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Can't seem to get coco growing down


Active member
Canna: They are not on a table... I run two tents so I can grow perpetually. There are multiple strains going. I have trays underneath my pots that catch the runoff so it doesn't go everywhere lol, so I need to shop vac up the water. Yes if they were on a table I am sure it would be much easier like you said. Maybe I will be able to think of something that will elevate the pots a few inches so they are not sitting in the runoff, while letting it pass through to the tray underneath. Thanks everyone


Canna: They are not on a table... I run two tents so I can grow perpetually. There are multiple strains going. I have trays underneath my pots that catch the runoff so it doesn't go everywhere lol, so I need to shop vac up the water. Yes if they were on a table I am sure it would be much easier like you said. Maybe I will be able to think of something that will elevate the pots a few inches so they are not sitting in the runoff, while letting it pass through to the tray underneath. Thanks everyone

Fluorescent light grating (we always called it egg crate for some reason) is pretty money for this kind of stuff. Easy to work with and relatively strong. I would imagine something supporting it at the 4 corners and one in the middle would be enough to hold your pots out of the runoff well. Still a good idea to get the standing water out of there though unless you struggle with low humidity. maybe something elevating your tray a couple inches off the floor of the ten and then bulkhead it out to a tote outside the tent. Im trying to remember if the tents I have used had some kind of opening low down with the whole closure rope thing like they do for ducting, if not they should.

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
Ha, sounds like you haven't figured out yet that MJ growing (with advice) is all about which clowns advice you chose to use and which clown companies products you chose to buy:biggrin: On another forum is this masterclown and his hundreds of followers who believe that a MJ plants leaves must never be allowed to turn yellow so they feed as much N as it takes till the end and their plants die looking very pretty and lush. All of his followers rave about how great his method is and how superior their buds are.:tiphat:

yes i love the taste of N in my weed when i smoke leaves that nice tang :)

each to there own but i for one will be using rain water for the final two weeks without ph, it always turns out very nice smoke :):dance013:


Active member
I am going to use strong chicken fence-like wire to hold the pots up about an inch to two above the trays so they won't be sitting in the runoff. I will then just vacuum the trays out. I am confined to a wheelchair and crutches at the moment, but when my leg is healed I will get to work making them. I will just have to shop-vac the runoff till then. Thank you everyone for the help!

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
hope you get better soon Bobbo :)

im the same as you i have to take plants out every night to water them in my walk in shower but its not so bad i only have three going at the mo


Active member
Thanks Green! Should hopefully only be another week. Yupp, I always have to take at least one or two to reach the back. Sucks doing it from a wheelchair, but pretty much am able to get the job done. Thanks


Active member
So basically you want to feed til runoff, but do not let the plant sit in it. Like a hand water drain to waste... Thank you all for the help.
I have been going easier on the nutes, and shop vaccing the runoff. Thanks again

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
ye i have been over feeding to. some times its difficult to see what your doing wrong when your looking at the plants all the time the gradual change catches me out some times