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Canna's Mean Green 146 watt Cab!! *Multi Strain*

Looking good CG. tunes I to see how this goes


thanks for poppping in chloemobile:tiphat:
she seems to be loving the flip, shes thriving like crazy.. shes beginning to put some stenches into the air- really nice sweet og smell to it.

Lasst night i decided to start germinating 3 more seeds for the next run.. runners up are:
Sour Boggle,Sour Blueberry,Dream N Sour
I love my Sour's!:artist:
ill post pics once germinated.

TexMex McDirt

Active member
Nice work. That ought to fill that screen big. How is your carbon filter working out? I ran a sugar bear style pencil holder deal for a long time and I always thought it was great. Good luck man. Happy farming, stay safe.

Nice work. That ought to fill that screen big. How is your carbon filter working out? I ran a sugar bear style pencil holder deal for a long time and I always thought it was great. Good luck man. Happy farming, stay safe.


thanks tex!
Filter is working out perfectly IMO. i still have some light leaks and spots in the cab to cover. so some smell might be getting out, but im not too worried at the moment. i ned to get some weather stripping soon though, this lady is gonna be a stinky one:blowbubbles:
The 3 seeds germinated!:peacock:
i put them into little pots with ffof soil to start em up. which oone nwill pop its head out first??
Sour Blueberry, Sour Bubble, Dream N Sour

i am a seed junky by the way:dance013:
i kno theres many around here, so for those who are interested in genetics like myself, here are the genetics of these 3 beans.
Sour Blueberry- Sour diesel #2 x Blueberry
Sour Bubble- unusual gene of BOGBubble
Dream N Sour- Blue Dream x Sour Diesel x Jack Herer
hows it going fellas,
yesterday was end of week one,day 7, of the ogk... shes stretched out real nice the first week, so i tucked her through the screen and will keep tucking until shes done stretching. I have a 150 watt hps in the cab now and shes just loving the new, more powerful light.:ying:
here's a picture of her at day 7 under the hps..(sorry for the black lines cause by the hps) i dont know how to remove this..anyone know?


Nice sweet OG smells arising.

in my seed cab, i found the lights resting on top of the sour Bubble :( it burned it completely. i fixed the lights velcroed them tightly.. in this picture the sour bubble is still alive, in the back corner.
mother/veg tent.with a 4'x2' T5 fixture.


Active member
I am patiently waiting for the BOG grow! Hope you will keep progress updated.

Im going for 3 strains of the bay and Bog, I think is 1 one of 3, but which strain, lol.

Grow safe. O.
week 2 pics

week 2 pics

here we are at day 14 of flower and oh man,this gal is stretching real nice!!
lights off

nice side view, to show her stretch

upskirt.. still deciding if i should clip all excess leaves.?(ive read in some threads that it isnt recommended/ harms plants growth.. others say it promotes growth) INPUTS ARE WELCOME!!

cab shot with lights on:

Also stench is becoming more noticeable... i need to get a new filter soon, just have no funds at the moment..also looking og Cl for used inlines ( i need something that can push/pull air through a can filter).. for now anyone recommend anything(low cost) to keep odors down?
keep it green
Canna G


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969

Canna, With a little planning your bathroom fan should be all you need to both keep the temps down and the odors in check. Here is a link to an excellent DIY that should give you a good idea or two in how to construct one ....


If you've already read it, sorry for the duplication.

Your young lady is looking very nice, be good to her!


Canna, With a little planning your bathroom fan should be all you need to both keep the temps down and the odors in check. Here is a link to an excellent DIY that should give you a good idea or two in how to construct one ....


If you've already read it, sorry for the duplication.

Your young lady is looking very nice, be good to her!

thanks for stopping by my thread Pipedream!:tiphat:
i appreciate the link, i will check it out and post what i fixed up according to it.:) my lady is loving the environment. temps are staying between 77-81 with humidity of 30-35%..
I supercropped one of the tops that was getting a lil too close to the light (causing lil light bleach) its all better now.. I hope she stops stretching soon.


follow the pink rabbit!
Hey gnome, nice setup, i will stay tuned.
However i suggest you train those branches and force them to fill the whole screen. Currently it looks like you installed scrog and nothing more. The plant grows up like mother nature tells it to grow. You need to help it overgrow and fill the whole screen surface to make an even canopy.

Fingers crossed!
Peace :joint:
yeah i noticed this alil too late. however i did do some training outwards on the screen, she just stretched more than i expected. canopy is pretty even, couple branches here and there higher. i am also tying some branches out wards.
thanks for stopping by, stay tuned!
Hey gnome, nice setup, i will stay tuned.
However i suggest you train those branches and force them to fill the whole screen. Currently it looks like you installed scrog and nothing more. The plant grows up like mother nature tells it to grow. You need to help it overgrow and fill the whole screen surface to make an even canopy.

Fingers crossed!
Peace :joint:
whatsup knots so i realized that you are right, im going to take the scrog off and switch this gal into the tent i have vegging my lil ones

do you agree with my idea? any rejections? please i need help making a decision.
:thank you:


follow the pink rabbit!
no no no! i didn't mean scratch that scrog :biggrin:
you can still do good with the screen! just train them branches hard and make sure they fill the screen within next 2 weeks or so.
all will be fine and you will notice great results scrog can bring

good luck! :smoker:
well spur of the moment thing.. i moved the lady into my tent, put the same ventilation system in there with the diy scrubber. everythig seems to be running smoothly after adding another canopy fan.( before, one maine cola got fried) tomorow will be day 21 of flower, her buds are starting to get trichy and starting to build up calyxes.. i will post up pics tomorrow.
ps thanks knots :tiphat:
picture update,day23

picture update,day23

sorry im late with the pictures, some may be sideways,... once again im in a hurry uploading the, i have to rush to work... :moon:
this gal stretched like no other,finally done stretching after 23 days. her buds are starting to fill up nicely and resin is starting to become prominent. i had to tie her up to the sides of tent becuase some colas were getting light bleached/burnt.
i also added a white strawberry cough into 12/12. supercroppd it well see how she does.
The blues og day 23 flower

white strawberry day 1 flower

comments are appreciated!! :thankyou:
Looking beautiful buddy. What do you need comments/advise on? Mi think everything looks great!

What do you predict for harvest weight?

thanks NF1 ,
i dont really like predicting weights, i think it jynxes them . i just let it them grow and wait till the end. the ms says 2 oz.
keep it green