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Cannabutter With Kief

So I've been reading around and I'm trying to get a rough idea of a good ratio. I've heard 1 G of kief to every half cup of butter but that seems low when you divide it per edible(cookie, slice etc) So i'm hoping to hear from some who have cooked with kief and what's a good ratio to make some medium-strong powered edibles.



1/4 ounce of good kief per stick will be good. You know the more the merrier!!


Hello, my first attempt was 1 oz keef to 3/4 lb butter (spilled some oops). Way to potent to cook with on any kind of 1 to 1 ratio IMHO. 1 teaspoon level removed all of the pain from this existance for about 3 hours. I am not small or by any means a lite smoker BTW.
There are some good threads on here keep askin and lookin and you will find what answers you need.:wave:
Thanks, I'm thinking 1 gram per half cup is reasonable but here is where I feel like the plan falls through. I cook 1 cup worth of butter for my banana bread which calls for 3/4 cup of butter so that's 2 g's..... 3/4 of the that is 1.5 G's and the loaf will make 12 slices. 1.2/12 is .1 G per slice. Seems like a pretty weak serving if you ask me. Then again I've never cooked with kief it could cook way more potent then trim or bud.... :dunno::dunno:


If you want something that can be stored without as much fear of spoiling, look into using an oil instead of butter. You can also make it super-concentrated so only a few drops need to be added - this won't affect the taste as much.
If you want something that can be stored without as much fear of spoiling, look into using an oil instead of butter. You can also make it super-concentrated so only a few drops need to be added - this won't affect the taste as much.

I looked into this, any recipes/tinctures you have to pass on? A tut would be ideal!
Thanks man, I will be trying that! As for the cannabutter, I put 8.8G's to 2lbs of butter. Might have gone a little overboard but better to make it a little strong then weak. I cooked the butter cleaning off the boiling water off the top, then mixed the kief in and mixed for 20 minutes, gave it 10 min to just cook and then put it into containers. Considering re-heating it tonight for another little cook and then baking with it.