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Cannabis Saved Our Granddaughter's Life, So We Donated $33.7M To Research


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Would you be prepared to break the law to save your child’s life?

That’s just what happened to the Lambert family from Sydney Australia, who decided to give Katelyn, then just a baby, a cannabis extract.

“Who do you love more than your children? – your grandchildren,” says Joy Lambert, Katelyn’s grandmother. “So at 67 I decided I could be civilly disobedient and just do what was right for the children with epilepsy. That’s how I see it.”

A Bleak Future for Katelyn

Katelyn, now 4, was born with a rare genetic disorder called Dravet Syndrome, which at its worst saw her fitting over a thousand times a day. Starting when she was just 6 months old, Katelyn’s future looked bleak; despite taking a cocktail of antiepileptic medication, her seizures continued unabated, damaging her brain and mental function.

After a particularly harrowing two-and-a-half-hour seizure that saw Katelyn helicoptered to a specialist hospital, the family decided to look for alternative treatments. And before long Katelyn’s father Michael came across the CNN documentary about fellow Dravet sufferer Charlotte Fiji who, after taking high CBD/ low THC cannabis oil, had experienced an almost unthinkable improvement in her condition.

CBD, otherwise known as Cannabidiol, is one of over 100 compounds in the cannabis plant called Cannabinoids and has proven to have particular efficacy in cases of childhood epilepsy.
Could Cannabidiol Be the Answer to Katelyn’s Seizures?

Spurred on by Charlotte’s improvement, Michael took to the internet, eventually ordering CBD Hemp extract from Danish company Endoca. The change was immediate.

“Katelyn has not had a seizure in a year,” says Joy, “and that is miraculous for Dravet Syndrome. It is untreatable by normal medicines.”

“I’ve seen such a difference since she’s been on the CBD,” Joy goes on. “She’s happier, she’s more alert, she goes to preschool. We don’t fear when she’s there that she’ll have six seizures through that day, so we’re very happy with that. It’s a little step, but we’ve got to be grateful for that. She’s alive.”
Lamberts Donate $33.7 Million to Cannabis Research

This would be just another ‘medical cannabis miracle cure’ story if it weren’t for the fact that Barry Lambert, Katelyn’s grandfather, is a multimillionaire. Neither he nor wife Joy had ever smoked a joint in their lives, but they were so amazed by Katelyn’s improvement that they decided to donate $33.7 million to medical cannabis research.

The result? The Lambert Initiative at Sydney University, which ‘will explore the potential of compounds derived from the cannabis plant (cannabinoids) in treating a range of diseases.’

“Now there is a lot of anecdotal evidence around the world for the benefits of CBD for kids with seizures but there are also possible benefits for a whole range of diseases and that’s what the research is aimed at, not just epilepsy,” says Barry. “So hopefully before long we’ll hear how cannabinoids from medical cannabis can assist a range of medical conditions.”

The Lamberts hope that their unprecedented donation could be a real game changer in the world of medical cannabis research, especially at a time when, at least in Australia, the laws are changing to permit the use of cannabis for certain medical conditions.

“I think there’s a lot riding on this Sydney University research,” says Barry. “And hopefully the scientists will prove what we believe to be true beyond doubt. I think the cannabis plant will be proven to be the wonder plant of this century. I know it’s been around for previous centuries, but I think scientists will discover what a wonderful plant it is and it will be of great benefit to mankind.”



The wheels are turning, very slowly but the wheels are turning, and maybe soon we can have laws we can truly be proud of, laws that make common sense, and laws that help not hinder.


3rd-Eye Jedi
i been breaking the law to save my own life these years and help the quality of life of others

never made me anything but a criminal but I guess now its vogue to break the law if your rich


Well-known member
what a waste of money you know they aint researching shit they just want free money we know it works we dont need "proof" just a bunch of money hungry bastards and stupid rich people. Why not start a medical mj company a real nonprofit and not some fake nonprofit to give out cheap cbd and thc? That would help more people in the long run fuck all this research crap what a scam


Active member
Obviously it has become more and more clear that human beings, without cannabis, would likely only have barely surpassed the bronze age.

Every time I hear stories like these of children and how it has saved their lives I just want to cry. I just dont even know.


Active member
what a waste of money you know they aint researching shit they just want free money we know it works we dont need "proof" just a bunch of money hungry bastards and stupid rich people. Why not start a medical mj company a real nonprofit and not some fake nonprofit to give out cheap cbd and thc? That would help more people in the long run fuck all this research crap what a scam

Your post makes several mistakes. A tremendous amount of research into the medical qualities of Cannabis must be explored before we understand what Cannabinoids can and cannot do. That research has been ramping up in recent years but we are still a long way from knowing the extent and limits of the plant.

In addition a lot of false DEA approved research needs to be revisited and revised with proper scientific accuracy. An example is weed and driving. This is an item the cops and politicians jump on without decent evidence. The THC limits in a lot of legal state's laws are purely arbitrary and absurdly inaccurate. How much weed does make a person an unsafe driver? Nobody knows really.


Active member
How much weed does make a person an unsafe driver? Nobody knows really.
And there are people for whom smoking weed, even lots of weed, especially lots of weed, makes them better drivers. So.. Yeah.. It's a question for sure that seems to have already worked itself out, just like how you don't often find people on tripping out on lsd, mushrooms, salvia, etc., etc., driving around.


Well-known member
And there are people for whom smoking weed, even lots of weed, especially lots of weed, makes them better drivers. So.. Yeah.. It's a question for sure that seems to have already worked itself out, just like how you don't often find people on tripping out on lsd, mushrooms, salvia, etc., etc., driving around.

i don't understand why they can't use physical signs of impairment just as they do with alcohol IE- unsteady on their feet, etc. actually, i DO. i read once where a LEO complained that weed does not cause physical impairment, & he was frustrated at not getting to arrest people that he knew had smoked pot recently. if you aint impaired, you AINT IMPAIRED! get over yer bad selves, assholes...
Your post makes several mistakes. A tremendous amount of research into the medical qualities of Cannabis must be explored before we understand what Cannabinoids can and cannot do. That research has been ramping up in recent years but we are still a long way from knowing the extent and limits of the plant.

In addition a lot of false DEA approved research needs to be revisited and revised with proper scientific accuracy. An example is weed and driving. This is an item the cops and politicians jump on without decent evidence. The THC limits in a lot of legal state's laws are purely arbitrary and absurdly inaccurate. How much weed does make a person an unsafe driver? Nobody knows really.

and NO AMOUNT of research will EVER give you a clear practical answer, we dont need more research we need it legal.