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cannabis heaven , growing in the tropics ..



hey buzz bob , no that s closer to the camp , and as they say they are amazing workers gathering mulch ,, this one has a mound around a mtre and a half high mayb e more and several across .... they arent allowed in the garden , and theres a fence aswell as being electified to keep the nasties out , doesnt seem to stop the butterflies and moths eggs / caterpiller s ,, something i need to work on ..
kgb .. yes it is in the rainforest , just a cleared area of it , the red volcanic soil added with a few million years of leaf mulch makes for great gardening , we wont even mention the sun intensity .. hehehe ...
cheers to all ....


beautiful beautiful beautiful is all I can say...great job Wally, your plants are loving you for it, and it shows!


Duck man!

Duck man!


just planted your beans all ten popped lookin good and strong!!
Be updating in here soon this fall so keep lookin for me bud ok!!


sure mate , but i warn you our prime minister is a wanker too ... heres a nice something a mate wrote me after trying some nice gunga ...

From/ Sayings of the Prophet ABU Jamaicamull
(Church of the Latter Day Mindbenders)
(1st Millenium)

It is said in the holy texts of
" Bringabongalong "
That he, who brings dried flowers, fresh socks, happiness and fragrant clouds of smoke, and th e means of cosmic liftoff......
Will be favoured by the funky gods of Ganga.

He will be offered ALL the good shit in the kingdom.

Beautiful ornamented devices for smoking
And temple dancers to assist............
Along with tasteful psychedelic lighting
And loud music.........

He and his children, and his chidren's children,
will be thrice blessed and have holidays in Jamaica....

May your camels fart discreetly,
may your back never sprout hairs,
& may your armpits never be infested !!


**May your camels fart discreetly**

Im howling over here trying not to wake my wife up.
:bashhead: :spank: :canabis:

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I deffo like the part about the temple dancers, maybe u read it wrong, to my mind it should read 10 pole dancers, hahahaha


hey guys ,thought youd like an update , oh and bartender the camera is an olympus e20 p , slr , very nice camera and fairly easy to use .... first is the big volunteer sative , reaching up to round the 7 ft mark now , the rest of the patch is a sea of green now ranging from 3-6 feet tall ...



I would have sugested that the time of the year is a little off for growing.Shortness in growth before budding suggests this ,also the purpleling of budds would also suggest a simular patern.
Am i anywhere near the mark ,please dont take offence just an observation.
Nice patch of soil there looks great.


Jacks non betta said:
I would have sugested that the time of the year is a little off for growing.Shortness in growth before budding suggests this ,also the purpleling of budds would also suggest a simular patern.
Am i anywhere near the mark ,please dont take offence just an observation.
Nice patch of soil there looks great.
what we are seeing is a few months , from winter , through to the "summer , if you can call it that in the tropics " more the longer season here ... light , day hours are short , to just over 11 hours short est day , there fore flowering is quick , with little to no veging , longest hours would be 13.5 at best ... strains like cindy , skunk etc , will flower any time of year here


Basement Garden Gnome
So you went and bought that 600 Acres did you Wally?
Hemmmmm 00420 and Me was wanting that, looking for renters?
Of course I jest, but with 3 water falls we'd never have an excuse for not showering.
Grow on
I wasn't aware the the days were that short wally. I do remember someone from Down Under (maybe you) telling IC that you could grow some/most strains all year long. So Jack and I got schooled on something. What a bonus. A day of no learning is a wasted day. Maybe we should call Wally "Professor Duck". Keep up the good growing/breeding. Peace Herb

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