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CannaBunkerMan's Green Crack ATTACK!


fuckin bummer canna- did they perk back up at all when you ran the pump?
when i did hydro i was there EVERY day right b4 lights on so i could see all lights fire up, watch all the drippers run and make sure a/c and c02 were all doing what they should. it's not very convenient but at least you can sleep knowing you saw each plant getting watered.
it's good you got backup ready to go.


Damn CBM that sucks. First time posting in your thread and just wanted to say what a big fan I am. I think your bunker thread is one of the coolest on the web. Much respect for your work.

Hope everything recovers nicely for you.


We chatted about the pump thing via PM's so all good there but in checking in with this thread again this pic caught my attention. You mentioned earlier that you always have a yellowing occur when you transition the plants from one area in your grow room under certain lighting to another area under different lighting but this pic doesn't make sense. What's up with those plants in the center of the grow space that are yellowing while every thing around them is not? It's also happening on the opposite side of that aisle but to a lesser extent. I can guess at a few things but would like your take since you're there.


Enormous Member
I guess you have to show your failures as much as your successes. I'm still expecting a decent yield, so the electric bills are covered, but the quality isn't going to be as good as it could have been.

I had a slight problem with fungus gnats to start, I think those few yellowing plants are a result of that problem. I used mosquito dunks at about 2 weeks into flower, and they were dead in 3 weeks.

About half of the plants died and dried on the vine. The other half just barely made it, so I don't see the plants improving in quality during this last week before the harvest. I feel slightly better about the situation now that a few days have passed, and the damage apparant. It wasn't as bad as I had thought, even though I thought the worst.
Holy crap man... read through your whole journal... was all psyched to see ya finish. Real bummer man :( Hydro crop failure strikes again. How's the clone/veg room doing? Hoping your next generation is fairing better.


Active member
sorry to hear about the Pump Failure.... a good lesson for everyone is to use only the best pumps... their are the heart of a hydro system literally!!!! :scripture:

Great Thread though all in all........all the best in your future grows. :ying:


Active member
sorry to hear about the pump...i guess its all part of the game, i just had a shitty harvest as well lost 50 percent of my crop to a hermie that seeded everything in sight....at least i can salvage the larfy seeded bud to make hash..and im sure all that bud will still sell easily back east..

were you the guy who was building that underground bunker? whatever happened to that thread?

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
That pump failure is a real pity..
I'm surprised there isnt some failsafe device on the market by now, to activate a backup pump. I've seen a unit that shares the pumping duty between 2 pumps-1 pump one day, the other the next and so on, but what I'm thinking of is some kind of flow switch, interconnected with your timer, you'd think one of the big indoor horticulture companies would have come up with this by now.
How are those green fairy lights working out?? That caught my eye, but I've always been wary of the use of green lights to work in the dark period, as I remember reading that many green lights are just coloured bulbs and don't actually emit true green light in terms of the spectrum. If those fairy lights don't cause any photoperiod issues then its a great idea.