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Cant upload pic to my album

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Grateful D

hi i was trying to update my grow journal, and when i tried to add pics to my album i get this message:
Failed to write file. Check disc quotas and permissions for the path: /data/web/icmag/icmag.com/www/ic/userimages/269/269269.picture
i thought it might be because i had reached my megabyte limt on how many pics i could have in my album, but i tried deleting some pics and reuploading and i still recive this error. I upload pics quite frequently from this comp to icmag and i have never had trouble before, and no settings have been changed since I last uploaded pics. any help would be appericated. thanks for your time


weed fiend
I don't recognize the failed to write message but you'd have a hard time hitting your limit this soon. I have to size edit pics for the old IC album but the server editor automatically does it. Hope you get it worked out.

Grateful D

your right its def not a space limit. i missed it before but it says i have 470 MB left. and if its happing to somone else than maybe its a problem on icmag's end at not mine. hopefully it will be resolved soon. thanks


Active member
Is the photo your trying to upload less than 146.5 KB? For me the site will adjust the size in pixels to the standard size but it will (not or generally not for me) accept a picture that is too big file size wise. I've actually uploaded pictures slightly bigger. The 146.5 KB number came from IMAG. If I try to upload a picture 150+KB I get an error message. This is usually caused by a photo that is way to big in (pixel height or width) or the type of compression used for storage.


Active member
I don't recognize the failed to write message but you'd have a hard time hitting your limit this soon. I have to size edit pics for the old IC album but the server editor automatically does it. Hope you get it worked out.

Im having this problem, my pics look crappy reduced by 90% to make them fit 150kb i have to make them so small and ontop reduce to about 50% quality other site i use do auto resize with no quality drop. I love to post a pic but its a turn off IC being the only site where pics have to be so small. tHANK god there is away around this..


How and where do i find this new server editor? i usually open gallery/upload 10x pics at a time, anything over 150kb doesnt work file size too big ic tells me, 400kb should be ok i think.
I dont want huge pics, but quality improvement is needed here.. although some have it sussed i knew i was doing something wrong

BTW i am a novice:whistling: and havnt tried hard to fix my problem as most site resize to there requirements automaticly, great for macros too id guess..

its probally just me having this problem, overall pics have improved here over the last year..

peace to you
Disco-B /DJ Doug DiSco biscuit man? sic local DJ if so PM me you and bro know me.

OP,DG,GN and all that keep this place running well done, aint having a dig just need a tip. Pm me if donations are still needed..

easy living Thc43


european ganja growers
man, im struggling to work out how the hell to upload pics. were,what to do, how to do ?:badday::listen2::pointlaug..



weed fiend
How and where do i find this new server editor? i usually open gallery/upload 10x pics at a time, anything over 150kb doesnt work file size too big ic tells me, 400kb should be ok i think.
I dont want huge pics, but quality improvement is needed here.. although some have it sussed i knew i was doing something wrong

I didn't state that very well. When I upload to "ICMag Gallery", the edit feature (server) doesn't always work successfully and doesn't accept the upload. When upload to "Forum Albums" the editor works every time. Here's the note on the upload window...

Pictures will be automatically resized to fit within these constraints if possible. However, you may receive better results by doing it manually.
The smaller the pic, the faster the system runs. Even if the editor works on a 6mp photo, the server has to wait to receive before edit.

Sometimes reducing pics sharpens them automatically. If you have to reduce more than once, it looks like the contrast is too strong. You can usually turn off auto sharpen in properties or options in your photo editor. A single sharpen may do the trick but more than one usually gives diminishing return.

Grateful D

i cannot upload to my album no matter how i acess it. It is not the size of the pic i just tried to upload a 30 kb pic and it would help. thanks for the suggestions and the help so far


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
i have been trying all day with different sized images and i have plenty of space ut i keep getting the same message

Failed to write file. Check disc quotas and permissions for the path: /data/web/icmag/icmag.com/www/ic/userimages/269/269381.picture

help Skip:prettyplease:


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
I see theere are others with this problem..I received this message today:
Failed to write file. Check disc quotas and permissions for the path: /data/web/icmag/icmag.com/www/ic/userimages/269/269445.picture
I'm writting Skip to see if it can be resolved..DD


Active member
I second that. :yeahthats
I thought I tested my theory before posting.
I'm glad Skip got it to work for everyone.
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