

:thank you:


The cat that loves cannabis
In non permeable rubber ring buckets in a car with all equipment in good working order with current tabs and driven by a normal looking guy with no warrants who knows how to obey traffic laws.


The cat that loves cannabis
It needs to be safe for a thorough roadside search to be on the safe side.

If its to the point where they have you on the side of the road searching your vehicle, then chances are that you're 90% screwed no matter how well you hid it.

Key is to avoid the stop in the first place, and if you do get stopped theres no odors so you can just take your ticket and leave.

If you have hair down to your ass and you're driving a 1975 VW van with deadhead stickers all over it and it reeks of weed you're probably going to get asked if there's anything in the car if you get stopped.

I've made the houston to northern states run a few times(years ago), and been stopped twice, cops asked where I was coming from, where I was going, and that was it. I look normal and my car smelled normal.Was sent on my way each time without even a ticket.


Well-known member
Understood... presume I have a normal car up to code, normal hair and won't be driving intoxicated or on roads where there is likely to be police. On the off-chance I am pulled over, I just want to be confident they won't find anything so nerves and body language don't trigger the search in the first place. I'd break into a sweat if I had rubber buckets in the back and ten years of my life on the line. Sounds like the first place they would look. I don't think it hurts being over prepared and as safe as possible.


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
if possible move in a convoy ie. multiple cars. 1 car in front, the hot car in the middle and another can behind the hot car( by hot car i mean car with contrband in it). also, travel with a trailer attatched to your car that has an open top. fill it with bags of garbage. have contraband in the garbage. this may still get you caught if they find it but will give you plausable denyability in court as 1. the drugs were in the garbage i just picked up 2 anyone could have walked by and thrown that in the back while you were in the mall. always trip[le vacuum seal and wash between layer to remove residual ions on the surface.


Well-known member
I'd rather not involve anyone else. Some of the roads I'll be driving on it's unlikely to see a car that day let alone 3 in a row. So it would probably lead to more suspicion rather than less. I have the sort of car that is typical on these types of roads. But my destination is the city so will be driving in highly populated areas as well. The drive is around 600km depending on the route taken. I like the denyability aspect however. But not sure how plausible it is... I can't see the third parties motive. Towing something seems appropriate however. Trailer, Camper, Caravan etc.


Active member
canoe bags.

vapor and waterproof.

in a locked trunk.

"no officer, you may not open my trunk. why on earth would you want to violate my

rights? you know you need a warrant to get into my locked trunk."

maybe not so cocky, lol.

canoe bags have been a godsend on more than one occasion.

has worked for me for many years.



shut the fuck up Donny
I personally know multiple people who do this in very large amounts regularly, often reaching triple digits.

I need to start with a disclaimer here, mainly because I see that you used KM instead of Miles which says to me you might be new to the US and thus our laws.

Driving bud of any amount across state lines is very dangerous. Driving BULK across state lines is asking for trouble. You seriously need to weigh the risk vs reward. People get arrested for this literally on a daily basis and go to jail for literally DECADES in some instances.

Every state cop in the united states knows about bud transportation.

First I wanna go over a few things people have said in here already:

...in a car with all equipment in good working order with current tabs and driven by a normal looking guy with no warrants who knows how to obey traffic laws.

In general, sure. You want a newish car, with everything functioning correctly, driven by a normal looking guy with no tattoos, no crazy hair, basically a nerd. But it is much more complicated then that.

if possible move in a convoy ie. multiple cars. 1 car in front, the hot car in the middle and another can behind the hot car( by hot car i mean car with contrband in it). also, travel with a trailer attatched to your car that has an open top. fill it with bags of garbage. have contraband in the garbage. this may still get you caught if they find it but will give you plausable denyability in court as 1. the drugs were in the garbage i just picked up 2 anyone could have walked by and thrown that in the back while you were in the mall. always trip[le vacuum seal and wash between layer to remove residual ions on the surface.

I don't like any of this advice. Moving in a convoy is a popular method, but it does nothing other than add more cost to you're trip and add more suspicion to you. You're goal is to not be noticed. Three cars following eachother across the country is going to be noticed. Cops know about this method already and they will target the middle car. Traveling with a open top trailer with trash in it made me laugh big time. What are you going to say when the cop asks why you are driving hundreds or thousands of miles pulling trash behind you? They will search immediately. Plausible deniability is bullshit in that case. Tripple vacum seal, ya sure, but realistically if you get pulled over by a K9 unit, or if you are pulled over by a normal cop who then calls a K9 unit because you refuse the search, you are fucked no matter how much you vac seal.

The major problem that always tips off cops is your licence plate, and there is no real easy way to get around it. State cops profile. If you have out of state plates, they are gonna pull you over, legal or not. Happens all the time. Do a google news search anywhere around the I80 and read about how people were caught with 10+ pounds after cops "pulled the suspect over after noticing he was weaving within his lane". Now sure its possible that some people do that, but this is a common ploy and you will find it in multiple articles. Some bullshit violation that is hard for the defendant to prove he wasn't doing. If a cop says he saw u weaving he can pull u over.

There are many many variables to consider and things to do in order to help TRY to avoid a cop interaction. But the bottom line is I'm going to suggest you don't do this.

Most people with money and resources pay a driver (who tends to be not the smartest people in the world because they agree to do it for as little as $200/pound) and then if they get busted, all you lose is the bud.

Let it be known. Almost every state in the US despises trafficers. Many states have MMS. Many states will literally put you away for over 5 years, no questions asked if you are caught.

Planning on doing it yourself? If you have a family, or if you don't have $30k in lawyer funds already set aside with a friend for if you get busted, then you are dumb.

In some cases you can and will get the same sentence as someone who tried to rob a bank if you are caught.


Well-known member
:thank you:

I'm not in the USA. I've thought about getting a driver. In this case what would you do? Get them to rent a car in their name? I'm not sure about how to go about this... to find someone who doesn't know me at all, or could find out about me that I could remotely trust. It's not something I would do to a friend.

The law and trunk stuff doesn't really apply here... you can be searched for just being shifty or refusing a search. Happens all the time. They need a reason... but they can generally create one when they find something.

I'm just at the researching stage... so when it's time to move I'm not dumb. So feel free to point out my stupidity at any stage. I wouldn't be asking if I knew how to go about it.

I have destination plates and there are no border checks in my country. It's only a state away.... so you don't stand out as being too far afield.

I'm aware of the great risk so am looking for the safest options.

I was thinking LPG gas tanks because they are kind of hard to search especially with gas in them and it's easy enough to have a plausible reason to have them on board. Could take a bit of experimentation. I've heard that Mexicans sometimes fill their car tyres. Something like this could suit as a driver could be hired and not party that there is a load. I'm looking for more ideas down this track. Perhaps a petrol car with an LPG gas conversion? I'm not looking forward at all to getting anything in a gas tank... will be time consuming. But as time consuming to remove for anyone nosy.

Carrying large amounts of fuel isn't too unusual here also (not usual when you get to town however)... and difficult to tip out on the roadside. An Oil drum would make visibility a whole lot harder and even more offensive to tip out on the road.

What packaging can be used for diesel/LPG/oil? Do any of these ideas sound solid?

Def sounds like not doing it yourself is best... figuring out how best to organise this will take some thought. What sort of commercial transport options might be viable? Vehicle transportation... just sell the car to someone interstate and get it trucked across and tyre pack. hrm. There has to be a good reason from it going very rural to very urban whatever it is and tie as little to the rural end of the bargain. Not at all as a preference. Something that can be picked up without the need for anyone being there, or being at a confirmed address.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
My state has some of the worst marijuana laws in the usa, but for some reason "trafficers" are not subject to mandatory minimum sentences, they only get around 2-3 years. It is still jail time, but the cops know they are dealing with a low level guy and it does nothing to lock him up for decades.

This is just in my state though and seems to be a more popular stance along the I-10 corridor.


Well-known member
I have heard tails of folks packing furniture and having movers do it or even having the car transported by a freight company


I have heard tails of folks packing furniture and having movers do it or even having the car transported by a freight company
Solid input and both are viable except if transporting a car I'd be inclined to have a different lock/key for the trunk and not include it with the car when transporting. Another thing you can do is go through an LTL (Less Than Truckload) company/broker and ship a pallet with the center being the herb surrounded by heavy dummy packages. Fortunately I have access to a company through a friend who ships pallets regularly through his business. You just need to know what a BOL (Bill Of Lading) is for starters.


New member
Narc Alert!

Narc Alert!

Has it not occurred to anyone that OP could be a snitch/narc/snitch/cop or whatnot?
And why enlighten average-stupid/lazy pigs of where to look? Come on!


Well-known member
mojob: sure it does. a variety of creative suggestions doesn't mean you are going to use one, or disclose the method you are using. Hopefully the solution is one that doesn't stand out or else it's kind of pointless anyway. e.g. they can't search every car with an LPG conversion etc.

Those suggestions that make it easy for a cop to act on are probably not going to be used by sensible people anyway.


Well-known member
krunch I think you have more panache in your little finger than I possess in total!

I read your thread a few days ago. Remember to get a limo with working break lights!

But crappy luck.. sorry to hear about it. Looks like you recovered in style.


Tropical Outcast

Remember to get a limo with working break lights!





Tropical Outcast

There is a bullet proof way to do this.

I am not going to post the "how to" in the open
(due to prying eyes) but any interested established IC member is welcome to PM me about it.

However I am leaving it to my own discretion who to disclose to how to do it...so don't be pissed off.


I reckon I know where you live. but I won't tell.

LPG is illegal in a sedan car and needs certified attaching gear even in the back of a ute (a what?!).

I never carried the amounts yr hinting at, but even with long hair (me) and floppy tits (my wife) police who stopped us and were at first excited to interview us, baulked when they found a number of small children in the car.

so a car full of small kids helps a lot. Cheers mate!

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