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Cannabis infused cconut oil for Psorisis?


Well-known member
Hello all,
So I developed the skin condition psorisis two years ago. Funnily enough this co-incided with me getting myself together health wise, cutting out junk, running, gym and stopping the three day partying. Auto immune illness does run in my maternal side of family.
Having never had anything like this before I can say I didnt anticipate the psychological effect of having a skin condition. It really gets me down, I have to cover up and to be honest I have struggled with it.

I also developed seborrehiec dermatitis on my face which was a double kick in the nuts (handsome lad that I am :) ) which seems to have been cleared up with steroid tablets and cream.
The psorisis is a different matter and it affects my legs quite badly but I also have smaller spots on my arms and body.
Herself suggested infused coconut oil. I have a batch of this already as I make cookies/brownies etc.

I have coconut oil for my cookies, and thinking would this be ok to apply in its natural form or should I melt it down and dab it on?
I am looking for people who have had good results with canna re skin conditions? I have been down the steriod road and dont think it is along term solution.... I have looked online too and come across a few posts.

Anyway long post, apologies.. Just hit some nice heavy indica extract this morning.. thank fk for isolation...

stay safe.............


I have a thread about Psoriasis here.


I 'm in remission due to Cannabis medicines which in part used Hemp Oil.
I also eat my Cannabis. Maybe 3/4 gram a day in cookies.

For me STRESS is a cause of the illness. What prompted your 'getting healthy and fit'? Maybe there was stress at an unconscious level?

And yes, the illness can be embarrassing! At my worst I was losing a half a cup of skin a day (like dandruff). My Doctor told me his Staff would complain every time I visited because they had to vacuum up the white powdery stuff I left behind where ever I went in his practice!
That doctor sounds like a dick. Why would he say that? That would make me not come back for sure.
I also started a thread like this for my father in law a year ago or so. He got some relief from a 20:1 cbd tincture or cream or some thing. I’ll look for the thread.


Well-known member
I have a thread about Psoriasis here.


I 'm in remission due to Cannabis medicines which in part used Hemp Oil.
I also eat my Cannabis. Maybe 3/4 gram a day in cookies.

For me STRESS is a cause of the illness. What prompted your 'getting healthy and fit'? Maybe there was stress at an unconscious level?

And yes, the illness can be embarrassing! At my worst I was losing a half a cup of skin a day (like dandruff). My Doctor told me his Staff would complain every time I visited because they had to vacuum up the white powdery stuff I left behind where ever I went in his practice!

Thanks for the reply and for sharing the thread, really interesting. My lower leg is similar but not quite as extreme as in your photo. Yes, thinking back, I was going through a stressful time. The partying previous to all this got a bit out of control and myself and herself took a break so family break up for a while. I developed alopecia around that time and lost about 50% of the hair on my head, this is now in total remission.

I went pretty full on on the lifestyle change front at that time. I have since steadied off my exersize to normal gym workouts etc and no longer running and controlling carbs. I guess I just went for an extreme overhaul of my life - which had stress in it, and the big changes I made probably caused my body extreme stress. I went from partying, eating junk etc for decades to pretty much clean living, excessive running and working out and excessive diet control.
Partner often says I have ocd or adhd (which would fit in with a lot of my behaviors as a child/teen etc) but I have never been officially diagnosed. She also went on about me having orthorexia around this time. So you know when I think about it I have always went to extremes which now at my age are going to show somehow right?
At this stage, maybe two - three years since my overhaul my life is balanced, I keep fit but dont go to extremes anymore, I eat well, I hardly ever drink. But the immune response has happened and I know once that is triggered it can be hard to manage.
I am going to try the external infused coconut oil and ingesting which I do anyway. I dont want to go taking any more steriods but I probably will if my face breaks out again, after I try the canna. She is going on about yoga or meditation but not feeling that yet!
It is great you have had some success and sorry for shitty doctors comments. When my face was bad a few months ago I wore a hat the whole time and couldnt give anyone eye contact. I am usually a pretty straight up guy. It was pretty depressing.
Partner goes on and on about 'managing it' however it is hard to not just hope for an outright cure right.
stay safe.....


Thanks for your empathy. However my illness was 10 years ago now and Doc and I were reminiscing. He's a good guy. I haven't paid him money in years because he likes the Cannabis I grow!

When I was sick my Wife left me for a bed on the verandah (porch). Erythrodermic sufferers cannot control their body temperature and I was too hot to sleep beside. Ironically I was dressed in a woolly shirt, sweater, long johns and undershirt, track pants with a beanie on ... in the kitchen at 28C while my Wife was a grumpy and dealt with the warmth of the kitchen by getting nude.

So I was even ostracised at home!

That doctor sounds like a dick. Why would he say that? That would make me not come back for sure.
I also started a thread like this for my father in law a year ago or so. He got some relief from a 20:1 cbd tincture or cream or some thing. I’ll look for the thread.


ICMag Donor
Kidneys? Read Medscape, but other causes, as well. Several different types of psoriasis. Overactive immune system seems to be the link.

The cause of psoriasis isn't fully understood, but it's thought to be related to an immune system problem with T cells and other white blood cells, called neutrophils, in your body.

T cells normally travel through the body to defend against foreign substances, such as viruses or bacteria.

But if you have psoriasis, the T cells attack healthy skin cells by mistake, as if to heal a wound or to fight an infection.

Overactive T cells also trigger increased production of healthy skin cells, more T cells and other white blood cells, especially neutrophils. These travel into the skin causing redness and sometimes pus in pustular lesions. Dilated blood vessels in psoriasis-affected areas create warmth and redness in the skin lesions.

El Timbo

Well-known member
I got scalp psoriasis when I was 11 and it came and went seemingly randomly until at 50 I discovered it was caused by citrus fruits. I remember eating lots of oranges when it first started and I've always loved them. I can have one now and then now and I'm ok.


Well, I wonder if SuperX has kidney trouble? I 'm attracted to what S.O.G says re kidneys because I had a faulty one which required removal. I 've felt better and my Psoriasis has improved since kidney removal.
I think 'the sins of the Father' angle I touch on in my Erythrodermic thread is a possible factor. No one else in my broader Family has this illness.
A Doctor told me current Scientific thinking is that the normal process where a foetus develops nerves and skin one after the other (I don't know which is first) is affected somehow and manifests later on in life.

Relevant to this is that a recent Stress event saw me break out in Psoriatic Pustules. I was given this medicine which bored its way down to my very soul! It was a horrible experience. All my old injuries started to hurt again. My testes swelled largely and hurt like hell. I could not think. I felt un-human! After three tablets I stopped.

I found options to manage the cause of my Stress event and the pustules immediately began to dry up.

I 'm amazed that my Stress can alter my body so easily/quickly.

Kidneys? Read Medscape, but other causes, as well. Several different types of psoriasis. Overactive immune system seems to be the link.

The cause of psoriasis isn't fully understood, but it's thought to be related to an immune system problem with T cells and other white blood cells, called neutrophils, in your body.

T cells normally travel through the body to defend against foreign substances, such as viruses or bacteria.

But if you have psoriasis, the T cells attack healthy skin cells by mistake, as if to heal a wound or to fight an infection.

Overactive T cells also trigger increased production of healthy skin cells, more T cells and other white blood cells, especially neutrophils. These travel into the skin causing redness and sometimes pus in pustular lesions. Dilated blood vessels in psoriasis-affected areas create warmth and redness in the skin lesions.


Active member
I have had psoriasis for years 70% of my body covered head legs arms are bad spots body is patches but recently down the middle of my face. Started to be covered so am taking it bad
Because I can hide my body. I have had light therapy it doesn't work for me. I haven't tried any cbd balm yet all the best.


ICMag Donor
Stress has a way of affecting our bodies, our mind. So sorry to hear those with skin (largest organ system) afflictions. Have had a few problems, mostly Rx related (hydroxychloroquine a full body super rash), or bad poison oak outbreak lasting weeks.

I feel for you all!

Lost in a SOG

Everyone whos kidneys ive treated with psoriasis have seen an improvement..

Effectively the auto immune reaction is to poorly removed antigens from the system.

If i clean up someones blood it goes away..

But as a herbalist im from a different tradition in terms of looking at body systems. Im medically trained but since i dont use poison i can play around in treating people and i was taught to treat the kidneys for psoriasis and it almost always works.

The cause i assume and have been taught is dirty blood.

Honestly its a conspiracy how much people are killing their kidneys on mass.. and what man made meds do to the kidneys, which after all have to clean your blood, with your liver.

Also there is 7000 years of anecdotal traditional medicine linking kidneys and skin.. but the dont say that on medscape of course lol

Support your elimination pathways and youll have cleaner blood.


Well-known member
Thanks for all the replies. Have been reading some double blind studies which dispute the direct link from kidneys to psorisis. Ofcourse if you have kidneys problems the immune system will kick. I will get my kidneys checked out once virus is over. Last time I had a full check up my kidney function had no issues but worth looking at again, as is anything.
The citrus is interesting! Maybe I need to stay away form the citric acid when I am doing the ph :) I have been considering doing an elimination diet in order to maybe see am I reacting badly to something I am eating or if it makes it flare up. Elimination diets are long and ardious though so will have to see.
As I said auto immune issues run in my paternal side - I do believe that this , along with my one alopecia , while a reaction to stress, was already inherent in my genes. I do not believe they are a direct cause of one organ or system failing but I see how this can be case for some.
As for the face being afflicted, it is really tough and I went for the full steriod for that. It cleared it up and it has not been back.
I am seeing some tiny improvement in my legs just using coconut oil and will begin using infused oil from tonight so will keep you updated.
It is a nice day to be hazed out!
Stay safe

El Timbo

Well-known member
I think experimenting with diet is worth a try - have a look at Chris Kresser's 30 day protocol for auto immune issues.
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I would not think that my having Psoriasis is due to a faulty kidney because I first manifested Psoriasis when I was 12 years old. But only the 'plaque' type of the disease on my elbows, in scalp, etc.
I was in my 60's when I was smitten (yep, it was almost a religious experience ie hellish!) by the Erythrodermic version of the disease. By that time I had a very bad kidney indeed.

UNLESS ... the Doctor who removed the kidney said it had been diseased '... for a very long time'. (The cancer was a growth on the outside of the kidney which typically is Lasered off. Mine had remained un-diagnosed.) So perhaps there is kidney disease in my genes altho I know of no other family sufferer.

As I said auto immune issues run in my paternal side - I do believe that this , along with my one alopecia , while a reaction to stress, was already inherent in my genes. I do not believe they are a direct cause of one organ or system failing but I see how this can be case for some.
It is a nice day to be hazed out!
Stay safe

Lost in a SOG

It could also be liver function. But genetic predisposition.

Still supporting elimination pathways have a great result on skin..

Often it would be described as heat in the blood, because after all the body is attacking itself, a clear way to support the body through such stress is to try and be clean in someways like:

• making sure you are opening your bowels around twice a day if possible.

• stop eating pro inflammatory foods that cause the body to attack itself, dairy is a big one for many, its mucous forming and causes autoimmune issues. Also constipation and or leaky gut which is so very common also mean more toxins get into the blood directly.

• excercise and clean water to keep the lungs and skin clearing toxins.

• the other point is that it may come back to the liver. Overall it detoxifies your body and when it starts to struggle the pressure goes onto the other elimination pathways which is possibly also why supporting the kidneys in these diseases is beneficial to most if not all..

These are very common reasons why people end up with bad skin. In our teen years poor liver hormone clearance is the reason for eruptions.. also teenage diet has so little fibre too much oestrogen gets reabsorbed and just builds up.

There are many herbal alteratives that can help.

This all said if you get a genetic test that allows you to see your liver enzyme pathways that may also explain why but in all cases your body wants some support and there are many options to try.

I might also suggest trying astragalus membranaceus tincture as well.

Sorry im waffling, its easier when i can see a person to figure out what i most suspect is causing their disease.

In some cases ive just told a person to cut alcohol/coffee and dairy and swap in water and seen it go away. Sorry to waffle, best of luck.
My empathy to all who suffer. Lots of knowledge in this thread. The human body and dynamic interaction of all its systems is mind blowingly overwhelming

I have had eczema develop on my cheek and eyebrow. From my experience it appears to be food and digestion related. I Have gone for a live blood cell microscopy and was satisfied with the information I gained (dehydration of some cells and undigested protein) . I try to live as proactive of a lifestyle as possible and have come to the conclusion that I should eat only when unbearablly hungry and chew well along with lots of water.. I'm going to throw money at going for a Rocky mountain allergy test to see what info I can gain there.

I have noticed I have to be careful about how much protein I consume and what my body does with it through asmetabolism.

My cheek and eyebrow still flake and weep, I truly empathize and hope we can all find a way to be healthier together


Active member
Hi there,

yes def can be VERY helpful for your condition. skin is loaded with CB recpetors and why see so much success with skin cancers for example. Also alot of promise for "butterfly kids" that flaking skin disease cannabis seems to help substantially for them.

I made lotion for a lady who was on dialysis for 17 years and got the dreaded itch which then got sores from. only think that helped her and she tried EVERYTHING!

That being said yes use topically! also will notice a huge difference by taking DHA aka OMEGAS if take them for 2 weeks consistently you will notice a difference! also magnesium vitamin A and Vitamin D may be worth trying out.

but certainly dissolve some hash in olive oil and rub on affected spots! also can add oil to a lotion however want to keep it relatively strong. may want to even cover if use a very strong mixture to allow to really work while you sleep for example.

let us know how it turns out ! I am confident you will get some relief!