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Cant police read these forums and arrest people for growing in illegal areas?


Cant police read these forums and arrest people for growing in illegal areas?

Has anyone from this site been arrested because of posting photos or comments and living in an area where the mary jane is illegal?


Freedom Fighter
Secure Server, so as long as you don't put your address with the pics, you should be cool--
Best rule is tho, don't do anything that you are not personally comfortable with--
Welcome to ICMag--:tiphat:


Overkill is under-rated.
I was gonna ask, "who would have the time to sit there and read it to them?"

Gypsy tells me he's never even gotten a subpoena from any country, ever. Just don't post your face or make your location identifiable, and you should be good.


The Tri Guy
you have to assume that anything you post will be read by your local cops. So photos of the outside of your home, your car number plates, your family members, your face pics, and giving out your personal details to any other member of the site should be considered a bad move. On the other hand your local cops are unlikely to go to amsterdam, steal the server, reset the site up, and grab the domain name for the purpose of tracking everyone with a few plant pics online. I was concerned at the start too, but ive been here since 2004, no problems yet. I was most concerned about ordering seeds, as I was actually giving someone (the guys at seedbay/seedboutique my address, but again no problems yet.


Throbbing Member
Never had a problem before..........hold on there is someone at the door.....................

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
The only internet police in my town are after child porn guys and guys trying to meet up with little girls. They just hang out on chat sites pretending to be a young little girl and try to get older guys to meet up with them to do certain things.

A much more worthy cause than busting gardeners.


The only internet police in my town are after child porn guys and guys trying to meet up with little girls. They just hang out on chat sites pretending to be a young little girl and try to get older guys to meet up with them to do certain things.

A much more worthy cause than busting gardeners.

Agreed, If pot were just legalized nationwide I think it could revive the economy.


Active member
don't post your address, don't post pictures that give away the location, don't post pictures from a camera phone unless you are 100% certain that it is not geotagging the photos. you could use a proxy server or tor also if you're paranoid


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
The only internet police in my town are after child porn guys and guys trying to meet up with little girls. They just hang out on chat sites pretending to be a young little girl and try to get older guys to meet up with them to do certain things.

A much more worthy cause than busting gardeners.

Wait so them are not really young girls im talking too? shit...
And make sure your fingertips (with your fingerprints) are not showing in any pics you post. I also avoid saying the names of anything associated with me, including my kitties.

But as to leo, for instance, I just looked up the population of my town and the police force and there is 1 cop for every 540 residents. New York City, on the other hand, has 1 cop for every 235 people. I don't know what the stats are for where you live, but really there aren't a whole lot of cops where I live in comparison for all that they are responsible for. I don't think there are tons of cops just sitting here on icmag. They'd have to be looking for someone from their area, and how would they tell that anyhow?? Maybe they come here if they are already looking for someone, but I just don't think they have the time to troll the internet hoping someone from their area will post in the thousands of posts posted here every day and happen to reveal something about themselves and their grow that could be used in court.


Now in technicolor
Usually somebody who has a major gripe against you will need to use all the clues from your profile/posts to try to find out who you are with proof that you ARE growing illegally and then take their case up with the police. The police may and probably won't give a shit but it's a start.

I remember founder of the Hive (drug chem forum) was writing books on drug (particularly Ecstasy) manufacturing which is legal (writing books, that is) but also recommending his book + a chemical supplier on his forum when people asked where to buy precursors/supplies. Nobody gave a shit and he was making bank, but Dateline did an investigation of their own and found out he was running the chemical supplier that he was recommending. This along with his posts (and they found out his publisher was his uncle or cousin or something) were enough clues to turn to the police to have him charged with aiding a crime. He was convicted unfortunately, but had nobody looked into the matter. Again I'm not familiar with the case but that's the gist I got from the little I've read on it.

His name was Hobart Huson:

The police don't bother looking into it themselves because if they tried going after everyone online, 99.9% of their resources would be wasted. The Internet is vast. So unless you have somebody monitoring your Internet (i.e., neighbor) or somehow keeping track of you and your posts and can identify you and your location, you're safe.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
you have to assume that anything you post will be read by your local cops. So photos of the outside of your home, your car number plates, your family members, your face pics, and giving out your personal details to any other member of the site should be considered a bad move.

didnt the dude (i know his name/handle but im not gonna post it to have it be editted haha) with the 'fuck the police' thread get busted because the cops were able to look at the pics of his yard and triangulate (or whatever it is they do) the data to locate him (in florida)?
yard or house pictures can give too much information, though. so do pics inside a house if you are not careful. at a minimum they tell SOMETHING about you, and really the part of me that is here is all about pot. everything else has nothing to do with this forum. not that i'm being fake, i just am not sharing anything about myself that isn't applicable, if that makes sense.


Active member
No one is getting arrested on the site unless you get set up from meeting a member in person or giving out your address, cell phone, email address, IM or taking pics that can identify you. Growers are so paranoid.

Another thing I would be careful of is clicking on links that don't lead to ICMAG if you don't have a proxy.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The only time I have seen people come unstuck as far as LEO getting on to them where this site is concerned is when a member trades/sells to other members who give up their personal info in the process, then that member or the ones he/she traded with gets popped for whatever and squeel's, so giving up other members personal info in a plea bargain......Or potentially we could have a situation where a possible LEO is 'Fishing'..for info by offering seeds/clones/'erb e.t.c to other members who willfully give up there safe or unsafe adress.......this is difficult to discern...

That is why it is NOT SAFE to give any other member here your personal info, to trade with other members seeds/clones or 'erb.......but this does go on, and there is not alot I can do about it except advise against it and have it written into the sites Terms of Use (TOU)......

...Some members in Med States who have a legal Med Card seem to want to trade all the time with other members, but this still could be fraught with danger since it may not be a copper after your info but a ripper who might then rob you.....

Stay safe .....Stay Anonymous .....and don't give out your personal info to other members or put any of it out in open forum or in PM's....and you should be just fine.....
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thanks gypsy you saying that makes me feel a little better i was gettin paranoid!!! tis the season ya no!!!!!stay safe all and if a cop talks to you just remember THEY ARE ALLWAYS LIE and most important SHUT YOUR FRIGGIN MOUTH!!!!!!!!!