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Cannabis Butter.

Fill a pot with water and boil.

Add 1 stick (375 grams) of Ghee (purified butter).

Place 1oz of high quality cannabis into the pot.

Boil for 12 hours replenishing water as it is reduced. (A pressure cooker may shorten the boiling time.)

Let it cool slightly and strain through cheese cloth into a container.

Pour boiling water (from kettle) over the strained material to maximise butter extraction, pressing it down with a spoon or potato masher.

Alternatively place the cheese cloth ball of material into a garlic or vegetable press and squeeze out butter whilst pouring boiled water over it.

Leave container of melted butter and water to cool.

Once cooled, place container into the fridge. The butter will solidify on top of the water.

Pour off water and collect butter. Place butter onto a plate, return to fridge and allow any remaining water to evaporate.

When all remaining water has evaporated place the butter into a container. An old plastic butter/margarine container works well.

Or for a neat finish, place the container of butter into a microwave oven and heat (15 seconds at a time on medium setting).

Let cool and return to fridge. Once butter solidifies it can be used as normal.

Can also pour melted butter into ice cube trays and store in freezer.

Ice cube container can be filled to a level that meets personal dosage preference.

These frozen butter cubes are easily pressed out of the ice cube container like regular ice cubes.

Approximately 75-85% of the available cannabinoids are extracted on the first pass.

Used cannabis can be further extracted into a fresh batch of butter.

A Trick - Whilst boiling the water, add a shot of rum (or half-shot of everclear if the taste bothers you) every half-hour or so. The ethanol helps to pull any THC stuck in the water phase into the lipid (butter) phase, and almost all of it evaporates off by the time you're done.

Be carefull.

Ingesting cannabis is much more potent then inhalation.

The high tends to be more intense, possibly being simultaneously narcotic, disassociative and psychedelic.

Anxiety and panic may be easily achieved from too high a dose.

Intoxication can last 4 - 12 hours, or longer depending on dose.

Experiment with dosage.

Start with around half a teaspoon. From there, work up (or down) to determine your preference/threshold.

Be patient and give your body enough time (around 1 hour) to absorb the butter before having any more.

Be aware of your need to be of clear mind, for whatever purpose, in 4 - 12 hours and prepare dosage accordingly.

The cooking action of cannabis in butter accomplishes three things:

1. The heat decarboxylizes the acids to yeild more THC/CBD/CBN than a cold extraction.
2. The action of separating the milk soilds from the milk fats increases the potency. Butter is 50% milk solids. If using non-separated butter, half of it is an aquaeous mix that will not dissolve THC/CBD/CBN... the milk fats will, as THC is highly lipophilic (combines with or capable of dissolving in fat). Therefore, separated butter (ghee) will contain a higher concentration of THC/CB*'s.
3. The action of cooking the cannabis also gives the THC time to migrate... just adding cannabis to brownie mix provides a vey low surface area of interaction between the milk fats and THC/CB*'s.

Happy Highs
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hehehe GREAT recipe!!! I do it exaclty like this!!

The amound of pot varies if you are a HIGH tolenrant person, or if you are amateur! 1oz might be a lot for an amateur, i would say that depends on how strong you want it to be! but as well you can make it extreamly strong, and for cooking you dont need it like that you can always disolve it with other butter!

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