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cannabis kills 30 000 a year...


That fact is that the statistics show people that smoke cannabis have less instance of lung cancer than people who smoke nothing at all.
It also show that people who smoke cannabis AND cigarettes have less instance of lung cancer than people who just smoke cigarettes.
...so put that in your pipe and smoke it..


Im from the uk and the Daily Mail newspaper is seen as a joke in this country. their a bunch of gay hating racists who enjoy trying to scare britains middle classes. No one takes them seriously in this country and I suggest no one here should do so either. Their the type of people that want us bomb Iran and start World War 3.


Well-known member
what a wanker :/

i mean, if i remember right, 15+ years ago, whilst staying in cambridge for 2 weeks, i used to get mostly soapbar offered as hasj, and thinking about all the "adulrated" buds, that were flooding the market, no wonder folks get all kind of pulmological diseases...

also, once pot is legal, there will be "quality guidelines" similar to other agricultural products... hence no more selling unflushed, fungal infected, "stretched/adulrated", high posphor levels in the biomass etc... -> most of the inducers of health probs will be eliminated from the smoking material :)

ps.: what a tool *facepalm*
pps.: folks like that should loose their prof. title and be shamefully dismissed from the academical community ...