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cany anyone tell me what kind of catapillar this is?


Active member
isnt he/she so CUTE!
yea, i moved him/her outside to my rose bush. ...my love for all things mother nature. i had a few... just wondering what kind of butterfly it would make.. i c holes... just can find them all.. would be neat to see a monarch in the grow room...



Active member
I have no idea what they turn into or the species, but those little green inchworms are common cannabis pests. I can tell it's an inchworm or 'looper' by the leg positioning - front legs, back legs, none in the middle, so they loop as they walk.

I can tell you it is def. not monarch - I know those, the caterpillar is white/black/yellow banded, and are way bigger. They are not 'loopers' either, plus monarchs only feed on milkweed.

hehe I've always called em green budworms. Maybe an immature cabbage looper? (educated guess)



Registered Med User
Those lil bastard destroyed about 1 lb or 2 of my folks herb last year, They would burrow through the colas and leave um rotten, them lil inch worms love ta get high! be careful, especially when its bud time. I think they turn into moths.


NONONO I grow outside and i come across them all the time, they usually attack cannabis , tomatos, and cabbage plants. Its a caterpillar from that white/yellow moth and its not good. Check under the leaves for little white/yellow eggs and remove them by hand. Oh and dispose of the worm


Active member
teruso said:
NONONO I grow outside and i come across them all the time, they usually attack cannabis , tomatos, and cabbage plants. Its a caterpillar from that white/yellow moth and its not good. Check under the leaves for little white/yellow eggs and remove them by hand. Oh and dispose of the worm

how the fuck would a moth make that man of these bitches, i removed atleast 10 or 20.. i didnt even see any mothes.. i have a few while flys, but there numbers are dwindleing from my safers spray/fly tapes
thoes little eggs are WORMS? i must have several 1000' eggs then.
yea they do loop no legs in the middle.

how would i get them inside? do moths live in the attic?


Active member
MoeBudz^420 said:
I have no idea what they turn into or the species, but those little green inchworms are common cannabis pests. I can tell it's an inchworm or 'looper' by the leg positioning - front legs, back legs, none in the middle, so they loop as they walk.

I can tell you it is def. not monarch - I know those, the caterpillar is white/black/yellow banded, and are way bigger. They are not 'loopers' either, plus monarchs only feed on milkweed.

hehe I've always called em green budworms. Maybe an immature cabbage looper? (educated guess)


holy FUCK! and i saw a million of thoes eggs too!!!! how did they all get there !!!

ok, so fuck how i got them.. will my safers 3-in1 work on these pests?
that powder is not for sale in california it says., do you think DTE will do anything? that pic if from a male i culled. i sprayed all my small plants and they seam to have some of thoes eggs aswell. i sprayed 'em all with the 3-in1 ...FUCK!


wtf are you getting aggressive about. Moths live in the attic in case you didnt know. Oh and at least my attempt to solve your problem wasn't as outrageous as thinking its a wanderer butterfly...
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Active member
teruso said:
wtf are you getting aggressive about. Moths live in the attic in case you didnt know. Oh and at least my attempt to solve your problem wasn't as outrageous as thinking its a wanderer butterfly...

im not agressive im pissed!
i havent seen a single moth....
and there is no real way for them to get to these plants....
and there are so many of these eggs....

what are you being a dick about?
as outrageouse as thinking its a wanderful butterfly?
no reason for that especialy so soon after what 14 posts?
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run for your life that is MOTHRA

run for your life that is MOTHRA

Holy shit that is the larval stage of Mothra......This is the first time they have been seen on your side of the ocean. Oh I see that is not actual size....never mind. :rasta:


ICMag Donor
Those lil bastards wrecked havoc on my last outdoor crop! They get into the buds and will eat untill they cant eat any more! They eat some bud, get some munchies, eat more bud, get more munchies, etc...They leave buds rotton and mold settles in. I used to combat those fcukers on a regular basis! They are ruthless! Get rid of that "cute" lil monster!!!! Oh yea, they also shit all over your buds as well! How cute?
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Active member
DrPoison said:
Those lil bastards wrecked havoc on my last outdoor crop! They get into the buds and will eat untill they cant eat any more! They eat some bud, get some munchies, eat more bud, get more munchies, etc...They leave buds rotton and mold settles in. I used to combat those fcukers on a regular basis! They are ruthless! Get rid of that "cute" lil monster!!!! Oh yea, they also shit all over your buds as well! How cute?

i didnt know what a looper was when i started this post...

yea, there not so cute.

i been hand removing them. had a jar i was throwing them im, was going to put leafs in it(when i thought they were cute) now i think ill just trash the jar.

does safers work on thoes eggs? DTE?
i think ive seen a powder like that before. ill re-investigate.


New member
Don't know the name; but looks like the typical tomato plant caterpillar, and yes they come from moths. Okay, this will sound weird, and I have never done this, but heard this works for tomato's. Collect as many as you can, put them in a blender with water, put the liquid in a sprayer or hose end type feeder and spray the plants with it. The idea is, would you want be around an area where all you brothers and sisters just got slaughtered?


BT will give them indigestion but will not kill the eggs. I have heard the blender idea but doubtful that would kill the eggs.
Anyone got any real help to offer the man :bashhead: ?If it gets real bad and yer just trying to save yer crop,throw in some pest strips(i know people say there poisenous,but just dont keep them in there 4 ever and dont huff on them,lol.
).You will see the eggs start to dry up like they were hit by a nuke bomb,all sucked in and dryed up.Then remove the strip after you get it under control,and then use the safers as a preventative,imo.Hope ya get it under control,i hate pests,of all sorts,lol.Peace and stay safe,DancesWithWeed :wave:


Active member
"Anyone got any real help to offer the man? :bashhead: "

Nice opening statement... :bashhead:


Well myself, if I had caterpillars I'd make 2 + 2 = 4 & go to some store garden sections and try looking at insecticides, aiming to find one good for caterpillars/eggs + safe for consumable produce. If there was no luck looking myself, I'd ask the clerk, you don't have to say its for MJ.

Google is yet another option to find a suitable insecticide, and a place to order it if nothing is available locally. How do you kill bugs? There are really only 3 options available: 1)Insecticide 2) Predators / parasites 3) Squish em.


edit: There, 1st hit, took all of 2 seconds...even specifies loopers & safe until harvest. Contains the bacillus mentioned below...

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Active member
PeavillePride said:
Anyone got any real help to offer the man :bashhead: ?If it gets real bad and yer just trying to save yer crop,throw in some pest strips(i know people say there poisenous,but just dont keep them in there 4 ever and dont huff on them,lol.
).You will see the eggs start to dry up like they were hit by a nuke bomb,all sucked in and dryed up.Then remove the strip after you get it under control,and then use the safers as a preventative,imo.Hope ya get it under control,i hate pests,of all sorts,lol.Peace and stay safe,DancesWithWeed :wave:

thanks man.

MoeBudz^420 said:
"Anyone got any real help to offer the man? :bashhead: "

Nice opening statement... :bashhead:


Well myself, if I had caterpillars I'd make 2 + 2 = 4 & go to some store garden sections and try looking at insecticides, aiming to find one good for caterpillars/eggs + safe for consumable produce. If there was no luck looking myself, I'd ask the clerk, you don't have to say its for MJ.

Google is yet another option to find a suitable insecticide, and a place to order it if nothing is available locally. How do you kill bugs? There are really only 3 options available: 1)Insecticide 2) Predators / parasites 3) Squish em.


edit: There, 1st hit, took all of 2 seconds...even specifies loopers & safe until harvest. Contains the bacillus mentioned below...


i have that stuff and it dosent seam to be doing its job very well,(atleast on loopers the whiteflys are dieing) maybe there getting tolerance for the stuff...

ZENITH said:
isnt he/she so CUTE!
yea, i moved him/her outside to my rose bush. ...my love for all things mother nature. i had a few... just wondering what kind of butterfly it would make.. i c holes... just can find them all.. would be neat to see a monarch in the grow room...


Bacillus ThuringiensisBacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) is a naturally-occurring soil bacterium that produces poisons which cause disease in insects. A number of insecticides are

i just got me some BT from the hydro store.
just applied it (foliar) liberaly across the plants.

1/2 tsp per gal sound right dosage?

thanks again...


BT will not kill the eggs inferior brands will not kill the caterpillars,BT israliasis will kill them. BT isralasis will not kill the eggs.

This caterpillar does not lay eggs but there may be some present.
In order for the BT to work the caterpillar has to eat it. This is not a contact spray and will take days to work.


Active member
Correct, the caterpillars are the larval stage & they do not lay eggs. It is the flying adults - whether they be moths or butterflies that are depositing the eggs on the leaves.

Best of luck with the infestation, hope you get it under control quickly.
