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Cannabutter moldy bud? (not actual moldy bit, but rest of bud)



I have a 1ft long sativa bud that got moldy in the centre. I took it down and fixed the climate issues that caused it quick. Thankfully it was an isolated indecent!

I cut the bud into thirds and threw the centre bit out. I was wondering, since the rest didn’t look to have mold, would it be ok to throw into cooking? I put the other two thirds into a zip lock bag and threw the bag into the freezer.



New member
I screwed up one of my curing jars and a little bit of mold grew on the bottom. Is it safe to make cannabutter of the rest of the buds?
It was a full jar and only a bit of mold... I'd feel bad to throw it away, but ain't gonna smoke it though.

Daub Marley

There is really no evidence for or against it, but its better to play it safe. I would recommend that you turn it into an extract and clean it with syringe filters. At that point it should be safe to eat only. There's a moldy buds section on skunkpharmresearch for more info.


Active member
yup.. skunkpharmresearch.. get yourself a .02 micron syringe to filter.. and use butane or ethanol.. if its a small amount of bud.. in all seriousness.. I would proly use a stainless steel turkey baster.. load it up.. toss on a bunch of extra coffee filters..

then purge.. and redissolve in ethanol.. then u filter threw syringe.. and then I would freeze the remaining mixture.. my friend.. did a small run.. and just filled the syringe after filtering the first time with the syringe.. and then he filled it back up.. and froze it in there.. with the tip up.. the waxs coagulated to the bottom.. he pushed out the rest of the goodies.. filtered. 3 times.. and then it was safe to smoke or eat.. me personally I would decarb it.. and eat it ..

Daub Marley

That's convenient. I usually freeze until the wax coagulates then filter out the wax with coffee filters. Then I heat the de-waxed solution back up before I run it through the syringe filters to prevent the waxes from fouling it.


I remember reading that if you're concerned about mold (which is legitimate even when cooking) you can do cold water extraction, and then agitate the trichs while still in water in order to remove any spores.