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can't find started threads and listed as newbie etc


So, once again wanted to post via the phone. i even changed from mobile site to full site. i tried to see the grow thread i started and couldn't even when i put the thread name in search.

nothing shows at all but it automatically switched back to mobile site.
what's going on and why can't i proceed as normal.

hell i looked and saw my classification as a freaking newbie. I've been here since 06 as can be seen. I want to be here but hell if i can't function and post then what's the use ?

is the site computer geek on vacation or worse ? this is so frustrating

soil margin

Active member
I'm using the full version site on my phone and don't have any of the problems you're describing. Let's try and get a little more specific, what kind of phone are you using? What version of OS? What internet browser are you using on the phone? Do you have any specific privacy settings enabled/disabled? (Like cookies being turned off for example.)

Also when you say the site is switching between full and mobile version, is it keeping you logged in when that happens?


I'm using the full version site on my phone and don't have any of the problems you're describing. Let's try and get a little more specific, what kind of phone are you using? What version of OS? What internet browser are you using on the phone? Do you have any specific privacy settings enabled/disabled? (Like cookies being turned off for example.)

Also when you say the site is switching between full and mobile version, is it keeping you logged in when that happens?

iphone with a pretty fast processor. works fine except here. when i was on full site i asked a question in the search box and it switched to mobile by itself and didn't answer the query. Yes, i was still logged in.
didn't do anything with cookies via the phone. before i tried to load pictures and it just hung there not allowing me to finish the post with pictures attached. this was even after i saw the whole proper download stuff to post pics.

oh i did figure out that when i came back with handle changes my posts didn't carry over. i tracked early posts based on my join date in 2006 in a thread i knew i said something. yes, i found me as hopefully safe. yet i don't know the handle used between then and now. when i can't recall my password and the email changes/is lost i just started over.

logged in on phone. i look at my post button and only shows 4 threads. going back to 2/22/17 for the oldest of the 4.

now i click my handle and hit my post and shows 1 of 7 results going back to 2017 feb. again.
use search box. put in time to start this marathon and "No results found" use search box to search threads with same info and same result. as if the thread doesn't exist but it does.

would all this be caused by my newbie status and if so can yall make that go away please if that's the culprit/reason.

i just realized i was posting under H. Stoner as well as Hopefull Stoner. can someone combine my Hopefull Stoner post with H. Stoner posts etc. please. i know my recall is extra bad now but i can't help it or i wouldn't catch hell from it so often = daily smdh.
that's all i can recall thx. dude
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i went to grow diaries to find my thread and will now try on the phone to update and post pics too.

did the ost and then added pics. message = you have uploaded the maximum of 10 files.
now, i'm stuck at close this window. it's pressed and don't do shit. grrr other close this windows does zero as well. no other options for me to try.

so, i back pedaled to see the post and writing and hit submit. nothing happens.
now after hitting submit reply twice more the post loaded to the site. wow smdh
going to try to add more pics now. wish me good greens lol.

loaded last of pics and backpedaled again to do it. submit at bottom didn't respond so i used the other submit and it went through. damn i'm tired i need to fry this fish that's been marinading in citrus ginger dressing a couple hrs. peace yall
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