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Cannabiz. On CBC. Tonight at 10e/7p. Doc Zone.


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
1 hour long special on the Cannabiz industry in Canada.

Also, how the medical marijuana industry in Canada is turning in to the black market industry.


Active member
Saw it last nite on CKWS, it was pretty good. Honest and on an even keel IMO, hehe someone tell that RCMP that the gun he showed isn't a .38 spl. like he said - it's a Walther PPK, .380 ACP. It was nice to see him fess up at the end that prohibition really drives all the "problems" associated to cannabis.

It followed a Nature of Things doc on cannabis and schizophrenia - this one was a stinker propaganda doc IMO, you could pick out a couple times thru it where they said "if you are predisposed , it can aggravate the symptoms", but this was buried in a mass of "If you smoke cannabis, you can go schizo", and a couple kids saying "I was hooked after 1 joint".

My blood was boiling a bit after watching that N.o.T. schizo doc...

The cannabiz doc came on immediately after, and actually calmed me down after watching the first one. It gets a :yes: from me, but the N.o.T. one gets a :no: . David Suzuki oughtta be ashamed to have his name attached to something like that...

David Suzuki is a hypocrite and an aging liberal douche, someone advocating for a sustainable future and reducing carbon footprint should realize that having 5 kids only adds to the problem.


the whole show was basically in grand forks

grand forks has alot of med grows and surely lots of illegal grows but it was obvious no big timer was going to invite a CBC news crew into their commercial op

i find it funny that the retirement capital of the west boundary / kootenay region is home to so many potheads, at least the way they made it seem

i can guarantee the small town of GF is totally heated out now, i bet u the RCMP detachment there got a memo about going after growers full-force after that show aired

theres been talk about media coverage helping canadian publics awareness and i think the doc had a chance but the guys being interviewed fucked it up by basically admitting to black market diversion. health canada hates the fact that med growers often sell on the side. rob nicholson (douche bag supreme) is going to point this shit out , just watch when c-15 comes back in a couple months


Active member
Rob Nicholsons jazz hands make me laugh. The guy is definitely a Free mason or a Lizard Alien with human skin most definitely. :comfort:











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